A: at the vehicle washing point
B: on the road
C: wherever possible
( 2 ) When the registration of a motor vehicle changes, it must be changed at the Vehicle Management Office.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 3 ) In the cold region, the engine should be ____ before leaving the car, in order to facilitate the start of the engine and reduce the parts of the wear and tear.
A: Add more oil
B: Heat preservation
C: Preheat heating
( 4 ) motorcycle in which case, the speed is not allowed to exceed 30 kilometers per hour:
A: Intersection
B: T-intersection
C: Railroad crossing
( 5 ) The cause of the car transverse overturning is
A: Turning too fast
B: Overloading the vehicle
C: Changing lanes
( 6 ) Motor vehicles must:
A: Close the door
B: Lock the door
C: Close the window
( 7 ) The sign in the picture is a sign
A. Roundabout
B: Roundabout
C: Sidewalk
( 8 ) The transmission of a car consists of a clutch, a transmission, a propshaft, and a universal joint:
A: Drive Axle
B: Steering Axle
C: Axle
( 9 ) A trainee driver is allowed to transport hazardous materials.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 10 ) The sign in the picture is a pedestrian crossing sign.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 11 ) While the vehicle is in motion, the driver and occupants of the vehicle should throw waste paper and other waste:
A: onto the roadway
B: into the garbage cans that come with the vehicle or into the garbage cans on both sides of the roadway when the vehicle stops
C: onto an unattended roadway.
( 12) Driving a motor vehicle without closing the doors or compartments of the vehicle shall be penalized with 2 points for each offence.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 13 ) The sign in the picture is the ____ sign:
A: Downhill
B: Uphill
C: Up a steep slope
( 14 ) The traffic sign with a white pattern on a blue background is:
A: Warning sign
B: Prohibition sign
C: Instruction sign
( 15 ) The sign with a white pattern on a blue background is:
A: Warning sign
B: Prohibition sign
C: Instruction sign
( 15 ) The types of punishment for road traffic safety violations include: warning, fine, suspension or revocation of motor vehicle driver's license, detention. Serious cases should be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 16 ) When a large public **** car parking:
A: can be requested by the passengers to stop in any place
B: can be in any place to ensure the safety of the premise of stopping
C: no special circumstances, are not allowed to stop outside the station
( 17 ) gasoline pumps A: Cylinder
B: Carburetor float chamber
C: Intake pipe
( 18 ) When the overtaken vehicle signals a left turn, you may borrow the non-motorized lane and overtake from the right.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 19 ) When a vehicle is parked:
A: It should be parked in a parking lot or a place where vehicles are permitted to be parked
B: It should be parked on the motorway or sidewalk
C: It can be parked at will as long as it does not impede the flow of traffic
( 20 ) If a person has more than two (inclusive) road traffic violations at the same time . A person who commits two or more road traffic offenses at the same time shall .
A: Separate penalties, separate enforcement
B: Separate penalties, combined enforcement
C: Combined penalties, separate enforcement
( 21 ) As shown in the figure, the stop line is the vehicle waiting for the release signals or ______ the stopping position.
A: Stop and give way
B: Slow down and give way
C: Temporary parking
( 22 ) A driver with a large truck permit record can drive ____
A: Large buses
B: Three-wheeled motorcycles
C: Small cars
( 23 ) As long as you screw the safety valve on the cylinder, it is possible to drive the car. safety valve, you can put it across the carriage, but there can be no rolling.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 24 ) The fuel supply system of a gasoline engine consists of: fuel tank, fuel line, gasoline filter, carburetor and:
A: gasoline pump
B: high-pressure oil pump
C: oil pump
( 25 ) When steering a car, the steering wheel feels heavy and laborious. It may be the ______ of the steering transmission mechanism.
A: Ball pins are too tight or out of oil
B: Steering knuckle arms are too long
C: Steering gear is out of oil
( 26 ) The sign in the picture shows a sharp curve.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 27 ) The sign is a no passing sign.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 28 ) When a vehicle is going straight and finds a red light ahead, it can:
A: Slow down and stop in any lane
B: Continue to drive
C: Slow down and stop in the current lane, and wait for the signal to release the traffic
( 29 ) How can you pass through the corner with poor visibility?
