(2) If you want to find a printer in a workgroup, you can click "Next" to bring up the "Find Printer" dialog box. Since you are on a LAN, you can select the "Type the name of the printer, or click 'Next' to browse for printers" option.
(3) Users can type in the printer name or click "Next" to bring up the "Browse Printers" dialog box. Here, the "*** Enjoy Printers" list box lists all the *** enjoy printers in the domain and the computers connected to the printers. If there are multiple printers on your LAN, you can find the right one for you here.
(4) Click the "Next" button, in the pop-up dialog box, you can set whether to set the printer as the default printer.
(5) Click the "Next" button, in the pop-up dialog box, showing the user settings of the network printer, click "Finish", you can use the network printer as a local printer.