Open Registry Editor, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control, and set WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 1000 or less (original setting: 20000).
Find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop key, and change the WaitToKillAppTimeout in the right window to 1000 (original value: 20000), which means that you will wait for only 1 second when closing the program. Change the HungAppTimeout value to 200 (original setting: 5000), which means wait for 0.5 seconds when the program makes an error.
2. Make the system automatically close programs that stop responding
Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop key in the registry, and set the value of AutoEndTasks to 1 (the original setting: 0).
3. Speed up menu display
Open Registry Editor, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, and change the MenuShowDelay item under it to 0. Your menu will be surprisingly fast.
4. Speed up the ****View
Open the Registry Editor, and change the item "MenuShowDelay" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace" to "0".
{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} Delete
5. To speed up the display of windows:
Open the Registry Editor and locate the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics subkey. WindowMetrics sub-branch, in the right window, find the MinAniMate key value, its type is REG_SZ, by default the value of this value is 1, that is, open the window to show the animation, change it to 0, then prohibit the animation of the display, and then from the start menu, select the "Logout" command to activate the changes just made. command from the Start menu to activate the changes just made.
6. Turn off unnecessary services:
If you are just using WindowsXP on a stand-alone computer, then many service components are not needed at all, and additional service programs greatly slow down the system, you can completely disable these redundant service components.
Here's how to turn off unnecessary services. Click Start → Settings → Control Panel. Double-click "Administrative Tools" → "Services", open the list of services will see, some services have been started, some do not. Right-click on the service you want to configure and click Properties. On the "General" tab, select "Automatic", "Manual" or "Disable", where "Automatic" means that Windows XP starts the service automatically every time the system starts; "Manual" means that Windows XP does not start the service automatically, but starts the service manually when you need it; and Manual" means Windows XP will not start the service automatically, but start the service manually when you need it; and "Disable" means the service is not allowed to start. In the actual configuration, choose "Manual" or "Disable" can realize the purpose of shutting down the service, it is recommended to use the manual function, so that you can always start some temporary services. Some services are essential for WindowsXP and cannot be turned off, otherwise it will cause the system to crash. As for the functions of each service, we can see them by double-clicking on the service or hovering the mouse over the service name. Let's take a look at the descriptions of these services and finally see which services can be turned off (see the table below). For those of us who use Windows XP on a stand-alone basis, we can turn off the services in the table. If you have special requirements, you can refer to the instructions in the table to configure Windows XP services on your own in order to achieve the optimal state.
Service name
You can turn off the service if
You are not connected to a LAN and do not need to manage alerts
You don't need to view the clip pages of a remote clipbook
distributed linktracking client
If you don't use an ntfs partition and aren't connected to a LAN
distributed transaction coordinator
No need to work with multiple databases or filesystems at once
fax service
Send or receive faxes without windows 2000
ftp publishing service
Your computer doesn't act as an ftp server
iis admin service
Your computer doesn't act as a www server
indexing service
Your computer doesn't provide remote file indexing and fast access or isn't connected to a LAN
internet connectionsharing
You're not going to use windows 2000 as a routing server to allow multiple people to **** on a single line to the Internet
ipsec policy agent
You are not connected to a windows 2000 domain
logical disk manageradministrative service
You are not going to use disk quotas
message queuing
You are not You are not connected to a windows 2000 domain
You are not connected to a windows 2000 domain and do not need to manage alerts
net logon
You don't want to log on other users on the LAN
netmeeting remotedesktop sharing
You don't want to use netmeeting to remotely manage computers
network dde
You're not connected to a LAN
network dde dsdm
You're not connected to a LAN
performance logs andalerts
If you don't want to know what your computer is doing every second
qos rsvp
You don't use programs that depend on qos
remote access autoconnection manager
You don't want to automatically connect to the network when the program attempts to read network information
remote procedure call (rpc) locator
you don't need to manage the rpc name service database
routing and remoteaccess
your computer doesn't do router
runas service
You don't need to execute a program as another user under one user
simple mail transportprotocol (smtp)
Your computer doesn't act as a mail delivery server
smart card
You don't have a smart card readersmart card helper
You don't have an old smart card reader
snmp trap service
You don't have a domain connected to windows 2000
tcp/ip netbios helperservice
Your computer is not ready to be ****ed
tcp/ip print server
Not letting your computer be a network print server
Don't want to remotely control your computer to execute console commands
uninterruptible powersupply
doesn't use ups or ups don't support bi-directional signaling
utility manager
doesn't launch and configure utilities from a single window
windows managementinstrumentation
You don't look at your system management information
world wide webpublishing service
Your computer doesn't do www servers
7. Delete the ****health document:
By default. When you open My Computer in Windows XP, you will see some folders above the hard disk icon. These are the "*** Enjoy Folders", where every folder used for *** enjoy documents is located. These folders are particularly annoying and unnecessary. We can make these folders disappear from My Computer:
Open the Registry Editor and remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders. Delete
{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} under DelegateFolders, and the next time you open my computer, these annoying folders will no longer exist.
