About the slow startup of the computer

Reasons for system slowdown

One, software

1, set the virtual memory

Hard disk has a very large data exchange file, it is the system reserved for the virtual memory for the temporary storage of the place, a lot of applications are often used, so the system needs to be often on the main memory for a large number of data access, so access to the speed of this file constitutes the The speed of accessing this file constitutes a very important factor that affects the speed of the computer! Generally, Windows is preset by the system to manage its own virtual memory, it will automatically adjust the size of the swap file according to the needs of different programs, but such a change in size will bring additional burden to the system, slowing down the operation of the system! In view of this, users should set the minimum and maximum values of virtual memory to avoid changing the size frequently. To set the virtual memory, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties", in the "Advanced" option of the "Performance" dialog box, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties". In the "Performance" dialog box in the "Advanced" section, set the "Virtual Memory" setting.

3. Checking for software applications or drivers

Some programs slow down the system at startup. If you want to know if this is the cause, you can boot from Safe Mode. Because this is the original boot, Safe Mode runs slower than normal. However, if you start your computer in "safe mode" and find that it boots faster than normal, then it is possible that some program is the cause of the slow startup.

4. Too many desktop icons can be a problem

Too many icons on the desktop can slow down a system's startup speed.

Whenever Windows starts up and displays the desktop, it needs to find desktop shortcuts one by one and load them, and the more icons it has, the more time it takes. At the same time, some antivirus software provides a system startup scanning function, which will consume a lot of time, in fact, if you have turned on the antivirus program's real-time monitoring function, then the startup scanning system is a bit redundant, or will be prohibited this feature! It is recommended that you put unused desktop icons into a special folder or simply delete them!

5, ADSL caused by the slow start of the system

Default Windows XP in the startup of the network card and other network devices will be self-test, if you find that the IP address of the card is not configured to set up their settings, which may be the real reason for the slow start of the system. At this point we can open the "Local Connection" Properties menu, double-click the "General" item in the "Internet Protocol" to open the "TCP/IP Properties" menu. Open the "TCP/IP Properties" menu. Configure the IP address of the network card as a value not yet used in the public network (the default gateway is, such as 192.168.1.X, X takes the value between 2 and 255, the subnet mask is set to, the default gateway and DNS can take the default settings.

6. The impact of fonts on speed

While Microsoft claims that Windows can install 1,000 to 1,500 fonts, in reality, when you install more than 500 fonts, problems can occur, such as fonts disappearing from an application's font list and a significant drop in Windows startup speed. It is recommended that you remove unused or infrequently used fonts, and make the necessary backups first in order to avoid accidents after removal.

7, remove the random startup program

What is a random startup program? Random startup programs are programs that are loaded at boot time. Random startup programs not only slow down the boot speed, and faster consumption of computer resources and memory, in general, if you want to remove the random startup program, you can go to the "startup" list to remove, but if you want to be more detailed, such as QQ, popkiller and other types of software, can not be in the "startup" list, you can remove the random startup program. "Startup" list to delete, you have to go to the "dependent applications", then go to "System Tools", and then go to the "System Information", go in, press the "Startup" button, then press the "System Information" button. Go to "Accessory Applications", then "System Tools", then "System Information", then "Tools", then "System Configuration Editor", then "Startup" dialog box. XP system you can also in the "Run" is to type Msconfig call "System Configuration Utility" to terminate the system random startup program, 2000 systems need to copy the msconfig program from XP! 2000 systems need to copy the msconfig program from XP.

8, cancel the background and close the activedesktop

I wonder if you have noticed, we usually have been placed on the desktop beautiful background, in fact, is a waste of computer resources! Not only that, but it also slows down your computer's ability to execute applications! Would like to beautify the desktop, but slow down the speed of the computer, so we need to not use the background, the method is: press the right mouse button on the desktop, and then press the content, and then in the "background" of the dialog box, select "None", in the "Appearance" of the dialog box, select "None", in the "Appearance" of the dialog box, select "None". In the "Appearance" dialog box, in the desktop preset lime green, change to black ...... As for closing the activedesktop, that is to tell you to close the web screen from the desktop, for example, press the right mouse button on the desktop, and then press the content, and then in the "background" dialog box, there is a picture of the background, named Windows XX, that vice is the web screen! So don't turn it on if you don't have a high system configuration.

