Do you have to pay living expenses in detention?

There is no need to pay living expenses during detention.

Article 43 of the Regulations on Detention Centers Detention centers shall establish a system for the management of the property of detainees and shall take proper care of the property of detainees. For the detainees on behalf of the receipt, custody, purchase of goods should be clearly registered, clear accounts. The items purchased on behalf of the detainees shall be limited to the daily necessities of life and foodstuffs, and the price of the items shall not be higher than the local market price.  

Detention centers shall inspect and register the property transmitted or mailed by the detainee's relatives and friends. Necessities of life shall be transferred to the detainee, cash shall be kept in the custody of the detention center, and non-necessities of life shall not be received or shall be kept in the custody of the detention center.  

Article 44: Detention centers shall provide detainees with food and drink in accordance with the prescribed standards, and shall respect their national dietary habits.  

Article 45 A detention center shall ensure that detainees have no less than two hours of outdoor activity in the detention room each day.



There must be special circumstances for detention for more than three days, and there is no specific provision in the law as to what constitutes special circumstances. The general understanding is that the investigation is underway and the evidence is not yet available.

Extension of the detention period requires the approval of the Director of Public Security. It is not necessary to extend the period by four days, the public security director can only authorize an extension of one or two days, but not more than four days at the most.

When the Criminal Procedure Law was revised in 1979, the delegates recognized that there were some special cases in which the Public Security Bureau could not complete the investigation and collection of evidence in 3-7 days, and therefore added an article "for roving crimes, gangs, and multiple crimes can be extended to 30 days. ".

The public security chief approved the extension of the detention period to 30 people, limited to the three cases of roving crimes, gang crimes and multiple crimes.

No matter what the case, if no evidence of the crime has been obtained at the end of 30 days, the public security authorities must release the person.

The task of the public security organs should be arrested and reported to the Procuratorate for approval, the Procuratorate shall, within seven days, make a decision to approve or disapprove. Waiting for the Procuratorate's approval period, the detainee continues to be held in custody.

According to the above provisions, criminal detention without special circumstances shall not exceed 3 days, special circumstances can be extended but shall not exceed 30 days, waiting for the approval of arrest shall not exceed 7 days. The maximum period of detention is 37 days.

Baidu including - Detention Center Regulations