Legal Basis: "Discharge Standards for Water Pollutants for Healthcare Institutions GB18466-2016"3. Comprehensive medical institutions with 20 beds or more at the county level and above the county level or Medical institutions and other medical institutions sewage discharge to implement the provisions of Table 2. Sewage discharged directly or indirectly into surface water bodies and sea areas implements the discharge standards, and sewage discharged into sewers whose terminals have been built with normally operating urban secondary sewage treatment plants implements the pretreatment standards.4. Sewage from comprehensive medical institutions and all other medical institutions below the county level or with less than 20 beds can be discharged only after disinfection.5. It is forbidden to discharge into drinking water protection zones of GB38381, class waters and class waters and swimming areas, and GB3097 Class I and Class II waters for direct discharge of medical institution sewage.6. Comprehensive medical institutions with infectious disease rooms should separate infectious disease room sewage from non-infectious disease room sewage. Infectious room sewage, feces after disinfection before combined treatment with other sewage.7, the use of chlorine disinfectant disinfection of medical institutions sewage, if directly discharged into surface waters and marine areas, should be deoxygenated, so that the total residual chlorine is less than 0.5 mg / L.