10, the Windows become more slim

Compared with the DOS system, Windows is too large, and as you operate every day, installing new software, loading libraries, adding new games, etc. makes it even larger, and more importantly, not only its directory, but also its registry and runtime libraries. Because even if you delete a program, but it uses the DLL file will still exist, and therefore with the use of the day long, Windows startup and exit need to load the DLL dynamic link library file is getting bigger and bigger, naturally, the system running speed is getting slower and slower. At this point we need to use some programs to completely remove DLLs, they can make Windows back to a slim figure. It is recommended that extreme players would do well to reinstall Windows every two months, which is very effective.

11, change the system boot time

While you have known how to add and remove some random startup programs, but do you know, in the boot to to enter the Windows that time, the computer is doing what? Or, what programs are being executed? Those programs must all be loaded before you start to enter Windows. Have you ever thought that if you can delete some unnecessary startup programs, the speed of startup will be faster? The answer is yes! If you want to change it, you can press "Start", select "Execute", and then type win.ini, after opening it, you can delete the content of the following paragraphs, it is to delete the content, do not even delete the title! They include: [compatibility], [compatibility32], [imecompatibility], [compatibility95], [modulecompatibility] and [embedding].

Second, the hardware

1, the Windows system to turn off the hard disk DMA mode

Hard disk DMA mode we should all know it, hard disk PATA mode DMA33, DMA66, DMA100 and DMA133, the latest SATA-150 are out! Generally speaking, most people nowadays still use PATA mode hard disk, hard disk using DMA mode compared to the previous PIO mode transfer speed is 2~8 times faster. the use of DMA mode has played a substantial role in the performance of the system. However, did you know that Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 systems sometimes disable the DMA mode of hard disks and automatically switch to PIO mode? This results in the use of the above systems in the sudden decline in hard disk performance, the most obvious phenomenon is: the system startup speed significantly slower, generally speaking, the normal Windows XP system startup that the left-to-right movement of the slide bar up to 2 to 4 times the system can start, but this problem occurs when the system may go 5 to 8 times or more! And when running the system for hard disk operations obviously feel slower, in the run some big software when the CPU occupancy rate often reaches 100% and produce stagnation, play some large 3D games when the screen has obvious stagnation, the above problems, we'd better take a look at their own hard disk DMA mode is not by the Windows system turned off on its own. To see if your system has DMA mode turned on:

a. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management;

b. Click on System Tools, and then double-click on Computer Management. "b. Click System Tools, and then click Device Manager;

c. Expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers node;

d. Double-click your slows down. There are two ways to check the temperature of the CPU. You can use the "finger test method" to test the temperature of the processor with your finger to see if it is hot, but note that this method must be unplugged first, and then connected to a grounding wire to prevent the body with static electricity to prevent the breakdown of the CPU to damage. Another more scientific method is to use a multimeter with a thermometer to detect the temperature of the processor.

Because of the different types and models of processors, reasonable temperatures vary. But in general, the temperature should be below 110 degrees. If you find that the processor tests above this temperature, check to see if the fans in the case are functioning properly.

3. Impacts caused by USB and scanners

Since Windows detects each drive (including the optical drive) when it starts up, if a CD-ROM is placed in the optical drive, it can also lengthen the computer's boot time. So if the computer has devices such as a scanner installed, or a USB drive already connected at startup, try disconnecting them first to see if the boot speed changes. Generally speaking, because the USB interface is slower, so the corresponding device will have a more significant impact on the computer startup speed, you should try to connect the USB device after the startup. If you do not have a USB device, it is recommended that you disable the USB function directly in the BIOS setup.

4. Whether to use disk compression

Because "disk compression" may cause a sharp decline in computer performance, resulting in system slowdown. So you should test whether you're using "disk compression," which is done by right-clicking on "My Computer" and selecting the "Properties" option from the pop-up menu. to check the drive's properties.

5, the impact of the network card

As long as the settings are not appropriate, the network card will also significantly affect the system startup speed, your computer if you are connected to the local area network (LAN), after installing the driver for the network card, the default system will be automatically through the DHCP to obtain an IP address, but most of the companies do not have a local area network DHCP servers, so if the user is set to "automatically obtain an IP address," the user will be able to get the IP address of the computer. "Obtain an IP address automatically", the system will keep searching for a DHCP server in the network during startup until it obtains an IP address or times out, which naturally affects the startup time, so it's best for LAN users to specify a fixed IP address for their computers.

