Shanghai Jiu Tian Automation Equipment Co.

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Company Profile:

Shanghai Jiu Tian Automation Equipment Co. 12-09, the registered capital of 300.00 million yuan, the legal representative is Shi Xiaohui, the company's address is China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Sunqiao Road, No. 999, Building 1, Room 212, Unified Social Credit Code and Tax ID 91310000586817527D, industry is other mechanical equipment and electronic products wholesale, the registration authority is the Pilot Free Trade Zone, Market Supervision Bureau. Business scope is engaged in the field of intelligent technology, technical consulting, technical services, technology development, technology transfer, instrumentation, rubber and plastic products, electronic components, electronic products, electromechanical products, machinery and accessories, clean room equipment, wires and cables, fasteners, cultural and office supplies, office equipment, household electrical appliances, general merchandise, apparel, clothing and accessories sales, engaged in the import and export of goods and technology. Electrical installation and maintenance, network integrated wiring. Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities, Shanghai Jiu Tian Automation Equipment Co. Shi Xiaohui, the proportion of capital contribution is 1.00%, the amount of contribution is 3.0000000000


Zhu Jianfeng serves as a supervisor in the company

Shi Xiaohui serves as an executive director in the company