A: Slow down, sound the horn, and stay to the right
B: Sound the horn and stay to the right
C: Just stay to the right
( 30 ) When you see a large number of vehicles overtaking you at the start, you should:
A: Slow down in the same direction, then pull into the lane step by step
B: Accelerate in the same direction, and then pull into the lane
C: Turn the wheel to the left, and then turn to the left. > C: Turn the steering wheel to the left and drive diagonally into the traffic lane
( 31 ) The sign in the picture is a sign:
A: Bridge widens
B: Lane avoidance
C: Narrowing ahead
( 32 ) The sign in the picture is a warning sign for an intersection
A: Yes
B: No
( 33 ) The sign in the picture is a sign for a flooded road or a flooded road. When you are traveling on a flooded road or bridge, you must stop to check the water condition and then pass at a low speed after confirming the safety.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 34 ) The sign in the picture is a ____ sign:
A: Overtaking is prohibited
B: Driving on a borrowed lane is prohibited
C: Overtaking is lifted
( 35 ) Transportation, tax, highway and other administrations can set up temporary checkpoints on the highway to stop and check vehicles. vehicles.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 36 ) The sign in the picture is:
A: Left-hand detour
B: Left and right-hand detour
C: Right-hand detour
( 37 ) Drivers are not permitted to listen to the radio in any of the following ways.
A: Driving with headphones and earbuds
B: Driving
C: High-speed driving
( 38 ) The penalty for road safety violations of motorists and points are implemented at the same time.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 39 ) The sign in the picture is the sign:
A: Prohibition of Straight and Right Turns
B: Straight and Left Turns
C: Prohibition of Straight and Left Turns
( 40 ) The cycle of air intake, compression, power production, and exhaust is called the engine cycle.
( 40 ) The cycle of intake, compression, work and exhaust is called the engine's operating cycle.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 41 ) Which of the following types of motorcycles are not allowed to carry people:
A: two-wheeled motorcycles
B: rear three-wheeled motorcycles
C: mopeds
( 42 ) The meaning of the speed limit sign is:
A: It means that the vehicle drives at the speed value of the speed limit sign.
B: Indicates that the vehicle is traveling at a speed not lower than that indicated on the speed limit sign
C: Indicates that the motor vehicle is not allowed to travel at a speed exceeding the value indicated on the sign in the section of the road between the front of the sign and the lifting of the speed limit sign in front of the sign
( 43 ) If a tire is changed on the carriageway of an elevated structure in the city, a bridge or a tunnel, the driver shall be punished with
A: a fine of 200 yuan, and impose a suspension of 1 to 3 months of driver's license, traffic violations 6 points
B: stranded motor vehicle driver's license, the driver's annual review is given a reprieve
C: the driver criticized and educated, and impose a fine of 30 yuan
( 44 ) Traffic police should be taken to the vehicle of the administrative coercive measures taken within the occurrence of the traffic violation, Driver's license, driving license and illegal device or license plate to the unit to which it belongs.
A: twenty-four hours
B: twelve hours
C: two hours
( 45 ) The sign in the picture is an uphill sign.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 46 ) The meaning of the minimum speed limit sign is:
A: It means that the speed of the vehicle should not be less than the speed limit shown on the sign
B: It means the minimum speed limit of the motor vehicle to enter the road in front of it
C: It means that the speed of the vehicle to that place should not be more than the speed limit shown on the sign
< /p
( 47 ) When you find that another driver's vehicle has a hidden danger, you should:
A: Do not tell the other driver
B: Alert the other driver in time to prevent accidents from occurring
C: It has nothing to do with you
( 48 ) Signs warning vehicles and pedestrians of dangerous places are:
A: Warning signs
B: Prohibit the use of a vehicle in a dangerous place : Prohibition Signs
C: Indication Signs
( 49 ) Road traffic signs are categorized into Warning Signs, Indication Signs, Prohibition Signs, Directional Signs, Tourist Area Signs, Road Construction Safety Signs, and Auxiliary Signs.
A: True
B: False
( 50 ) The sign in the picture is a sign prohibiting temporary parking of vehicles.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 51 ) When a motor vehicle is involved in a traffic accident causing personal injuries that require rescue treatment, who should pay the medical expenses in advance
A: The victim of the accident pays in advance
B: The medical institution pays in advance
C: The insurance company pays the expenses up to the limit of liability for the accident. The insurance company will pay the rescue expenses within the liability limit.
( 52 ) The sign in the picture is the ____ sign:
A: Embankment Road
B: Slippery
C: Sharp Turns
( 53 ) The Oil Pressure Gauge is used to check the functioning of the engine ______ .