6, folders and printers **** enjoy

The installation of Windows XP Professional computer will also appear to start very slow, some time the system seems to give a person the feeling of dead, logging on to the system, the desktop does not appear, the computer as if it stopped responding to a minute to normal use. This is due to the use of the Bootvis.exe program, in which the Mrxsmb.dll file adds 67 seconds to the startup of the computer!

To solve this problem, just stop *** enjoy folders and printers can be: select "Start ?ú Settings ?ú Network and Dial-up Connections", right-click on "Local Connections", select "Properties", in the window that opens, select "Properties". "In the window that opens, remove the checkbox in front of "Files and Printers for Microsoft Networks *** Enjoy" under "This connection uses the following selected components", and restart your computer.

7, the system accessories configuration improper

Some users in the assembly of the machine tend to ignore some of the small things, resulting in the overall computer accessories with improper, there is a speed bottleneck. For example, some friends choose the CPU grade is very high, but the sound card and so on but bought a common cheap goods, in fact, this is often more than worth it. Because of this computer in running games, play video discs due to the sound card occupies high CPU resources and its data transfer speed is slow, or its no hardware decoding and the need to use software decoding, often cause the sound of the pause, and even lead to intermittent operation of the program. Another example is that some friends of the machine is upgraded, the past old machine on some parts such as memory sticks can not be discarded, installed in the new machine as usual, but because of the speed limitations of the old memory, often so that the new machine must reduce the speed to accommodate it, thereby reducing the performance of the entire machine, greatly affecting the overall speed of the operation.

9, disconnect the unused network drive

In order to eliminate or reduce the number of network connections that Windows must re-establish, it is recommended that some do not need to use the network drive to disconnect, that is, go to "My Computer", right-click on the network drive that has been established mapping, select "Disconnect". "Disconnect".

10, lack of sufficient memory

One of the advantages of the Windows operating system is that it is multilinear and multitasking, and the system can utilize the CPU to perform time-sharing operations so that you can do many things at the same time. But things naturally have their pros and cons, and multitasking can also place higher demands on your machine. Friends know that even one of the most commonly used WORD software also requires the best about 16MB of memory, and run such as 3D MAX and other large-scale software, 64MB of memory is not enough. So at this time the system will automatically use the hard disk space to virtual main memory, used to run the program and store the exchange file and a variety of temporary files. Because the hard disk is mechanical and the memory is electronic, the speed difference between the two is several orders of magnitude, so using the hard disk to virtualize the main memory will result in a significant reduction in program speed.

11, insufficient hard disk space

One of the shortcomings of using the Windows system platform is the management of the file is not clear, you sometimes simply do not know whether the file is useful to the system, and thus the number of files in the Windows directory is increasing, the capacity is also more and more huge, coupled with the software now like to do more and more large, plus some of the system-generated Temporary files, exchange files, all these will make the hard disk available space becomes smaller. When the available space on the hard disk is small to a certain extent, it will cause the system's swap files, temporary files lack of available space, reducing the system's operating efficiency. More importantly, because we usually frequently store and delete all kinds of software on the hard disk, making the available space on the hard disk become fragmented, so the system often does not store the files in a continuous order, which will lead to the system to store and read the files frequently move the magnetic head, which greatly reduces the system's operating speed.

12, too many hard disk partitions are also at fault

If your Windows 2000 has not been upgraded to SP3 or SP4, and too many partitions have been defined, then it will also make the startup become very long, or even hang. So it is recommended to upgrade to the latest SP4, and it is also best not to have too many partitions for your hard disk. Because Windows must mount each partition at boot time, the total amount of time to complete this operation grows as the number of partitions increases.

Three, the virus

If your computer is infected with a virus, then the system will run slower. Virus invasion, the first occupation of the stronghold of the memory, and then it will be based on this in the memory began to endlessly copy themselves, as it is more and more huge, and soon occupied a large amount of system memory, resulting in the normal operation of the program due to the lack of the main memory and slow down, or even can not be started; at the same time, the virus program will force the CPU to turn to the implementation of the useless garbage program, so the system is always busy, thus affecting the normal operation of the program, resulting in the loss of the main memory, and even the start of the virus program. At the same time, the virus program will force the CPU to execute useless junk programs, making the system always in a busy state, thus affecting the operation of normal programs and slowing down the computer. The following is a list of some of the viruses that can slow down your system.

