What is the function of the tower control room?

Provide air traffic control services to ensure the safety of aircraft take-off and landing and coordinate aircraft operation.

1. Providing air traffic control services: The control room of the tower is the core department of air traffic control, which is responsible for monitoring and directing the air operation of aircraft near the airport. The tower controller communicates and commands with the aircraft through radar and communication equipment to ensure the safe and stable operation of the aircraft in the air.

2. Ensure the safety of aircraft taking off and landing: The control room of the tower is responsible for coordinating and controlling the process of aircraft taking off and landing, including directing aircraft to enter and leave the runway, adjusting aircraft routes and altitudes, etc. The tower controller will make corresponding instructions and decisions according to the position, speed and route of the aircraft to ensure the safe distance and take-off and landing order of the aircraft.

3. Coordinate the operation of aircraft: The tower control room is also responsible for coordinating the operation of ground aircraft, including commanding the parking position of aircraft on the tarmac, dispatching aircraft in and out of the runway, and coordinating airport ground vehicles and service facilities. Tower controllers should communicate and coordinate effectively with ground personnel, airlines and relevant departments to ensure the safe operation of aircraft on the ground.