A: Lubrication system
B: Cooling system
C: Driveline
( 54 ) A motorist must carry a driver's license and a driving permit when driving a vehicle.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 55 ) The following driver's practice is not correct:
A: Safe driving, regular maintenance
B: Driving fast on the road, race
C: Obey the rules of the road
( 56 ) At night when driving, suddenly all the lights go out, you should:
A: The driver's license must be in the possession of the driver's license.
A: Brake immediately and pull over
B: Continue driving
C: Stick your head out of the car and look at the road surface before deciding
( 57 ) When a non-motorized vehicle can not drive normally due to obstruction, and pulls into the motorway to drive on the obstructed section, the correct operation of the motor vehicle is:
A: Motor vehicles approaching from behind must slow down to give way
B: The motor vehicle in this lane has priority and can not avoid non-motorized vehicles
C: The motor vehicle can signal non-motorized vehicles to give way
( 58 ) In the meeting of one side of the road there is an obstacle, the two sides of the vehicle should be how to drive:
A: No obstacle to let the other side go first
B: There is an obstacle to the side to go first
C: There are obstacles to let the other side go first
C: Obstacles to let The diagram shows the ____ sign:
A: Drive to the right
B: Go around
C: Make a sharp left turn
( 60 ) The reason for a rich mixture is:
A: Carburetor float chamber oil level too high
B: Carburetor float chamber oil level too low
( 61 ) The symbol in the picture is the ____ symbol:
A: Construction
B: Attention to Pedestrians
C: Attention to Children
( 62 ) In the event of a traffic accident between a motorized vehicle and non-motorized motorists or pedestrians, the motor vehicle shall be responsible for the portion of the damages that exceeds the liability limit of the motor vehicle's third-party liability insurance policy
A: Non-motorized vehicle drivers, pedestrians
B: Both sides
C: One side of the motor vehicle
( 63 ) When overtaking on a highway, you are allowed to use the left adjacent lane. A motor vehicle pulling into the overtaking change lane should pull back into the travel lane immediately after overtaking.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 64 ) When the ownership of a motor vehicle with an official number plate and a license plate is transferred from province A to province B, the owner of the motor vehicle does not need to apply for transfer registration.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 65 ) When a vehicle passes through an intersection where branch roads and arterial roads are not separated, a nonpublic **** car or tram that is also going straight or making a turn lets the public **** car or tram go first
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 66 ) The Rapid Disposal is implemented by the City to minimize the impact of traffic accidents and broken down vehicles on the public. The city implemented the Rapid Disposal Scheme to minimize the impact of traffic accidents and broken down vehicles on the smooth flow of road traffic.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 67 ) The sign in the picture is a two-way bend sign.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 68 ) The meaning of the stop sign is:
A: It means that the vehicle must stop beyond the stop line and look to make sure that it is safe to drive
B: It means that stopping to allow other vehicles to go first
C: When meeting, stopping to allow the other car to go first
( 69 ) The sign is a hole sign. ) The sign in the picture is a hole sign.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 70 ) The sign in the picture is a ____ sign:
A: Straight ahead and turn right
B: Lane direction
C: Straight ahead and turn left
( 71 ) When a motor vehicle is in motion, the driver or occupant of a motor vehicle fails to fasten a seat belt in accordance with regulations. 2 points.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 72 ) A first-time applicant for a motor vehicle driver's license may apply to drive a medium-sized bus.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 73 ) The public security organs traffic management department to produce a certificate of determination of traffic accidents based on:
A: the harmful results of traffic accidents
B: the traffic accident scene survey, inspection, investigation and the relevant test, appraisal conclusions.
C: the degree of traffic violations
( 74 ) The person responsible for the traffic accident, should be investigated for what kinds of responsibility:
A: criminal liability, civil liability
B: criminal liability, administrative liability
C: fines, warnings, detention
( 75 ) Motor vehicle license should be recorded in the holder's information: name, gender, birth, age, age, sex, and so on. information are: name, gender, date of birth, address, ID number (motor vehicle driver's license number), photo and ______.
A: Ethnicity
B: Nationality
C: Blood type
( 76 ) Vehicles transporting explosive substances can be exempted from the need to equip dry powder fire extinguishers.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 77 ) A soft stretcher can be used when carrying a casualty with a thoracolumbar injury. Accidents, major accidents
( 79 ) Road traffic markings are composed of the following elements:
A: road markings, arrows, text, facade markings
B: single solid lines, double solid lines, dotted lines
C: pedestrian crosswalks, stop lines, guide lines
( 80 ) Motor vehicles stopping on the way to check the brake drums, hubs, transmissions and rear axle housing. The _____ of the axle housing is normal.
