Book classification, also known as book classification word list, is in accordance with the content of the book, form, genre and reader use, etc., under the guidance of certain philosophical ideas, the use of the principle of classification of knowledge, the use of logical methods, the books of all disciplines according to the content of their disciplines are divided into a few major categories, each major category is divided into a number of subcategories, and then molecular subclasses under each subcategory.
China's book classification is basically divided into Marxism-Leninism, Maoism-Tengism, Philosophy, Social Science, Politics, Law, Military, Economy, Culture, Science, Education, Sports, Language, Writing, Literature, Art, History, Geography, Natural Science, Mathematical Sciences and Chemistry, Astronomy, Earth Science, Biological Science, Medicine, Health, Agricultural Science, Industrial Technology, Transportation, Aviation, Spaceflight, Environmental Science, Security Science, and so on. space, environmental sciences, security sciences, general books, and other such categories.
1. Philosophy (abbreviation: Philosophy) (English: Philosophy, Greek: Φιλοσοφ?α): is the study of fundamental and universal questions. The branches of philosophy include Chinese philosophy, Western philosophy, ethics, religion, aesthetics, logic, psychology, and philosophy of science and technology. According to its etymology, it means "love of wisdom". Philosophy is a cosmology with a strict logical system, which studies the nature of the universe, the general law of the evolution of everything in the universe, the position of man in the universe, and so on, some very basic issues.
2. Politics: it refers to the behavior of social governance, but also refers to the behavior of maintaining the rule. Politics is a process of collective decision-making by various groups, especially for the rule of a political entity, such as the rule of a country, but also for a domestic and foreign affairs supervision and control.
3, the law: is the product of the state, is the ruling class (refers to the political, economic, ideological dominant class), in order to achieve the purpose of ruling and management of the country, after a certain legislative process, the promulgation of the basic laws and ordinary laws. The law is the embodiment of the will of the ruling class, the tool of state rule.
4. Literature: is a language art, is the aesthetic ideology in the discourse implication. Poetry, prose, novels, plays, fables, fairy tales and other different genres, is an important form of literature. Literature expresses inner feelings and reproduces the social life of a certain period and a certain region in different forms, i.e. genres. Literature, understood as a disciplinary category, includes Chinese language and literature, foreign language and literature, and journalism and communication.
5, art: is a macro-concept can also be an individual phenomenon, is through the capture and excavation, feel and analyze, integration and application (the combination of the process of form, the life process of living creatures, the development of the story process), and other ways of the objective or subjective object of the process of perception, awareness, thinking, manipulation, expression, and other activities, or through the feeling (see, hear, smell, touch) to get the form of the display of the The result of the stage.