Changsha provident fund 10,000 block how to withdraw

The conditions for withdrawal

Contributors who meet one of the following circumstances can withdraw the stored balance in the housing provident fund account:


1. Purchase, construction, renovation, and overhaul of self-owned housing;

2. Repayment of the principal and interest on the loan for self-owned housing;

Renting low-cost housing, public housing, or leasing private housing in the city and the rent exceeds 15 percent of the family's monthly salary income;


1. Rent exceeds 15% of the family's monthly wage income;


1. Enjoying the minimum subsistence guarantee for urban residents;

2. Encountering the following emergencies that cause special difficulties in the family's life:

(1). I, my spouse, my parents and my children are suffering from major diseases;

(2). In case of earthquake, ice, flood, fire, major traffic accidents and other major disasters;

3. Retirement category;

4. Settlement outside the country;

5. Total loss of working capacity, and termination or termination of the labor relationship with the unit in accordance with the law;

6. Termination or termination of the labor relationship with the unit, and the household accounts out of the city or household accounts are not in the city;


7. Termination or dissolution of labor relations with the unit for more than 2 years;

8. Death, declared dead or declared missing of the contributor.

Note: Contributors are not allowed to withdraw housing fund under any of the following circumstances:

1. Housing fund account has been seized or frozen according to law;

2. Purchase, construction, renovation, overhaul of commercial buildings, villas and repayment of the principal and interest on loans for the above properties;

3. Acquisition of owner-occupied housing by way of gift, inheritance, division, merger, exchange and so on ownership;

4. housing provident fund loans, loan repayment period, there is overdue loan has not been returned or has been guaranteed by the company on behalf of the repayment but has not yet been paid off.

Extraction process

1. Contributors with extraction information and unit verification seal "Changsha Housing Provident Fund Management Center individual withdrawal of housing fund application (approval) book" 2 copies to the Changsha Housing Provident Fund Management Center to apply for the withdrawal of housing fund procedures.

2. The approver examines and approves the completeness and accuracy of the name, account number and other information filled in the Application Form, and the authenticity of the personal identity card. At the same time, the relevant withdrawal information provided by the depositor, in accordance with this method of examination, after confirming that there is no error with the original, the copy retained in the management center, the original returned to the depositor.

3. In line with the provisions of the withdrawal, the approval of the person in the "application" fill in the amount of withdrawal, signature and stamp withdrawal approval.

4. The approving officer will meet the withdrawal requirements of the contributor's information and other withdrawal information in the housing fund business system for data entry. If the withdrawal regulations are not met, the approver shall return the withdrawal information to the depositor and inform the reason for the return.

5. The contributor shall go to the withdrawing contractor bank with the Housing Provident Fund "Withdrawal Certificate" to handle the withdrawal procedures.

Changsha Provident Fund Extraction Guide for Purchasing a House in a Different Place

Changsha Provident Fund Extraction Website and Outlets

Extraction Materials

1.Changsha Housing Provident Fund Developer's Commodity House Extraction Materials

2.Changsha Housing Provident Fund Used House and Auction House Extraction Materials

3.Changsha Housing Provident Fund Guaranteed Housing Extraction Materials

4.Changsha Housing Provident Fund Guaranteed Housing Extraction Materials

5. Changsha housing fund construction, renovation, major repair of their own home to extract materials

5. Changsha housing fund to repay the purchase loan to extract materials

(both need to provide the husband and wife identity card, household registration or marriage certificate (or civil affairs department issued by the last month of the unmarried certificate), the relationship between the minor children to prove that (without minor children to provide the unit to prove that))

6. Changsha Housing Provident Fund (CPF) Rent Extraction Materials

7. Changsha Housing Provident Fund (CPF) Retirement and Other Non-Housing Extraction Materials

Extraction Amount

I. Full Extraction Amount


2. Total loss of working ability

The amount of withdrawal: the entire balance of the housing fund account can be withdrawn, while the personal account is canceled.

3. Termination or dissolution of labor relations with the unit

(1). Termination or termination of labor relations with the unit, and the account moved out of the city or the account is not in the city

The amount of withdrawal: you can withdraw all the stored balance of the housing provident fund account, and at the same time cancel the personal account.

