What documents are needed to enter the medical insurance

The information required to apply for the medical insurance card:

The first, the unit to participate in the insurance to receive the medical insurance card need to bring the information:

1, the month of the "Chinese people*** and the State Tax General Payment Book" original (issued by the local tax bureau), and its copy, or the bank collection of electronic debit bill of the original, and its copy;

2, the unit's The original ID card of the person applying for the health insurance card in the organization and a copy of it.

The second type of information that flexible employees need to bring to collect their health insurance cards:

1. The original and copy of the passbook of the month's social security premiums deducted by the insured person, or the original and copy of the card payment slip of the local tax collection department of the individual's household account;

2. The original ID card of the insured person, and a copy of the same;

3. 3, if it is someone else's behalf, then the original ID card of the person who claimed it and a copy of it.

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Expanded Information:

Medical insurance reimbursement conditions:

Article 28 of the Social Insurance Law stipulates that medical expenses that are in line with the basic medical insurance drug catalog, diagnostic and treatment items, medical service facility standards, as well as emergency and rescue, shall be paid out of the basic medical insurance fund in accordance with state regulations.

According to the basic requirements for the payment of basic medical insurance benefits in China, the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the insured person to the medical insurance organization for his/her own visit to the doctor generally has to comply with the following conditions:

(1) The insured person must go to the designated medical institutions for the purchase of medicines of the basic medical insurance or go to the designated retail pharmacies determined by the social insurance organization with the medicine prescription issued by the doctor of the designated hospital. The purchase of medicines.

(2) Medical expenses incurred by insured persons in the course of seeking medical treatment must be in accordance with the scope and payment standards of the basic medical insurance drug catalog, diagnostic and treatment items, and standards of medical service facilities, in order to be paid by the basic medical insurance fund in accordance with the regulations.

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