What does dr mean ah (what does stock dr mean at the beginning)

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What is the meaning of dr, dr in the end refers to what?

Digital radiography is also the recent development of a new digital imaging technology, and computed radiography has a similar purpose, but the basic principles and structure are different.DR is based on the development of digital fluorescence photography, it is an image enhancement tube as a carrier of information, acceptance of X-ray information through the human body, captured by the video camera converted to digital signals, and then digitized.

In addition to the difference in information carriers, it does not match with other equipment and requires the use of specialized equipment, while CR can be used in any X-ray imaging equipment with an imaging plate to capture information. DR, like CR, can do a variety of post-processing of the image can be transmitted and stored images.

No special preparation is needed for the head, chest, limbs, etc.; for photography of the abdomen and areas overlapping the abdomen, the gastrointestinal tract should be cleaned. Substances associated with the photographic site that affect X-ray transmission, such as hairpins, metal jewelry, plasters, and clothing that needs to be changed, should be removed.


DR systems that have appeared since 1998 are "direct digital" imaging systems. The key component is the flat panel detector. It consists of a large number of electronic coupling properties of the tiny components of the integrated plate, these small components were accepted by the X-ray signal is converted to the corresponding electrical signals, and then converted to digital signals fed into the computer.

DR system will be able to replace the next step in the image enhancement tube _ TV chain made of DSA information acquisition equipment; flat panel detector instead of CT detector made of CT system has been a prototype trial. Development prospects DR due to its own characteristics, mainly used and traditional X-ray machine to match, realize the digitalization of flat film information.

It can be used for X-ray flat film display, can also implement the gastrointestinal system, other systems and angiography, but because it can not be matched with more than one X-ray machine, so for a long time, CR and DR is to replace the conventional X-ray photography complementary imaging modality.

What does dr mean?

DR diamond ring.

dr is a romantic proposal ring brand, focusing on men's proposal ring customization services, which requires each man to buy with ID, only one ring can be customized for a lifetime, and can only be given to one person in a lifetime, gifted to the love of this life, which means "the only true love of a lifetime". Each dr is a witness of true love, it is the emotional support, is the microphone of true love, a meaningful ring of true love.

In dr, where the need to buy a diamond proposal ring, are required to use the ID card real-name verification, identity ID each person's life on a, with the ID card number bound to the name of the lady, so with the uniqueness; next, also need to sign a true love agreement between the two sides, commitment to the life of the true love unchanged, once the agreement is signed, can not be changed and deleted, the purchase record will be permanently saved to ensure that a lifetime of The purchase record will also be kept permanently to ensure the uniqueness of one.

What does the acronym Dr mean?

The acronym Dr means doctor or doctor of medicine, Dr.=doctor.

Vocabulary Explanation


English ['d?kt?] U.S. ['dɑ?kt?r]

n. doctor; physician

v. to tamper with, falsify; castrate

Example: Hisillnesswasmoreseriousthanthedoctorfirstthought.

His illness was more serious than the doctor originally thought.

Example: HeisaDoctorofPhilosophy.

Doctor Usage:

Doctor means the highest degree in a university.

Doctor means a person who is qualified to practise medicine and is engaged in the practice of medicine. To say "go to the doctor", use see [consult] adoctor, and to say "ask the doctor", use sendfor [callin,get,fetch] adoctor.

Doctor can also occasionally be used as a determiner. can be placed before a noun as a determiner.

Doctor is abbreviated as Dr..

doctor can also be used as a title.

What does Dr. mean?

Doctor or doctor means doctor. dr.=doctor.

Example sentences are:

1. Dr.?JohnsonandIhavebeentryingtobuildhimup?physically.

Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build up his physique.


Dr.Brandon is here to talk about is death, and the last moments you spend on this earth.

Extended information:

Similar abbreviations in English to Dr.:

1. mr:

Mr. Mister; Master young master; Mother mother.

2, mrs:

Mrs, Mrs..

3, miss:

Ms, Miss.