8, speed up the startup of Windows XP:
(1) Windows XP comes with a service called Prefetcher, which manages the initial (i.e., the blue bar that scrolls at startup) of the programs that Windows starts up with, and which specifies the programs that can be loaded quickly for later use.Prefetcher is on by default. is turned on by default, but its performance can be further improved. Open the Registry Editor and locate in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\MemoryManagement\PrefetchParameters, where a key named EnablePrefetchParameters is located. There is a key named EnablePrefetcher, which in most cases has a value of 3. The recommended setting is 5 - on my machine, it works best at 5. Feel free to try different values until you find the one that works best for your machine. It's also possible to disable the Prefetcher and just set the value to 0.
(2) My Computer - > Properties - > Advanced - > Startup and Troubleshooting, click on Error Reporting, and select Disable Error Reporting and Notify me of Serious Errors.
(3) Remove the "Write events to system log", "Send management alerts", and "Automatically restart" options; and set "Write debugging information" to "None".
(4) Click "Edit", in the pop-up notepad file:
[Operating Systems]
timeout=30 //change the default time from 30 seconds to 0 seconds
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\ WINDOWS="Microsoft", "Microsoft", "Windows", "Linux", "Mac OS X", "Mac OS X", "Mac OS X", "Mac OS X", "Mac OS X" and "Mac OS X". WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect //change default fastdetect to nodetect
Registry modification: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ ControlSet001\Control ControlSet001\Control", SystemStartOptions key value changed to NODETECT.
9. Speed up Windows XP restart and shutdown:
Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to open Windows Task Manager, then select Shutdown (U). Press CTRL first, then press Shutdown (U) or Restart (R) for a quick shutdown or reboot.
10, shut down the computer when the automatic end of the task:
When shutting down the computer, sometimes pop up a nasty dialog box to remind a program is still running, whether to end the task. In fact, it is entirely possible to let Windows automatically end these still running programs through a little modification. Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop directory in the registry and change the AugoEndTasks key to 1
Note: You may not be able to find the AutoEndTasks key, in which case you can create a string and change it to this name, with the value 1. It will work.
11, optimize program operation:
Programs have their own priorities, all programs have to take up processor resources, the processor processing tasks have a sequential order, there are 31 priority levels in the general computer, the system's kernel occupies the highest level, which ensures that the system's stability, and the ordinary applications are generally in the back of the level of the comparison. The kernel of the system occupies some of the highest ranks, so as to ensure the stability of the system, while ordinary applications are usually in the later ranks. There are also priorities among common applications, they are supposed to be equal in front of the processor, but there are some subtle differences, the program in the foreground (currently in use) has a higher priority than the program in the background. You can adjust the priority of the application yourself, open the task manager, point to the "process" tab, select an application process, right-click, a shortcut menu will pop up, select "Set Priority", there are six levels: real-time, high, high and standard, standard, below the priority of the processor. There are 6 levels: Real-time, High, High & Standard, Standard, Below Standard, Low. You can force your program to schedule at a higher or lower level (naturally freeing up resources for other programs). If you don't know the exact process of an application, you can do the following: go to the Applications tab, right-click on a task, and select Go to Process, which will take you to that program's process, and you'll find the process of that program.
12. Optimize the Startup and Failure Recovery settings:
If your hard drive is rattling when your system crashes, it's because Windows XP is writing a DUMP file, and for us, if you're not going to send it to Microsoft (a waste of a phone call), then what good is it? What good is it then? So my suggestion is to turn it off. Right click on "My Computer", click on Properties, click on "Advanced", in the "Startup and Failure Recovery" section, click on "Settings". "In the "System Failures" column, only select "Automatic Reboot", write debugging information select "None".
