Why do some driving schools not require a medical examination?

The reason for this is that the students in the application for a driver's license before the medical examination, in the application for a motor vehicle driver's license, a medical examination is valid for six months, if the medical examination before, in the driving school organization of the medical examination can not be physical examination, this does not need to be entangled in what.

Introduction of the physical examination:

Health checkups are medical means and methods of body checkups, which include basic checkups in various clinical departments, including ultrasound, electrocardiography, radiography, and other medical equipment checkups, as well as laboratory tests around the human body's blood, urine and stools. A health checkup is a health-centered physical examination.

General medical practitioners consider a health checkup to be a comprehensive examination of the body when it is not yet visibly ill. It is convenient to understand the body's condition and screen the body for diseases. That is, the application of physical examination means of physical examination of healthy people, is "health checkup", or called "preventive health care physical examination".

Health checkups are used to understand the health status of the examinee, and based on the results of the checkups, it is clear whether there are any abnormal signs, and further analyze the nature of these abnormal signs. Some of the abnormal signs are physiological variations that can be reviewed regularly, while others may be risk factors for diseases that require intervention and correction through health promotion; and some are diagnostic for diseases that require further examination and diagnosis.