The landlord is not willing to rent the house to medical institutions or doctors, mainly for the following considerations:
Housing use restriction: According to the "People's Republic of China*** and the State Urban Real Estate Management Law", the house must be used in accordance with the planned use. Some houses in residential areas are planned for residential use, not commercial or medical use. As a result, landlords are concerned that renting their homes to medical organizations would violate laws and regulations.
Liability and risk: Medical institutions may incur risks such as medical disputes and accidents during their operations. Landlords are worried that they will be involved in legal disputes or even liable for damages due to these risks after renting their houses to medical organizations.
Housing value and maintenance: Landlords are concerned that medical organizations may cause damage to the structure and facilities of the housing in the course of using the housing, which may affect the value of the housing and its future rental or sale. Medical equipment limitations: Medical equipment usually requires specific space and facilities, such as operating rooms, examination rooms, drug storage areas, etc., which may be beyond the condition and capacity of general housing.
Special Safety Requirements: Medical equipment and technology often require special fire and safety regulations, which may be difficult for landlords to meet or create additional liability.
Noise and pollution: the operation of medical equipment may generate noise and pollution which may affect the quality of life of the surrounding residents, and therefore the landlord may be concerned about adverse effects on the surrounding environment and residents.
Regulatory restrictions: Certain areas may have regulations restricting the renting of housing for medical purposes, and these regulations may restrict landlords from renting to medical facilities.
Economic considerations: renting to a medical facility may involve higher rents and fees, which landlords may not consider to be in their financial interest.
In summary, reasons why houses are reluctant to be rented to doctors for medical purposes may include factors such as medical equipment restrictions, special safety requirements, noise and pollution, regulatory restrictions, and financial considerations.
In summary:
Landlords are reluctant to rent a house to a medical facility or doctor for medical use primarily because of legal and regulatory restrictions, liability risks, and concerns about the value and maintenance of the home. In order to avoid potential legal disputes and liability, landlords will be more careful in choosing tenants when renting out their homes.
Legal basis:
Article 54 of the Urban Real Estate Management Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that real estate rights holders shall use real estate in accordance with the planned use. Any change in the use of real estate shall be approved by the competent urban planning department.
Article 216 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the lessor shall deliver the leased property to the lessee in accordance with the agreement, and keep the leased property in conformity with the agreed use during the lease.
The relevant provisions of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the People's Republic of China: in the case of medical damage occurring in a medical institution, the relevant responsible person shall bear the corresponding civil liability.