Development Status of Waste Logistics

According to the source of generation, China has three categories of waste: one is production waste, the second is circulation waste, and the third is domestic waste. The corresponding laws and regulations are: "Chinese People's **** and State Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law", "Chinese People's **** and State Cleaner Production Promotion Law", "Municipal Waste Management Provisions" and so on. Because waste logistics not only involves the relationship between logistics enterprises and waste producers, but also directly involves the relationship between economic and social benefits. China's principle of waste treatment is: "who pollutes, who treats". For industrial waste, according to the law by the industrial sector to deal with their own treatment, treatment costs are included in the cost of production; and for domestic waste is currently mainly dealt with by the municipal sanitation department, the treatment costs are paid by the government finances.

Because of the special nature of the main body of waste logistics, countries and regions have formulated strict laws and regulations on the circulation and treatment of waste. Germany, for example, is the world's first emphasis on packaging waste recycling and utilization of the country. 1975, the German government and industry to save resources, increase packaging waste recovery and regeneration agreement; 1986, the German government promulgated the "waste disposal and treatment methods"; 1991, and formally enacted the Packaging Waste Decree, to legislate explicitly ordered the production and sale of products are responsible for the recovery of In 1991, the German government formally enacted the Packaging Waste Act, which is the Packaging Waste Disposal Act. In addition, in 1996, Germany also promulgated the Circular Economy and Waste Management Act, to ensure the implementation of "green packaging" in the form of law. Japan, for example, in April 2001, the implementation of the "Basic Law for the Promotion of the Establishment of a Recycling-based Society", "Effective Use of Resources Promotion Act", "Household Appliance Reuse Act" to control the amount of garbage, the realization of resource reuse; Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have issued a decree requiring product manufacturers, importers, must be responsible for the packaging recycling and reuse of recycling and remanufacturing responsibilities. (2) Waste treatment means and industrialization of waste logistics ①Waste treatment means

As far as solid waste is concerned, the current treatment methods mainly include compaction, crushing, sorting, dehydration and drying, curing, thermal conversion, biological disposal and other seven. With the development of science and technology, waste disposal equipment continues to improve, the modernization of waste disposal, scientific and systematic level has gradually increased. Such as modern machinery for waste sorting; bioengineering for landfill construction; thermophysical heat transfer 365JT technology to improve waste incineration power generation system to improve power generation capacity; biotechnology for waste fertilizer to improve the efficiency and quality of fertilizer; modern information technology for waste management system and so on. Waste incineration has been widely used in foreign countries, and has become the main means of waste treatment in Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and other countries. Switzerland, 80% of the waste for the incineration; Japan, Denmark, more than 70% of the garbage for the incineration.

②International Trend of Solid Waste Disposal

The current international trend of waste disposal "integrated waste management", is to mobilize the entire population to participate in the 3R action to reduce the production of garbage, the three R's slogan of the action is: ① to reduce waste (Reduce); ② to make the best use of (Reuse); ③ to recycle (Reuse); ③ to recycle (Reuse); ③ to recycle (Reuse); ③ to recycle (Reuse); ③ to recycle (Reuse). The three R's are: ① Reduce; ② Reuse; ③ Recycle. Because of the globalization of the economy and the tendency of social resources to global mobility, it is necessary for the whole society to do so, to reduce the total amount of waste and the burden of urban waste disposal.

③Waste logistics industrialization development

The United States Waste Management Company, for example, was founded in 1894, is currently the world's largest waste management company, but also the only company to provide a full range of environmental services. Services include environmental consulting, construction 365JT design and engineering management treatment, business expansion around the world. Today Waste Management controls: Waste Management International, Chemical Waste Management, Belt Blast Cleaner Technologies and Rust International, making it the largest environmental services company in the world. Another example is Denmark, a country that builds only one integrated waste treatment site, with about half of the country's waste elimination. After China's accession to the WTO and the gradual abolition of some restrictive measures, foreign logistics service enterprises have entered the domestic market and have been increasing their market share. China has been recognized as the world's "processing factory" in the 21st century. Many foreign manufacturers began to enter the Chinese market as early as in the 1980s, opening up their own production territory. The logistics industry has become an important industry and a new economic growth point of China's national economy as a new industrial sector of the national economy in this century. However, the study of waste logistics is very little, which makes people easily associated with China's early industrial development by taking the "first pollution, and then control" road, in the face of the increasing amount of waste, can we make it a special commodity? Waste logistics to take the road of industrialization? This is a topic that China should study and face.

