How to choose the tariff for international air transportation?

The tariff refers to the air charges between the airport and the airport, excluding the pickup, customs clearance, pickup, storage and various fees charged by the carrier, agent or airport. Freight rates are usually divided into the following three categories:

(1) Special Cargo Rate (SCR).

It refers to the airlines for some specific cargo on specific routes to give a special preferential tariff. Special Cargo Rate has a minimum weight (100 kilograms), and if the minimum weight is not reached, the rate cannot be calculated according to this rate, because it is lower than the general cargo rate.

(2) Class Cargo Rate (CCR).

It is only applicable to a few cargoes, such as:

1) movable objects, boxes and cages containing movable objects;

2) valuables;

3) corpses;

4) newspapers and periodicals, books, catalogs, and special equipment for the blind, deaf and dumb;

5) baggage shipped as cargo. Usually, it is charged on the basis of "general cargo tariff" plus or minus a certain percentage, and its minimum weight is 5 kilograms.

(3) General Cargo Rate (GCR).

If the type of goods is neither applicable to special cargo tariffs nor class cargo tariffs, it must be charged at the General Cargo Rate. It is divided into 45 kilograms, above 45 kilograms the rate is lower than below 45, in other words, the greater the weight of the goods the lower the rate.

The tariff is divided into the above three, and freight is to choose one of the calculation, such as the case of two tariffs are applicable, the first should be selected special cargo tariffs, followed by the level of cargo tariffs, and again is the general cargo tariffs, which is the choice of tariffs of the general principles.

Selected by JC Global Booking Center