(2). Termination or dissolution of labor relations with the unit for more than 2 years

The amount of withdrawal: all the stored balance in the housing provident fund account can be withdrawn, and at the same time, the employee's personal housing provident fund account can be canceled

4. The death of the contributor, or his/her death or disappearance can be declared

The amount of withdrawal: all the stored balance in the housing provident fund account can be withdrawn, and at the same time, the employee's Individual housing fund account

Two, can be partially withdrawn

1. Purchase of real estate development companies to develop commercial housing, affordable housing

withdrawal amount: the same set of housing, all the withdrawals of the withdrawing person's total amount shall not exceed the total purchase price (excluding housing subsidies), the withdrawal of the amount of money to the hundreds of yuan bit.

2. Purchase of second-hand houses, auction houses

Extraction amount: the total amount withdrawn by all the withdrawals of the same set of housing shall not exceed the total taxable amount of the purchase of the set of owner-occupied housing (excluding housing subsidies), and the amount of the withdrawals shall be up to the hundredths of a dollar.

3. Rent expenditure exceeds 15% of the family wage income

Extraction amount: the amount withdrawn shall not exceed the actual expenditure of the current period of rent; withdrawable amount is calculated as follows: Monthly rent - the actual monthly income of the family × 15%. Withdrawal amount to hundred dollars.

4. Purchase of unit self-built affordable housing

The amount of withdrawal: the same set of housing for all withdrawals shall not exceed the total amount of the total purchase price, the amount of withdrawal to the hundreds of dollars.

5. Purchase of demolition and resettlement housing

Extraction amount: the same set of housing all withdrawals shall not exceed the total amount of taxable purchase of the set of owner-occupied housing (excluding the amount of housing subsidies), the amount of money withdrawn to the hundreds of dollars.

6. Construction, renovation of owner-occupied housing

Extraction amount: the total amount withdrawn by all the withdrawals of the same housing shall not exceed the total costs actually paid for the construction, renovation of owner-occupied housing, and the amount withdrawn shall be up to the hundredths of a dollar.

7. housing ownership certificate and housing location above the county level real estate department issued by the identification of dangerous houses, engineering contracts, payment vouchers;

Extraction amount: the same set of housing all the withdrawals of all the withdrawals of the total amount does not exceed the total cost of overhauling the total cost of the actual payment of owner-occupied housing, the withdrawal of the amount of up to the hundred dollar bit

8. repayment of principal and interest on commercial loans

Extraction amount : The total amount withdrawn shall not exceed the total amount of loan principal and interest repaid within the time period between the current withdrawal and the last withdrawal, the amount withdrawn to the hundred-dollar bit

9. Repayment of the principal and interest of the provident fund loan

The amount withdrawn: the total amount withdrawn by all the withdrawals of the same set of housing shall not exceed the down payment, and the total balance in the provident fund account of the borrower and his spouse shall be retained at not less than 10 percent of the loan amount. The loan can be repaid and withdrawn every year thereafter, and the total amount withdrawn by all the withdrawers of the same set of houses shall not exceed the total amount of the loan principal and interest repaid during the time period between the current withdrawal and the last withdrawal.

10. Enjoy the minimum subsistence guarantee for urban residents

Extraction amount: the amount of money withdrawn to a hundred dollars

11. I or my spouse, parents, children suffered a major illness or major disaster caused by the family life is particularly difficult

Extraction amount: the amount of money withdrawn shall not exceed the actual occurrence of the personal burden of the cost of treatment, the withdrawal of a hundred dollars to the bit.

12. Suffered a major disaster

The amount of withdrawal: the amount of withdrawal shall not exceed the actual loss of the personal burden of a major disaster, withdrawal to the hundred-dollar bit.

Extraction time

1. Rental class extraction time limit

Extraction time limit: can be rented from the full 6 months after the application for extraction, the rental period of every 6 months can apply for extraction;

2. Purchase class extraction time limit

(1). Purchase of commercial housing developed by real estate development companies, affordable housing

withdrawal time limit: limited to one withdrawal, within three years from the date of signing the purchase contract;

(2). Purchase of second-hand houses, auction houses

withdrawal time limit: limited to 1 time, within 3 years from the date of registration of the Certificate of House Ownership;

3 . Changsha housing provident fund other types of withdrawal time limit

4. Provident fund withdrawal time

Nationally unified in the bank for the withdrawal of provident fund procedures within three working days can be accounted for, in case of holidays postponed, directly with the housing provident fund card to the ATM withdrawal machine can be withdrawn.