1, make the system slow down bride virus

Virus type: hacking program

Time of attack: random

Transmission: network

Infection: network

Vigilance: ★★★★

Virus description:

The virus can be found in Windows 2000, Windows XP and other operating systems. 2000, Windows XP and other operating system environment to run normally. When running it will automatically connect to www.hotmail.com网站, if it can not connect to this site, the virus will hibernate for a few minutes, and then modify the registry to add itself to the registry self-starting items, the virus will release four viral bodies and a vulnerable virus mail and through the mail system to the outside of the indiscriminate e-mail, the virus will also be released FUNLOVE virus to infect the local area network computers, and finally The virus also kills dozens of known anti-virus programs, rendering them ineffective.

Virus characteristics

If the user finds these characteristics in the computer, it is very likely to be hit by this virus.

- The virus automatically connects to www.hotmail.com网站 after running.

-Virus releases Bride.exe, Msconfig.exe, Regedit.exe files to the system directory; releases: Help.eml, Explorer.exe files to the desktop.

- The virus adds the path of the virus Regedit.exe to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun entry in the registry.

-The virus releases a FUNLOVE virus when it runs and executes it, and the FUNLOVE virus multiplies in the computer, causing system slowdown and network blocking.

-The virus searches for e-mail addresses in the computer and sends out mass e-mail messages with the title: <Infected Computer Name> (Example: If the user's computer name is: Zhang Dong, then the virus e-mail will be titled: Zhang Dong).

-The virus also kills dozens of famous foreign anti-virus software.

Users who find all or part of the above phenomena in their own computers are likely to be Bride (Worm.bride) virus, users are urged to remove it immediately with antivirus software in hand.

2, slowing down the system Avlon virus

Virus type: worm

Time of attack: random

Transmission: network/file

Infection: network

Vigilance: ★★★★

Virus description:

The virus can be found in Windows 9X, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Vista. 9X, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and other operating systems environment to run normally. When the virus runs, it copies itself to the TEMP, SYSTEM, and RECYCLED directories and generates random file names. After the virus runs, it consumes a lot of system resources, slows down the system significantly, and kills some running anti-virus software, and establishes four threads to spread frantically on the LAN.

Virus characteristics

If users find these characteristics in their computers, it is very likely that they have been infected by this virus:

-Virus will copy itself to TEMP, SYSTEM, RECYCLED directories, with randomized filenames

-Virus will slow down the system significantly

-Virus will kill some of the running anti-virus software

-Virus will kill some of the running anti-virus software

-This is the first time in the world that a virus has been installed in a computer. running anti-virus software

-Virus modifies the registry's self-startup items for self-boot

-Virus creates four threads to spread on a LAN

Users who find all or some of the above phenomena on their computers are likely to have been infected by the "Worm. Avron" virus, because this virus does not have a fixed virus file name, so it is best to use antivirus software to remove.

3, the vicious worm Shockwave

Virus name: Worm.Sasser

Chinese name: Shockwave

Virus alias: W32/Sasser.worm [Mcafee]

Virus type: Worm

Affected systems: WinNT/Win2000/ WinXP/Win2003

Symptoms of infection:

-Inexplicable crashes or restarts of the computer;

-Extremely slow system speed, 100% CPU usage;

-Network slows down;

-Top of the list is that there's a process called "avserve.exe" running in the task manager! running!

Destructive methods:

-Taking advantage of the Lsass vulnerability of the WINDOWS platform for wide dissemination, hundreds of threads are opened to attack other systems on the Internet non-stop, blocking the network. The attacking behavior of the virus can make the system countdown and reboot constantly.

-Unlike most recent worms, this one does not spread via email, but instead infects susceptible machines by commanding them to

download a specific file and run it.

-File name: avserve.exe


-Please upgrade your operating system to protect it from the attack

-Please turn on your personal firewall to block ports: 445, 5554, and 9996, preventing the program named avserve.exe from accessing the network

-Manual solution:

First of all, if your system is WinMe/WinXP, please disable the system restore function;

Step 1, use the process program manager to end the virus process

Right-click on the taskbar to bring up the pop-up menu, select "Task Manager", and then bring up the "Windows Task Manager". "Windows Task Manager window. In the task manager, click the "process" tab, in the example table column to find the virus process "avserve.exe", click the "end process button", click the "Click "Yes" to end the virus process, and then close Windows Task Manager;

Step 2: Find and Remove Virus Programs

Through My Computer or Explorer, you can find and remove virus programs. "or" Explorer "into the system installation directory (Winnt or windows), find the file "avser ve.exe", delete it; and then enter the system directory (Winntsystem32 or windows). Winntsystem32 or windowssystem32), find the file "*_up.exe", delete them;

Step 3: Remove entries added by the virus in the registry

Open the registry editor: Click Start->Run. Enter REGEDIT;

In the left panel, double-click (in the order of the arrows, double-click when you find it):


In the right panel, double-click (in the order of the arrows, double-click when you find it):

In the right panel. Find and delete the following item: "avserve.exe" = %SystemRoot%avserve.exe

Close the registry editor.

