Two astronauts sucked into black hole

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole, astronauts' walk out of the capsule is often described as one of the most dangerous tasks in spaceflight, they are faced with the harsh space environment such as vacuum, strong radiation, weightlessness, and alternating cold and heat, the following share two astronauts were sucked into a black hole.

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole1

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole is false

We all know that black holes are created because of the phenomenon that occurs when a planet is about to expand and expand. In scientific terms, a black hole is a celestial body whose spatial curvature is so great that light cannot escape from its event horizon. That is to say, in front of a black hole, no object can escape being sucked in and strangled.

Then it can be imagined that the two astronauts said is completely false, the light can not escape, people can survive, is it that the two U.S. astronauts are stronger than the light? So from this point alone, we can see that this matter is a complete fake.

Then look at the protagonist of this incident, NASA, most of the universe of mysterious events are basically linked to NASA, but many of the last are proved to be false, these are just to attract attention or to divert people's attention.

So people think carefully when they see these messages and know whether they are true or false. The only people who can survive in a black hole are the superheroes in sci-fi movies, but superheroes don't exist at all, so this thing is also completely non-existent, and it's just a fabrication of the people themselves.

Black holes can't be observed directly, but only with the help of indirect ways to know its existence and quality, which is also a very mysterious cosmic phenomenon. In the vastness of the universe, in addition to black holes, there are many other amazing phenomena, such as the existence of white holes and wormholes, the formation of galaxies and so on.

These many magical phenomena are currently no way to prove, which also requires scientists to explore their own, I believe that in the future a long time these will be people's attention, but also believe that these magical cosmic phenomena will eventually be found. At the same time, we need to note that no matter what the outcome, we should always be on the universe, on the world, on the nature to maintain a sense of awe.

Black holes exist in the end

Black holes are many scientists on the Earth for the super strong gravity carrier 'hypothesis, the so-called black hole, is that this star must be a black, black holes have a very strong attraction, able to attract all things, and even on the Earth's source of life of the light are completely attracted to the black hole

In the whole universe, any of the universe, any of the world, any of the world's most important things, are not the same as the world. p> In the whole universe, as long as anything enters the black hole, there is no possibility of survival, and some people hypothesize that the black hole is the gateway to another universe, and after being attracted by the black hole, there is a possibility of entering another completely new universe. Of course, all the doctrines about black holes, everything is still hypothetical, want to unveil the mystery of the black hole, but also need to scientific and technical research.

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole2

The dangers astronauts may encounter in space are:

1. The sealed capsule or (during a spacewalk) the spacesuit is broken by space junk, leading to an oxygen leak.

2, the capsule malfunctioned, resulting in the astronauts could not sustain life and could not wait for rescue.

3, launch return process, the launch vehicle or spacecraft failure, resulting in the launch or return failure (spacecraft disintegration, explosion, parachute did not open, did not launch to the intended orbit of the major deviation can not return.).

4, do not rule out being attacked by the universe of high-grade life forms.

5, may encounter cosmic radiation. The greatest threat in this regard comes from solar flare eruptions. This is a localized violent eruption phenomenon of the solar atmosphere, will instantly release electromagnetic radiation, can be in a few minutes to ten minutes to release 1020 ~ 1025 joules of huge energy, equivalent to tens of billions of giant hydrogen bombs exploded at the same time.

Protecting your health:

Weightlessness is the biggest test astronauts encounter. Chinese astronauts scientific research and training center space environment medical research room master He Xinxing said, in the space orbit of the weightless environment, the blood to the head, the upper limbs transfer, the regulation of human body fluids will change. Immediately following the cardiovascular may have problems.

In space, astronauts walk not on their feet, but use their arms to float past with force. This can lead to muscle atrophy and also osteoporosis.

During the flight, the ground support team will make comprehensive use of medical inquiries, basic physiological indicators, urine routine testing and other means to regularly implement the health status assessment; focus on strengthening the cabin microbial control, and configured with preventive and therapeutic medicines and related medical equipment.

In addition, this task for the first time to establish a remote medical support system, through the world of synergistic consultation, to solve the problem of astronauts in orbit "to see the doctor".

At the same time, specifically for the astronauts to create a "space gym", equipped with protective equipment and exercise equipment, as far as possible to reduce the adverse effects of weightlessness. For example, the use of a belt to protect the initial flight head swelling, nasal congestion and other uncomfortable reactions;

Through the use of tensile strength and bicycle ergometer exercise, work in penguin suits, cardiorespiratory function decline, muscle atrophy and bone loss and other cases of comprehensive protection.

The so-called "penguin suit" is actually an exercise tool. In the weightlessness of space, human muscles will lose the stimulus of gravity, atrophy. Wearing a "penguin suit" can give a person a confrontation force, maintain a continuous stimulation of muscle strength, prevent weightlessness caused by muscle relaxation and bone loss. The puller increases the exercise of the lower limbs and lower back muscle groups.

Typically, astronauts spend an hour a day in space exercising, astronaut systems experts say.

The ground support team also observes and assesses the psychological state of both astronauts during the flight and provides psychological support. Especially in the middle and late stages, the astronauts' moods, fatigue levels, human-machine interactions, heaven and earth interactions, and the two's interactions with each other will all be observed and recorded with a focus.

Huang Weifen said that during this mission, the ground team provided the astronauts with a psychological soothing system based on virtual reality technology, through which the astronauts could see their families, home scenes, familiar environments, and so on. With an improved information exchange system between heaven and earth, astronauts can communicate with the ground at any time to send messages and emails, and have audio and video exchanges with friends and family.

The astronauts themselves have brought along songs and videos of interest, including photos of their families. After a busy day, they can listen to them or watch them during the hour of leisure time they have at their disposal in the evening. This is also a kind of psychological relaxation

Two astronauts were sucked into a black hole3

What are the conditions for astronauts

1, the basic conditions

Including the political and ideological performance, flight technology, physical fitness, etc.

The astronauts are required not only to have a healthy body, but also to have a healthy mind. Requirements for astronauts not only have a healthy body, good heart quality, and the space environment to have a high degree of tolerance and resistance to pressure, but also have a profound knowledge, superb skills and so on.

2, clinical medicine selection

To check in detail whether there are any problems in various parts of the body, various organs. Selection of astronauts physical examination, and ordinary people's physical examination is very different, to live in the hospital to check nearly a month's time, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, ear, nose, throat and throat a can not be less. The doctor not only wants to see if he is sick, but also wants to find out if he has any potential illnesses and hereditary diseases.

3, physiological function selection

Mainly to check the central nervous and respiratory circulatory system on the space special environment adaptability and stability.

4, psychological function selection

Experienced psychologists will talk to the examinee, observe the speech and behavior, understand the personality of the psychological, but also test the emergency decision-making ability.

5, special endurance selection

Through this stage of the examination, you can exclude people with organ diseases or dysfunctions, and find out the psychological quality and intelligence defects, as well as those who have poor endurance and over-sensitivity to special factors.

Manned spaceflight activities have strict requirements for both the physiology and psychology of astronauts. According to the space mission and its different requirements for different types of astronauts, aerospace medical experts formulate corresponding selection items, contents and standardization.

Generally, it includes basic qualification examination, clinical medical examination, physiological function selection, psychological selection, special environmental factors endurance and adaptability selection. Astronaut selection standards and conditions are basically the same in each country, especially the physical quality requirements are the same.

The United States and the Soviet Union early astronaut selection standards and methods have many **** the same point; astronauts are selected from the fighter pilots; astronauts are selected on the basis of pilot selection; the selection of the project is almost the same.