Simply put, foreign brands, technology accumulation is relatively good quality, which is especially reflected in the 100kva above the big machine inside, basically in the monopoly position. Battery accessories selection is more stringent, the distribution board is also very accurate, the corresponding price will be much more expensive.
Domestic brands started late technical precipitation time is not long due to the need for competition often take the form of low prices to occupy the low-end market (which is also a common strategy for domestic brands) ups itself is not a complex structure, especially 1-10kva small machine casually pull a small workshop can be produced in the south of a number of cities, such as zhuhai, shenzhen, such a labeling workshop can be seen everywhere. This has caused extreme confusion in the domestic ups market quality levels are not uniform. As ups very important accessories battery, the market is more chaotic than the ups, brand countless refurbished everywhere. Of course, this is not to say that there is no good. The company's products have been widely recognized as the best in the industry, and the company's products have been widely recognized as the best in the industry, and the company's products have been widely recognized as the best in the industry.
This is a generalization in fact, what content is not mentioned, after dinner talk on the good. Oh, I'm in the business