EIA category project category report report form registration form this column environmentally sensitive areas meaning A Water Resources 1, reservoir capacity of 10 million cubic meters or more; involved in environmentally sensitive areas of other / (a) and (b) in the natural spawning grounds for important aquatic organisms and baiting grounds, wintering grounds and migratory corridors, 2, irrigation areas, the new construction of more than 50,000 acres; renovation of more than 300,000 acres of other / 3, water diversion projects across the watershed transfer; large and medium-sized rivers. Inter-basin water transfer; large and medium-sized river diversion; small rivers with total annual water diversion exceeding more than 1/4 of the natural annual runoff; other / (a), (c) and (b) in the resource scarcity of water areas, natural spawning grounds and baiting grounds of important aquatic organisms, overwintering grounds and migratory corridors 4, new large and medium-sized flood control project other / 5, groundwater mining daily withdrawal of more than 10,000 m3; other / (a), (c) and (b) in the environmentally sensitive areas. Other environmentally sensitive areas / (a) and (b) in the resource scarcity of water areas, important wetlands B Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries 1, agricultural cultivation of more than 5,000 acres; related to environmentally sensitive areas of the other / (a) and (b) in the basic grassland, important wetlands, resource scarcity of water areas, soil erosion prevention and control zones, eutrophication of the waters of the 2, farmland renovation projects / related to environmentally sensitive areas of the 3, agricultural products base projects do not relate to environmentally sensitive areas 3, agricultural product base projects involving environmentally sensitive areas not involving environmentally sensitive areas / 4, economic forest base raw material forest base other / 5, forest logging logging /
EIA category project type report report form registration form this column environmentally sensitive areas meaning 6, sand control projects / all / 7, farms (areas) pig perennial stocking capacity of more than 3,000; beef cattle perennial stocking capacity of more than 600; dairy cattle perennial stocking capacity of more than 600; dairy cattle perennial stocking capacity of more than 1,000; the number of farms (area), the number of farms (area) The annual stocking capacity of pigs is more than 3,000 heads; the annual stocking capacity of beef cattle is more than 600 heads; the annual stocking capacity of dairy cattle is more than 500 heads; the annual stocking capacity of poultry is more than 100,000 heads; and others involving environmentally sensitive zones / (a), (c) and (b) in the eutrophication of the waters. 8, fenced aquaculture annual stocking capacity of more than 5,000 sheep unit annual stocking capacity of more than 5,000 to 500 sheep unit annual stocking capacity of less than 500 sheep unit. 9, aquaculture projects Net box, purse seine and other bait farming, netting, etc. Aquaculture projects, such as net box, purse seine and other bait farming, involving environmentally sensitive areas Other / (a) and (b) in the closed and semi-enclosed waters, eutrophication waters 10, agricultural genetic modification projects, species introduction projects / / /C Geological survey 1, basic geological survey / / / / all / / / 2, water conservancy, hydropower engineering geological survey / / / / all / / / 3, mineral geological survey / / / / all / / /D Coal 1, coalbed methane mining annual production capacity of 1 billion cubic meters or more; involving environmentally sensitive areas. More than 100 million cubic meters; involving environmentally sensitive areas Other / (a), (c) and (b) in the basic grassland, soil erosion prevention and control areas, sandy land closed protection zone
EIA category project type report report form registration form of this column meaning of environmentally sensitive areas / 2, coal mining / all / / / 3, coking / all / / / 4, coal liquefaction, gasification / all / / / 5, coal beneficiation, coal preparation, new construction, change Expansion /6. Coal storage and transportation /All /7. Coal and coal water slurry production /All /E Electricity 1. Thermal power generation (including thermoelectric power) All / /2. Hydroelectric power generation with a total installed capacity of more than 1,000 kilowatts; pumped storage power stations; and other environmentally sensitive areas / Natural spawning grounds and baiting grounds for important aquatic organisms, overwintering grounds, and migratory corridors of the important aquatic organisms in (a) and (b) 3. Biomass power generation Agriculture and forestry Biomass direct combustion or gasification power generation, domestic waste incineration power generation Biogas power generation, landfill gas power generation /4, comprehensive utilization of power generation The use of gangue, oil shale, petroleum coke, sludge, bagasse and other power generation Simply the use of residual heat, residual pressure, residual gas (including gas, coalbed methane) power generation /5, other energy power generation Tidal wave power generation; wind power generation of more than 50,000 kilowatts of total installed capacity, involving the use of environmentally sensitive areas Geothermal, solar and other power generation; other wind power generation / (a) and (c)
EIA category project type report report form registration form this column environmentally sensitive areas meaning 6, power transmission (transmission) substation project 500kV or more; 330kV or more, involving environmentally sensitive areas of other / (a) and (c) 7, desulphurization, denitrification and other environmental protection projects desulphurization of seawater other / F Oil, natural gas 1, Oil mining all / / 2, natural gas mining (including purification) all / / 3, oil depot total capacity of more than 200,000 cubic meters; underground reservoirs other / / 4, gas reservoirs underground gas reservoirs other / / 5, oil, natural gas pipelines more than 200 kilometers; related to environmentally sensitive areas of other / (a), (c) and (b) in the basic farmland reserves, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests G Ferrous Metals 1, extraction All / / 2, ironmaking (including molten reduction), pelletizing and sintering All / / 3, steelmaking