After-tax income of 3,500 is not quite human, but it is definitely the median level of Chinese people. We have to realize that the various average income figures published in official statistics are all pre-tax incomes. But if you want to calculate the five insurance and one gold, enterprises need to pay 1150 yuan / month, individuals pay 380 yuan / month, provident fund units and individuals have to pay 400 yuan, so to 3500, pre-tax income is: 3500 + 1150 + 380 + 800 = 5830 yuan (calculated from the Internet).
But we have to realize that many companies do not even pay the five insurance premiums, or even pay the minimum level, or only pay one or two hundred. So overall, we estimate that the official statistics of pre-tax income is around 3,000-4,000 yuan. 2019 per capita income of Chinese residents is about 34,100 yuan, which is roughly equivalent to a monthly income of 2,800 yuan (pre-tax), which basically meets my statement.
Chinese people currently number 1.4 billion and arrive at 3,500, which is really a little ahead of the median.
So why does not having a monthly income of 3500 make people feel inferior and less than human?
I come from a journalism background and understand this very well.
First of all, we have to understand that there is a significant portion of society that is absolutely out of touch online.2019 survey report shows that about 541 million Chinese people have not touched the Internet at all in six months, including all devices that can connect to the Internet such as cell phones and computers, and this does not include a significant number of people who have been on the Internet only a few times in six months. Another figure shows that the number of Internet users in China reached 829 million in 2019, and the Internet penetration rate was only 59.6 percent!
That is, what you see online? The vast majority? phenomenon, is not the vast majority of the phenomenon at all, at least, you don't count these 500-600 million Chinese people.
Second, the development of the Internet has exacerbated the imbalance of people in less developed regions. China has basically made the whole country connected to the Internet, and the lives of the richest group of people have impacted the minds of people in less developed areas through the Internet. According to various figures, although we have basically realized the poverty alleviation, but meet the basic food will not starve, people are bound to compare with each other, and in this comparison of failure, it is the vast majority of people, and they are silent on the network, do not hold the right to speak, so it is bound to give the group of 3500 monthly income a kind of ? I am a very few? I'm a very small minority. I am poor? The psychological implication of this is that they are in the minority, and that they are poor.
Related to the topic of monthly income of 3500, there is also the issue of education. Weibo per capita 211, Zhihu per capita 985, this kind of topic is common, in fact, it is just that these high degrees are more likely to attract people's attention and good sense of reasoning, it does not mean that their numbers are superior in China. According to the 2019 Netizen Education Survey, more than 70% of China's education is only junior high school.
Even if you take that survey and narrow it down to the post-95s (the data I've seen is from '98), the vast majority of people are only educated to middle school and junior college. The vast majority of Chinese high schools don't necessarily produce a single book student or even a bachelor's degree student in a single grade. My high school is a municipal high school on the southeast coast, located in the city, but only one person in 3 liberal arts classes slightly over the undergraduate line, I entered a second-born school in Henan with the top score in the class, and there were only 5 students in the class over the undergraduate line, and the vast majority of the students go to junior colleges. (
In short, an after-tax income of 3500 is the same as studying a college or junior college, which is actually statistically the normal standard of living for the vast majority of people, and this is a purely objective analysis.