For a Greener Planet HP's Innovative Technology Promotes IT Environmental Protection

Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a global provider of technology solutions for individual consumers, small and large businesses, and research institutions. HP provides products covering IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services, printing and imaging for individual consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, and other areas. In the financial report for the second fiscal quarter ended April 30, 2009, net revenue of $ 27.4 billion, in the United States in 2009, "Fortune" magazine Global 500 ranked 32. as a globally renowned IT products, solutions provider, focus on green has always been the area of focus of HP. HP is also through technological advances in its own brand products to add more product attributes to be a responsible company.

IT168 Review CenterWith the depletion of non-renewable energy sources such as oil and coal, which are currently used in large quantities, and the failure to establish a new energy production and supply system. Coupled with the increase in global demand for energy, constantly pushing energy prices to new heights. As a major energy consumer of transportation, manufacturing, metallurgy and other industries ushered in a crisis that has not been used before, the IT industry does not seem to be affected by how big, really not. We may wish to analyze a specific IT products to the relationship between the energy crisis.

The energy crisis affects everyone

We'll take the example of laptops as an example. First of all, from the laptop material, the current market sales of laptop body materials can be roughly divided into two categories, plastic materials, metal materials. And the use of plastic material laptop is accounted for a considerable part. As we all know, plastic is refined from oil. If you look at it this way, the impact of the energy crisis on the IT industry is obvious. As an important part of the laptop body, the cost of laptops made of plastic is naturally affected, which is mainly reflected in the user needs to spend more money when buying products.

The energy crisis has created new demands on IT

And for the global environment, the time it takes for plastic to degrade through the natural environment is very long, and in the relevant information on plastic degradation, it takes up to 200 years for plastic to fully degrade. Traditional plastic products are quite difficult to deal with, and easy to operate on the environment more pollution. This requires IT products to produce products, as far as possible to choose can be environmentally friendly materials. If a short period of time can not be realized, you can through the product recycling, the waste IT products recycling for secondary use.

From the technical level, through innovative energy-saving technology to achieve power saving is also a new requirement for IT products. For example, IT products through the latest technology to reduce power consumption of the original product to save valuable electricity. This ultimately reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the energy production process.

HP accomplishes green consumerism through a steady stream of technological innovation. From the research and development stage, HP computers are infused with ? Designed for the Environment? For example, HP computers can control fan speeds through the BIOS to more effectively reduce energy consumption; HP's Smart AC adapters have a built-in sensor that adjusts power ratings based on a variety of computer models to optimize performance and reduce user power usage; HP computers are designed with SSDs (Solid State Drives), which are up to 50% more energy efficient than regular hard drives, and can last up to 5% longer than normal battery life when in use. The HP computer uses an SSD (Solid State Disk) design that is 50 percent more energy efficient than a regular hard drive and extends battery life by 5 percent when in use.

Pioneering SSD (Solid State Disk)

Ambient Light Sensor

Ambient Light Sensor is applied to HP laptop products so that, when the user is using them, the computer automatically adjusts the screen's brightness based on the dimly-lit environment, thus reducing the product's energy consumption. All HP PCs and monitors are delivered and imaged with energy-saving settings enabled. Utilizing power management can save up to $75 per year per set of desktop PCs and monitors.


The ENERGY STAR 5.0 standard will go into effect July 1, 2009, with the official implementation of the ENERGY STAR 5.0 standard. Now, 26 HP computers are reconfigured to meet ENERGY STAR 5.0 standards, which require 85% efficient internal power supply, including HP thin clients.?

At the same time, HP computers are designed with recyclable parts that can be reused in computers or other products; HP computers are designed with tool-less disassembly of the chassis, which reduces the use of a variety of plastics and colored metals, and is more conducive to recycling the product. The new packaging of the HP Pavilion dv6929 laptop reduces the use of raw materials and space occupation by 97% compared to traditional laptop packaging, almost close to ? Zero packaging? , the required transportation vehicles than before 1/4 less, greatly saving the fuel required for transportation, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, HP introduced the HP dx2810 Special Edition, the first energy-efficient computer for small and medium-sized businesses. the HP dx2810 Special Edition computer features an Energy Star-compliant power supply that saves up to 85 percent of energy, and more efficient Intel multi-core processors. the HP dx2810 Special Edition computer is designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, including small and medium-sized businesses. It is 90 percent recyclable by weight.

