The E01 code indicates inverter unit protection, which may be due to abnormal current or voltage out of the safe range resulting in equipment protection.
E02 and E03 fault codes involve overcurrent problems. E02 during acceleration and E03 during deceleration may mean that the motor or circuit current exceeds the allowable value, and the motor and related circuits need to be checked.
E04 through E07, on the other hand, involve constant-speed overcurrents, which may be due to excessive loads or control system malfunctions, requiring checks of the loads and control system.
E09 and E10 stand for undervoltage and system overload, which may mean that the supply voltage is unstable or the elevator load has exceeded its design limits, requiring a check of the power supply and load conditions.
Motor overload (E11) and phase sequence problems (E12 and E13) suggest that there may be a problem with the electrical connections, and the motor and power cord should be checked.
E14 indicates that the module is overheating, possibly due to a faulty cooling system, the cooling system should be checked for proper operation.
Encoder-related faults (E16 to E20) involve elevator position and motion feedback, encoder failure or signal abnormality may result in the elevator not being able to accurately locate the position, the encoder itself and the signal processing section should be checked.
E22 Abnormal leveling signal means the elevator cannot stop at the preset floor accurately, which may be related to the leveling sensor or control system.
E23 Short circuit to ground fault is a safety issue and requires immediate shutdown to check the insulation condition and ground connection.
E25 Abnormalities in stored data may affect the elevator's operating data and programs, and could be a system failure or data corruption that requires professional inspection and repair.
Finally, the fault codes of E29 to E35 are related to synchronizer, CPU, speed control, logic error and shaft self-learning data, etc. These faults may originate from the hardware or software level, which require professional elevator maintenance personnel to diagnose and repair.
With these fault codes, operators can quickly identify the problem and take action to ensure proper elevator operation and passenger safety.