Recently Shenyang Neusoft came to our school to recruit the problem.

Neusoft's customized classes mainly use Neusoft's own curriculum provided to the school, and these course systems are more targeted at Neusoft's actual software development positions, and the knowledge learned is more practical. However, because Neusoft has been implementing a low-cost expansion+software factory strategy, fresh graduates who enter Neusoft generally have very low salaries <2k, and more students value customized classes rather than to get into Neusoft.

For this matter, you can look around to see if there are other students who have taken the customized classes, and if so, you can just look at their materials and study on your own, and it is most important for you to learn the technology, not to enter Neusoft.

In the past campus recruitment work, often met Huawei or ZTE to attract Neusoft customized class students to enter their company work situation, as long as you have Neusoft customized class offer you can directly into the final interview, so if you can enter such a company work, it is also a good thing.

Because of the customized training agreement signed by Neusoft's customized class requires that you must give up graduate school, if you take the test then you need to pay the 4k liquidated damages, but it is recommended that you still grasp both ends, while taking the test while reading the customized, if you get into the study, the future development will be better, if you don't get into the study, at least there is a guaranteed offer, and then there are better companies to go to change again.

About the elimination rate of Neusoft's customized class, in fact, there is no must be eliminated from the point of view of Neusoft, they are hoping that all people can enter the Neusoft, in order to alleviate the pressure of their recruitment, if you read the Neusoft customized class, and do not want to shell out the liquidated damages, you can be in the customized class out of the class in the exam out of the very bad grades, naturally, free to leave.

Wanting to enter Neusoft is not a need for a doorway, but wanting to mix in Neusoft to department managers and other senior positions must rely on a doorway, Neusoft is very much a company of factions, the relationship between the top level is very complex, grass-roots developers because of the flow of the very large, and therefore there is nothing to say that factions, the general manager and deputy general manager of the various departments of the Neusoft basically graduated from the Northeastern University or the leadership introduced into the, very few not the NU gang, but the general manager and deputy general manager of the NU gang. Very few are not the East University gangs are still living in the cracks exceptionally painful, therefore, if you want to do 2 years to learn something, you can consider, but if you want to mix up, it is best to see if there is a East University pedigree, do not waste your efforts.

Customized class students into the Department of wages not more than 2200, 80% of the people are in 2000, into the Department of the annual wage growth in 2-300.

Because of Neusoft is a software factory, so the labor intensity is relatively large, overtime is often, will not be given to overtime, but will be reflected in the end of the year bonuses, the general work for 1 year, the end of the year bonuses do not exceed 2 months of salary.

The reason why wages are so low at Neusoft is that there are still people doing it, the main reason is that there are no better companies in Shenyang, but with the introduction of the new labor law, Neusoft's high liquidated damages can no longer be charged, so the loss of Neusoft personnel in 2008 was very serious (non-Shenyang employees), and a lot of people flowed to the development of software in the better cities, such as Beijing, Dalian and other places.

The above, for reference.