HP Recyclable Design

Now HP has set a new goal to save 1 billion kilowatts of electricity by 2011 through a series of product design strategies, the equivalent of the total electricity consumption of 90,000 homes in a year. On the climate and energy front, by 2010, HP plans to reduce energy consumption and associated GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions due to HP's operations and products to 25 percent below 2005 levels.

Lower energy design

By 2010, to reduce the energy consumption of the high-capacity HP desktop and laptop product line by 25 percent from 2005 levels, a goal that has already been achieved a year and a half earlier than originally planned. Meanwhile, in 2012, HP doubled its purchases of renewable energy to 8 percent from 4 percent in 2008. Ongoing nanotechnology research at HP Labs is aimed at developing computing systems with less material and at the same time with a higher energy efficiency ratio than today's computing systems. HP Labs is developing roller processing technology to produce low-cost flexible displays, and from an environmental standpoint, the new displays can use up to 90 percent less material than traditional displays.

The Power To Change campaign (

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? In addition to the energy-saving support of the hardware component of an IT product, the software that accompanies the IT product can also make a significant contribution to environmental protection. As an example, many users forget to turn off their personal computers after a busy day of work. If 100,000 users shut down their computers at the end of the day, they could save up to 2,680 kWh of electricity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3,500 pounds, which is the equivalent of taking more than 2,100 cars off the road each month. A small change in usage habits may be able to do more for the environment. HP promotes the Power To Change campaign by downloading the HP Power To Change program. Energy Saver The HP Power To Change campaign, by downloading the Power Saver plug-in and setting it appropriately, will remind users to turn off their computers when they leave, thus saving power.


Here's another real-world example of HP's software functionality: HP ships its business laptops with QuickLook software, which allows users to browse through emails, to-do list events, and more in a matter of seconds. In this way, users can look at what they need to see without having to go to the operation provider. This is far less energy intensive than going to the operating system.

Environmental issues have become a global concern, and organizations are being urged to implement energy-efficient strategies, invest in energy-efficient IT equipment, and recycle and reuse old IT equipment and components. The cost of energy is rising, and this rising energy consumption means that energy costs are an expanding proportion of a company's IT budget. In addition, the impact of carbon dioxide on the global environment is an important aspect, and any organization must be environmentally responsible. As a result, power and cooling energy-saving technologies, which are closely related to green IT, have become a top priority for enterprise customers. HP Chief Technology Advisor in the outlook for 2008 IT technology hotspot, green first.

Green storage?

Green Storage

HP has always been committed to solving the challenges of energy efficiency in the enterprise, and has now introduced for the entire data center,? From chip to cooler? s comprehensive green energy solutions. In? Green storage? concept, HP's entire line of storage products, including the new generation of high-end storage HP StorageWorks XP 24000 disk storage arrays, HP StorageWorks EVA 4100/6100/8100, and HP tape products are all green design, to help users to reduce rising energy expenditures. HP is committed to differentiating itself by reducing power and cooling costs by 50 percent with green storage products and services.

Save Earth Hour

Save Earth Hour

In March 2008, HP China and Sohu jointly called on the public to participate in ? Save the Earth Hour? global event, calling on the public to contribute to energy saving and emission reduction through practical actions. As a role model, HP China launched the "Save the Earth Hour" campaign on March 29th. During the Save Earth Hour campaign, HP China shut down its offices in Beijing and Shanghai. During the event, HP China turned off the lights in 10 major office buildings in seven cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian, Chengdu, Chongqing and Shenzhen.

What is mentioned here is a simple snapshot of HP's efforts to promote IT environmental protection through innovative technology. But we have been able to with a few cases, feel the HP in the field of green IT forward-looking. As a responsible and well-known IT company, HP is working through its own efforts to influence consumers to **** with the creation of a green planet.