Can a telecom room be installed in a residential neighborhood in Xi'an?
We can't install the telecom room in the residential area of Xi'an city. In life, electromagnetic radiation pollution sources are everywhere, there are television and radio transmission towers, radar stations, communications transmitters, substations, high-voltage power lines, and electronic instruments, medical equipment, automation equipment and computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, electromagnetic cooker, and even the subway train can create electromagnetic radiation pollution. National Radio Interference Standardization Committee of relevant experts said in an interview with reporters, the strength of electromagnetic radiation a look at the frequency, electromagnetic waves have long-wave, medium-wave, short-wave, ultra-short-wave, microwave, the frequency of the sequential increase in frequency, the higher the frequency, the greater the impact. Second look at the distance, the closer the distance, the greater the harm to people, especially high-power high-voltage lines or high-power transmitters near the human body by the harm is more obvious, the base station will be built in a more open place.