13, disable the "error reporting" function:
This function can be in your Windows XP error, the system automatically collects some error information and then send it to Microsoft, so that it can improve their operating system (another waste of phone calls and useless function). It is recommended to turn it off. If this feature is not useful to you, why let it occupy your memory? Right-click "My Computer", click Properties, click "Advanced" → "Error Reporting", and select "Disable Error Reporting "
14, turn off the "Internet Time Synchronization" function:
If the synchronization is enabled, your computer clock will be synchronized with the Internet time server once a week, it is recommended that you turn it off (a not very useful function). Click Start → Control Panel → Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options, and then Date and Time → Internet Time. and then click "Date and Time" → "Internet Time".
15, close Dr. Watson:
In "Start" - & gt; "Run" in the "drwtsn32" command, or "Start" - & gt; "Programs" - & gt; "Accessories" - & gt; "System Tools" - & gt; "System Information" - & gt; "Tools" - & gt; "Dr. Watson", to call up the "Dr. Watson". Watson", call out the Dr. Watson in the system, and only keep the option of "Dump all thread contexts", otherwise the hard disk will be read for a long time and take up a lot of space in case of a program error. If you've done this before, look for the user.dmp file and delete it to save a few dozen MB of space.
16. Setting DMA mode for IDE devices:
For some reason, Windows XP sometimes uses PIO parallel input-output transfer mode on IDE channels instead of DMA mode. If this is the case, users can manually change the IDE channel to DMA mode, which will reduce the number of CPU cycles occupied by this device. Open Device Manager (right-click on my computer, select Properties, click the Hardware tab, click "Device Manager" to open), then click to expand the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" branch, and double-click on the "Primary IDE Channel", click Advanced Settings. Check the "Transfer Mode" drop-down menu and set them all to DMA If Available and click OK. Modify each IDE controller in the same way.
17. Remove support for zip files:
This is a pretty good optimization. Windows XP has built-in support for .ZIP files, so we can browse zip files as folders. However, the system has to use some of its resources to do this, so disabling this feature can improve system performance. The way to achieve this is very simple, just unregister zipfldr.dll, click Start ->Run, type: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll and then enter.
18, turn off the fast switching function:
Win XP a very compelling feature is called "fast switching", this feature for many people to use the computer at the same time to provide the possibility, but pay attention to each feature is always accompanied by a loss of resources, if you have less memory with 64M If you have less than 64M of memory, Win XP is automatically prohibited at the time of installation, because this will make the memory has been stretched to the pressure of the memory is even greater, for 128M users, open this function although nothing to do with it, but you are not very much in need of this feature, so it is recommended that this feature to turn off. The method is as follows: Control Panel - > User Accounts, click on "Change the way users log on or log off", remove the "use fast user switching" on it.
19. Prioritize IRQ interrupt requests:
This is a very effective optimization. Every major component of the computer has an IRQ interrupt number. Here is to modify the priority of each IRQ request to achieve the purpose of optimization. The main optimization here is the system/CMOS real clock, which is used by the motherboard to improve performance. First, determine which component you want to get higher performance from, and then find the IRQ interrupt number that this hardware is using. How to find it? Open System Properties in the Control Panel (you can also open it by pressing the Windows+Break hotkey combination on your keyboard). Select the "Hardware" tab and click on the "Device Manager" button. Right-click on the component whose IRQ number you want to check, select "Properties", and then click on the "Resources" tab. Here you can see the IRQ interrupt number that the device is using (if there is no IRQ interrupt number, select another device). Make a note of the interrupt number, then run the registry editor regedit and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl location in the registry. Here we will create a DWORD double-byte value called IRQ#Priority (where "#" is the specific IRQ interrupt number) and set its value to 1. For example, if the IRQ interrupt number of my system's real-time CMOS clock is 8, the key name I want to create is After restarting the computer, you will find that the performance of the optimized components has improved. I strongly recommend using this method to optimize the system CMOS real-time clock, because it can improve the performance of the whole motherboard. Of course, you can also prioritize multiple IRQ interrupt numbers, but this is not as effective and may cause system instability. To undo this optimization, simply delete the registry key you just created.