Is a test tube rack a medical device? If not, can I find the documentation? I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I can find the documentation.

The test tube rack is not a medical device. All medical devices in its packaging must have the approval number: X (for the abbreviation of the country or province) Food and Drug Administration mechanical (quasi) word XXXX (X for the year number) No. XXXXXX (for the running number).

The test tube rack does not have a mechanical (quasi) approval number so it is not a medical device.

Not a medical device based on please refer to: "Medical Device Supervision and Administration Regulations" in the "meaning of medical devices", "the state of medical devices to implement classification management", "the state of medical devices to implement product registration system". The implementation of product manufacturing registration system. In particular, "the meaning of medical devices" is sufficient to show that the test tube rack does not belong to the category of medical devices to prove.