Chongqing Software Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know that the data show that Chongqing Software Park is located in Yubei District, Chongqing, Chongqing (No. 62, Xingguang Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing), as of now there are 60 enterprises in the park ****, including Zorui Carbon Gateway (Chongqing) Science and Technology Company Limited, Chongqing Dongdian Telecommunication Technology Company Limited, Chongqing Weiyan Measuring Instrument Manufacturing Company Limited, and so on.

Enterprises in Chongqing Software Park have 11.7% in software and information technology service industry and 8.3% in retail industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million dollars include Zorui Carbon Sink (Chongqing) Technology Co.

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