Related data show that more than 600 cities in China, two-thirds of the city is surrounded by garbage, 1982-1989 period of China's urban per capita production of garbage for the 0.4-0.6kg, 0.76kg in 1990, 1999 more than 0.8kg. from the point of view of the annual output, the national municipal garbage production of 6.766 × 107t in 1990 and the annual growth rate of 7%-9%, and the waste logistics to the industrialization of the road. And the annual rate of 7% - 9% increase, in 1996 has reached 1.0825 × 108t, but the harmless treatment of less than 2%, to 2000, the harmless rate of less than 5%. Despite the introduction of relevant laws and regulations in China, but people's perceptions, the sense of responsibility of the garbage makers and the current domestic backward waste treatment facilities and the still unsound system of laws and regulations, the formation of layers of obstacles, due to the long-term decentralized governance, each in its own way, sectoral and regional divisions, resulting in many of the current unmanned waste, unmanaged and unmanaged the embarrassing situation.

China's level of waste treatment is quite backward compared to developed countries such as the U.S., Japan, and Germany, such as the classification of production waste and domestic waste at source, and the classification and treatment of recyclable and non-recyclable waste without in-depth publicity and strict standards. As far as the current situation is concerned, many recyclable materials in the city are mainly recovered through the city's waste collection stations and small traders picking from the city's garbage bins and collecting from households. Most of the recycling departments are privately run, small in scale and with rudimentary facilities, and the recycled materials are mainly stacked in the open air and sold to the next level of recycling department through manual picking. Sanitation agencies, as governmental authorities, collect all kinds of production and living wastes with no use value in the city, and mainly transport them to dumping sites, with most of them not undergoing further treatment, resulting in the expansion of the area of garbage disposal sites around the city. And there are almost no logistics companies that take waste logistics as a profitable service. Waste is not only a threat to cities, but is also spreading to rural areas. Minqin County, Gansu Province, for example, an original ecological environment is very weak place, in recent years, because of the large number of arable land using film cover, the formation of waste plastic waste has begun to seriously affect the yield of crops, the fields of this non-biodegradable plastic can be seen everywhere, this white pollution, the consequences of whom to bear? This is with our advocacy of "environmental protection model city", "eco-city", "sustainable development concept" is contrary to?

While China is a large resource country, the weak awareness of ecological protection has led to serious damage to the ecological balance in many parts of the country in recent years, and the impact of production and living wastes on our living environment has become increasingly serious, especially the collection and treatment of waste in large cities has become a focus of attention. When we are enthusiastic about the operation of commodity logistics today, is it also necessary to face the logistics of waste created by human beings themselves, so that those logistics enterprises can intervene in this industry, so that waste can be properly disposed of, and our living environment can be improved with the ecological point of view of sustainable development. As soon as possible to end China still persists in the "first pollution, after the treatment" situation, the real waste logistics industrialization, reduction, harmless and resourceful! The above analysis shows that waste in foreign countries has been widely concerned and has begun the industrialization of operations. Waste is a kind of resource, but it is different from other kinds of resources: on the one hand, its volume is growing, and secondly, the management way is also different. China's degree of waste treatment and utilization is still quite backward, and there is still a long way to go before high-tech really enters waste treatment. How to make China's waste logistics gradually market-oriented operation, industrialized business, I think that in addition to the development of relevant laws and regulations, the government can do some attempts, such as some small cities to do the pilot operation, the government to make appropriate investment and policy support, so that China's logistics enterprises involved in this industry. As the sanitation sector should increase publicity and more severe penalties, Professor Ye Wenhu of Peking University mentioned the "three life **** win", that is, production growth, life improvement, ecological improvement. At the same time in the development of the economy and improve the environment to achieve **** win. For the collection of waste is first of all a point to the surface of the pooling process, the cost of the burden of the problem, by whom to digest? How to adjust the interest pattern of waste manufacturers and waste processors so that all parties can actively participate in the process, which can not be solved only by mandatory policies, and need soft science to answer this series of questions. In order to reduce China's waste emissions from the source, we should gradually implement a metered charging system for production waste and domestic waste, and on the other hand, let domestic logistics companies see the profitability of this industry. The author believes that China should learn from the experience of developed countries in dealing with waste, because the treatment of waste is also a fairly complex process, from the surface to the point of collection, storage, transportation, and ultimately incineration, burial operations, the need for specialized equipment, large initial investment, long payback period, and therefore require support from various sources.