Part II System Acceleration

Windows 98

1. Don't Load Too Many Random Startup Programs

Don't load too many unnecessary random startup programs when you boot up your computer. Select "Start ?ú Programs ?ú Accessories ?ú System Tools ?ú System Information ?ú System Information Dialog Box", and then, select "Tools ?ú System Configuration Utility ?ú Startup", only need internat.exe before the hook, the other items can not be needed! The first thing you need to do is to check the checkboxes, and then restart the program.

2. Convert the system file format

Convert the hard disk from FAT16 to FAT32.

3. Don't use the background so easily

Don't use ActiveDesktop, or the system will be slowed down (right-click on the screen→Search for Monitor Properties→Web Tab→Website Tab→Website Tab→Website Tab→Web Tab→Website Tab→Website Tab→Web Tab→Website Tab→Web Tab→Website Tab "Active Desktop" and "Channels" options are canceled).

4, set the virtual memory

Set your own virtual memory for the machine memory 3 times, for example: 32M of memory on the virtual memory set to 96M, and the maximum and minimum values are the same (this setting can be set through the "Control Panel -> System -> Performance -> Virtual Memory" to set).

5, some optimization settings

a, to the control panel, select "System → Performance → File System". The hard disk label "computer's main purpose" to the network server, "pre-reading optimization" to full speed.

b. Remove the "Search for a new floppy drive every time you boot" from the "Floppy Disks" tab.

c, CD-ROM in the "additional cache" to the maximum, access to choose four times the speed or faster CD-ROM.

6, regular system organization

Regular use of the following tools: disk scanning, disk cleanup, defragmentation, system file checker ( ASD ), Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre, and Dr. Dre. ASD), Dr?Watson, and so on.

Two, Windows 2000

1, upgrade the file system

a, if you use the operating system is win 9x and win 2000 dual startup, it is recommended that the file system format are used FAT32 format, so that you can save hard disk space, and the second can be 9x and 2000 can be between the implementation of the resource **** enjoy.

Reminder: To realize such a double boot, it is best to install 9x in the pure DOS environment in the C area, and then in 9x or use the Win 2000 boot disk boot in the DOS environment to install 2000 in another area, and this area should have at least 800M of space

b, if you only use Win 2000, it is recommended that the file system format will be converted to NTFS. file system format into NTFS format, this can save hard disk space, the second stability and higher speed, and this file system format has a very good error correction; but this way, DOS and win 9x system can not run in this file system format, which is also said to do the dual-boot preferably with FAT32 format in order to ensure that the resource **** to enjoy the reason. Also, some applications can't run in this file system format, mostly games under DOS.

Reminder: In Win 2000, the way to upgrade the file system to NTFS format is to click on "Start-Programs-Accessories" and select "Command Prompt", and then in the open prompt window type "convert drive_letter:/fs:ntfs", where "drive" is the symbol of the hard drive partition you want to upgrade, such as the C area; it should also be noted that upgrading the file system will not destroy the files in the upgraded hard drive partition, no need to backup.

- Run "Add-Remove Programs" again, and you will see an option to "Add/Remove Windows Components";

b. Open "Folder Options", and in the "Folder Options" section, select "Add/Remove Windows Components", then select "Add/Remove Windows Components". ", in the "View" tab select "Show All Files and Folders", at this time in your installation of Win 2000 under the root directory of the area disk will appear Autoexec.bat and Config. sys files will appear in the root directory of your Win 2000 installation. In fact, there is no content at all in these two files, so you can delete them safely.

c, right-click "My Computer", select "Manage", in the point "Services and Applications" under the "Services" option, you will see the "Services" option, you will see the "Services" option, you will see the "Services" option. Fax Service, no fax set to disable; Print Spooler, no printer set to make use of; Uninterruptible power Supply, no UPS is also set to disable, these add-on programs you can set up according to their own actual situation.

