How about the development of the field of brain-computer interface?

1, China's brain-computer interface industry competition echelon

China's brain-computer interface industry is in the early stages of development, most of the enterprises in the industry is relatively small. Based on the registered capital of enterprises, it can be roughly divided into three competitive echelons. Among them, the registered capital of more than 100 million yuan only strong brain technology (Brainco) a, registered capital of more than 10 million South China Brain Control, Niantong Intelligence, Borecon technology, technology innovation and other 6, the rest of the registered capital of the enterprise are less than 10 million yuan.

2, China's brain-computer interface industry enterprises business layout comparison

Currently, China's representative enterprises, most of the enterprises are laid out in the non-invasive brain-computer interface products, only the brain tiger science and technology, Boreikon technology, and a few other companies for invasive brain-computer interface products research; and in the field of non-invasive brain-computer interface, strong brain technology, wisdom brain intelligence and other enterprises already have a non-invasive brain-computer interface.

3, China's brain-computer interface industry enterprise research and development

As an emerging industry, the technical strength of the brain-computer interface enterprise competitiveness plays a decisive role. According to the wisdom bud data, as of November 2022, China's brain-computer interface industry enterprises, strong brain technology (including its subsidiaries) the largest number of patents related to the number of 88, ranked second in the number of patents related to the brain-land technology is 53, while the number of patents of the other enterprises in the number of 50 or less, from the patent data, the strong brain technology in the brain-computer interface industry, technology advantage is more obvious.

4, China's brain-computer interface industry enterprise financing

From the investment and financing situation, as of November 2022, back to the car technology has the most number of financing events, reached 6; brain land technology, soft core cloud and Borecon technology financing events followed, respectively, 5, 4 and 4, while other enterprises The number of financing events are below 4. However, in terms of financing amount, public information shows that Strong Brain Technology is the only brain-computer interface enterprise in the world that has financed more than $200 million except for Nerualink, which has a greater financial advantage compared with other brain-computer interface enterprises.

5, China's brain-computer interface industry competition state summary

From the perspective of the five forces of competition model analysis, brain-computer interface to achieve human brain interaction, there is no threat of substitutes; China's brain-computer interface industry is in the early stages of development, the industry competition is more moderate; upstream related software needs to be customized, the supplier's bargaining power is strong, and due to the product maturity is not high enough, consumers are not interested in the brain-computer interface. Product maturity is not high enough, consumer recognition of the product is poor, the downstream application area bargaining power is also relatively strong. As the industry has not yet appeared with absolute advantage of the enterprise, the national policy support is also relatively strong, so the threat of potential entrants is greater.

Based on the above analysis, the competition in all aspects of quantification, 5 represents the largest, 0 represents the smallest, the current five forces of competition in China's brain-computer interface industry is summarized as follows:

-- More research and analysis of this industry is detailed in the Prospect Industry Research Institute's Chinese Artificial Intelligence Industry Market Prospective and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis Report"