What is the standard charge for ambulance running long distance?

120 ambulance fee is divided into two parts: ambulance fee and pre-hospital emergency fee: ambulance fee includes ambulance fee and stretcher service fee.

The ambulance fare is a round-trip charge, starting at 10 yuan, more than five kilometers, an additional 2 yuan per kilometer, out of the urban area, long-distance operation, and its charges belong to the market regulation.

Ambulance services are provided as follows

Football games, health runs, new car test drives, concerts and other large-scale activities of medical security services. Equipped with doctors, nurses, first aiders licensed and common surgical drugs. Is an ambulance rental, leasing, transfer of patients from the province and abroad discharged, transfer team, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hebei, Henan, Hainan and other parts of the country have my company transfer station.