There is a description of each add-in program and its running status; select the program you want to disable, right-click on it, select "Properties", then click Stop, and set the "Startup Type" to "Manual" or "Disabled". "

d. Turn off the Dr. Watson debugger;

run drwtsn32, and remove all but the "Dump all thread contexts". Otherwise, if a program makes a mistake, the hard disk will not be able to handle it. Otherwise, if a program makes a mistake, the hard disk will ring for a long time and take up a lot of space. If you've done this before, look for the user.dmp file and delete it, you may save a few megabytes of space. It's the site of the errant program and it's not useful to us. Also the memory.dmp that appears on the blue screen can be deleted. It can be turned off in my computer/properties


/question/ 1800278.html

Respondent: anonymous 4-3 00:45


I, Software

1, set the virtual memory

The hard disk has a very large data exchange file, it is the system reserved for virtual memory for temporary storage, many applications are often used, so the system needs to be often on the main memory for a large number of data access, so access to the speed of this file constitutes a very important factor affecting the speed of the computer! Windows is generally preset by the system to manage its own virtual memory, it will automatically adjust the size of the swap file according to the needs of different programs, but such a change in size will bring additional burden to the system, making the system operation slower! In view of this, users should set the minimum and maximum values of virtual memory to avoid changing the size frequently. To set the virtual memory, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties", in the "Advanced" option of the "Performance" dialog box, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties". In the "Performance" dialog box in the "Advanced" section, set the "Virtual Memory" setting.

3. Checking for software applications or drivers

Some programs slow down the system at startup. If you want to know if this is the cause, you can boot from Safe Mode. Because this is the original boot, Safe Mode runs slower than normal. However, if you start your computer in "safe mode" and find that it boots faster than normal, then it is possible that a program is the cause of the slow startup.

4. Too many desktop icons can be a problem

Too many icons on the desktop can slow down a system's startup speed, and every time Windows starts up and displays the desktop, you need to find the desktop shortcuts one by one and load them, and the more icons you have, the more time you spend on them. At the same time, some antivirus software provides a system startup scanning function, which will consume a lot of time, in fact, if you have turned on the antivirus program's real-time monitoring function, then the startup scanning system is a bit redundant, or will be prohibited this feature! It is recommended that you put unused desktop icons into a special folder or simply delete them!

5, ADSL caused by the slow start of the system

Default Windows XP in the startup of the network card and other network devices will be self-test, if you find that the IP address of the card is not configured to set up their settings, which may be the real reason for the slow start of the system. At this point we can open the "Local Connection" Properties menu, double-click the "General" item in the "Internet Protocol" to open the "TCP/IP Properties" menu. Open the "TCP/IP Properties" menu. Configure the IP address of the network card as a value not yet used in the public network (the default gateway is, such as 192.168.1.X, X takes the value between 2 and 255, the subnet mask is set to, the default gateway and DNS can take the default settings.

6. The impact of fonts on speed

While Microsoft claims that Windows can install 1,000 to 1,500 fonts, in fact, when you install more than 500 fonts, there will be problems, such as fonts disappearing from the application's font list and a significant reduction in the startup speed of Windows. It is advisable to remove unused or infrequently used fonts, and to avoid accidents after removal, make the necessary backups first.

7, remove the random startup program

What is a random startup program? Random startup programs are programs that are loaded at boot time. Random startup programs not only slow down the boot speed, and faster consumption of computer resources and memory, in general, if you want to remove the random startup program, you can go to the "startup" list to remove, but if you want to be more detailed, such as QQ, popkiller and other types of software, can not be in the "startup" list, you can remove the random startup program. "Startup" list to delete, you have to go to the "dependent applications", then go to "System Tools", and then go to the "System Information", go in, press the "Startup" button, then press the "System Information" button. Go to "Accessory Applications", then "System Tools", then "System Information", then "Tools", then "System Configuration Editor", then "Startup" dialog box. XP system you can also in the "Run" is to type Msconfig call "System Configuration Utility" to terminate the system random startup program, 2000 systems need to copy the msconfig program from XP! 2000 systems need to copy the msconfig program from XP.

8, cancel the background and close the activedesktop

I wonder if you have noticed, we usually have been placed on the desktop beautiful background, in fact, is a waste of computer resources! Not only that, but it also slows down your computer's ability to execute applications! Would like to beautify the desktop, but also slow down the speed of the computer, so we need to not use the background, the method is: in the desktop, press the right button of the mouse, and then press the content, and then in the "background" of the pair