A: Rattle
B: Lubrication
C: Temperature
( 81 ) How to drive a vehicle entering a traffic circle:
A: Counterclockwise
B: Clockwise
C: Counterclockwise, clockwise can be
( 82 ) Vehicles transporting passengers when the passenger needs to
A: Passengers should be given a ticket in accordance with the regulations
B: Can not be given
C: It does not matter whether to give or not to give
( 83 ) Motor vehicles and non-motorized motorists, pedestrians, traffic accidents between the damages exceeding the motor vehicle third-party liability insurance liability limit part of the responsibility of the responsibility of the person who is liable for the responsibility of the person who is not a motorized motorist or pedestrian
A: Non-motorized motorists, pedestrians and motorists are not liable to pay for the damages of the motor vehicle. Non-motorized vehicle drivers, pedestrians
B: Both parties
C: One party of the motor vehicle
( 84 ) The two "quick disposal" methods of the city refers to the vehicle can not be moved:
A: Brake, steering failure
B: Driver was slightly injured
C: Windshield damage
( 85 ) If causing a traffic accident constitutes the crime of traffic accident, the driver shall be investigated according to law for:
A: Political responsibility
B: Administrative responsibility
C: Criminal responsibility
( 86 ) As shown in the figure, the slow down and give way line indicates the position of the vehicle ______.
A: Decelerate to the side
B: Stop and give way
C: Decelerate to give way
( 87 ) The parties involved in a traffic accident can file a civil lawsuit with the People's Court under what circumstances:
A: Mediation has not reached an agreement
B: After the mediation letter comes into effect, one party does not fulfill it
C: Without the public security organs
C: without the mediation of the public security organs or mediation did not reach an agreement or mediation after the entry into force of the mediation, a party does not fulfill
( 88 ) The sign in the picture is ____ sign:
A: prohibit a certain two kinds of vehicles
B: prohibit the passage of non-motorized vehicles
C: prohibit the towing of vehicles
( 89 ) Driving a vehicle, you must comply with the following:
A: the principle of passing on the right
B: the right side of the road Principle
B: Principle of passing on the left side
C: Principle of passing in the middle
( 90 ) In the event of a single-vehicle traffic accident with minor damage to public **** facilities or other people's property, the parties involved may drive away from the scene on their own in accordance with the provisions of the City's "Rapid Disposal" approach.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 91 ) The sign in the picture is the ____ sign:
A: Crossing the water surface
B: Watch out for splashing water
C: Easy to slip
( 92 ) Motor vehicle drivers who have two or more traffic violations at a time should be adjudicated separately and implemented together.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 93 ) The sign in the picture is a sign for driving on the right side of the road.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 94 ) How should you drive when crossing a dangerous and unfamiliar bridge?
A: You should stop and check the situation before passing
B: You should sound the horn and speed up
C: You should use a low gear
( 95 ) When the vehicle passes through a flooded road or a flooded bridge, you must stop and check the water condition, and then pass through at a low speed after confirming the safety.
A: Right
B: Wrong
( 96 ) The age of the applicant for a license to drive a motor vehicle of the permitted driving type of a low-speed laden vehicle, a three-wheeled vehicle, an ordinary three-wheeled motorcycle, an ordinary two-wheeled motorcycle, or a wheeled self-propelled mechanical vehicle shall be 18 years old or older and ______ younger.
A: 50
B: 60
C: 70
( 97 ) A person who carries a person in the compartment of a freight motor vehicle on a highway shall be credited with ______ points at one time.
A: 3
B: 6
C: 12
( 98 ) Vehicles passing through intersections with no traffic signals and no traffic police directing them to drive in opposite directions:
A: Straight cars let left-turning cars go first
B: Left-turning cars let right-turning cars go first
C: Right-turning cars let left-turning cars go first
C: Right-turning cars let left Turning Car First
( 99 ) A driver who is 60 years of age or older is not allowed to drive ______.
A: large buses, tractor-trailers, medium-sized buses, large trucks, city buses, trolley buses and streetcars;
B: three-wheeled vehicles, ordinary three-wheeled motorcycles, ordinary two-wheeled motorcycles,;
C: small buses, minivans, low-speed trucks.
( 100 ) When a motor vehicle breaks down, it must be repaired before it is allowed to drive:
A: Instrument, mirror, horn
B: Brake, steering, light
C: Wiper, horn, mirror