Introduction to Database Systems Multiple Choice Questions (50 Marks!)

1: D. Schema

2: A. No two rows in a table can be the same

3: C. Concurrency Control

4: C. 3NF

5: D. Management of Data

6: C. Concepts

7: B. Data Structures, Data Manipulation, Integrity Constraints

8: B. Applications

9: C. Master Codes

10: B. Joins

11: C. Select

12: C. Retaining a small amount of redundant data improves query speed

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1: A.relationship

2:D.unknown or meaningless values

3:D.improves query speed for the user


5:B.eliminates insertion exceptions, deletion exceptions and data redundancy

6:D. isolation

7:B. relational data model

8:A. does not affect the application due to changes in data

9:C. concurrency control

10:B. master code