The full femtosecond laser cuts inside the corneal stroma, one layer on top and one layer on bottom, and after cutting, the lens is removed through tiny incisions in the cornea, so there is no need to make a flap. The full femtosecond laser is a safer and more reliable procedure that does not require damage to the surface of the cornea, thus causing dry eyes that are not as noticeable as with excimer lasers. Full femtosecond laser has a smaller incision and easier surgery, so the healing after the operation is faster, unlike excimer laser, which has to take into account the healing of the flap. Full femtosecond laser is usually able to see the world more clearly the next day after the operation, and is able to get better corrected visual acuity. Click to test whether I am suitable for myopia surgery
To learn more about femtosecond laser surgery, we recommend consulting with Guangzhou Yinghua Ophthalmology. Yinghua Ophthalmology is a chain brand of ophthalmology specializing in myopia correction surgery. The hospital has invested heavily in myopia correction research and treatment, and has a series of innovative initiatives in the hospital environment, expert equipment, and medical service techniques. The first to set up 5G Internet remote myopia correction assistance center, so that the majority of myopia patients can enjoy the convenience of technology without leaving home to visit the service.