What is millimeter wave? What are the applications?

Everyone is familiar with radar. Needless to say, the application of airplanes and ships has gradually entered people's lives. Through the integration of artificial intelligence technology, radar has become more "intelligent", and smart wear, drones, car blind spot detection and so on are all familiar applications.

Radar uses electromagnetic waves, which are alternating electromagnetic fields and propagate in free space. The alternating frequency of this electromagnetic field determines the basic characteristics of radar. The radio used in AM and FM broadcasting is in the frequency band below 300GHz, while the microwave frequency band is the main frequency band used in communication and radar, and the frequency band of 30-300GHz is called millimeter wave.

Compared with infrared, laser, television and other optical seekers, millimeter wave seeker has a strong ability to penetrate fog, smoke and dust, and has the characteristics of all-weather (except rainy days). In addition, millimeter wave seeker is superior to other microwave seekers in absolute accuracy, directivity and stability.

Sensor comparison

Combining radar with millimeter wave, millimeter wave radar becomes a magical solar Sheng Da. Smart office, smart home, smart home appliances, amusement equipment, smart lighting, smart bathroom, transportation, security and nursing can all see the powerful skills of millimeter wave radar.