Lithium battery application areas What are the

I add!

First, the application of lithium batteries Batteries are mainly used in consumer products, digital products, power products, health care and security.

Power consumer digital products, medical and health care class security class electric heating class other

Electric car cell phone digital camera handheld electrocardiograph fire lamp warm clothes electronic recipes

Electric bicycle

Notebook digital video camera multi-parameter monitor security camera heating clothes electric shaver

Electric motorcycle tablet electric Bluetooth headset portable ultrasound Diagnostic POS machine hand warmers wireless charging


Energy storage system netbook wireless mouse portable oximeter wireless call heated insoles military equipment

Backup power MID Bluetooth keyboard portable fetal sound monitor wireless intercom doorbell warm gloves oil well detection


Power tools GPS car hands-free laser therapy device Access Control System Searchlight

Aeromodelling E-book LED Flashlight Wireless E-Medical Fingerprint Identification LED Display


Wireless Speaker Endoscope RFID Monitor Thermal Printing

Warning Lights Eye Care ZigBee Anti-theft Time and Attendance Machine

Loudspeaker Plantar Massage

Mobile Backup Electricity Physical Therapy Products
