Eat chicken how to draw

How to draw a chicken is as follows:

1. First, draw a section of the arc, down to the goggles, followed by the brim of the hat. A simple and hard helmet is drawn.

2. Next, draw the lower jaw and the mouth on top. Draw the ears on the bottom of the helmet. When you're done, draw the helmet's lanyard on the face.

3. Then draw a curve next to the helmet, draw the thumb on top, then draw fingers of different sizes on top next to it, and then draw the right hand. Then draw the body further down.

4. Draw a bow tie and shoulder straps on the upper body. Draw the outline of the school bag on the back of the person, draw the belt underneath, and then draw the legs.

5. Finally, paint the colors. Paint the helmet and pants cyan, the backpack and shoes yellow, and the belt and gloves black.

Eating Chicken:

The term "eating chicken" became popular with the game "Jedi Survival".

"Jedi Survival" is a battle royale type of game where each game will involve about 100 players who will be dropped over islands, deserts, rainforests, and snowy areas, and all of them will only have their weapons "fists" when they parachute in at the beginning of the game.

While the Chinese translation is more straightforward, as "大吉大利,晚上吃鸡", it's catchy, and "吃鸡" has become a colloquialism for games like "Jedi Survival.

"Great luck, eat chicken at night" (referred to as "eat chicken"), the Internet buzzword, the earliest originated from the movie "Blackjack", and then It became popular on the Internet due to its appearance in the games "Jedi Survival" and "Peaceful Elite".

The term refers to a player achieving first place in a battle royale game such as Jedi Survival. When coming in first place in that game a line appears that reads, "Great luck, chicken at night!"