Lijiang Memoirs - A child surrounded by love will be gentle with the world

I didn't grow up surrounded by love, but I know how to build a whole new world.

I went to Lijiang by chance, and I always like chance.

The prefix "serendipity" is a long story, but the short of it is that, because I was burning out of my rented home, a place I loved and loved exquisitely, I booked a room in an upscale bed and breakfast in Haidong, spent a lot of money, and spent about two months here. I spent about two months here.

I didn't share all of this on Weibo and WeChat, but I did write a little bit of it in my unpublished "novel" in the hope that someone would read this short period of time, which seemed to be extremely difficult, but was actually incredibly exciting, and made me excited and break through the limits.

The director of the B&B mentioned a high-end hotel in Lijiang to me for the second time, and recommended that I go there to play. I probably wouldn't have had the urge to just talk about how nice the hotel was and how many activities were available, but this time he introduced me to the scenery along the way, and maybe it was time for me to listen.

The first month I booked here was about to expire, so I went home the day before checkout, settled my cat, cleaned up, and drove to Lijiang the same day I checked out. I suddenly felt that was a promise made to me by heaven and earth, which said it would give me the scenery I wanted to see, and did what it said.

All the way to the fragmented sharing through the screenshots shown here. Why do I show my life so much? For one thing, I've learned the lesson that these recordings are very meaningful, they remind me of who I am when I'm lost, and also that the brain is prone to creating denial and doubt from the experiences we have during those days of "on-the-ground unblocking", and it's very important to record magical peak experiences in time to prevent them from being altered by the collective consciousness in the mind later on. This is very important;

Secondly, and it is only now that I have come to realize that my life is the Tao, whether it is the separation, the pain, the seeming frustration, the quarrels, or the various inappropriatenesses of my being, and the incomparable goodness of those that I have shared, it is the Tao - I live in the Tao, and therefore I am the Tao. -I live the Tao, therefore, I believe that sharing my life can bring something to some karmic person, the message is self-taken , the Tao is all-encompassing, it's not what I want to give you, but what you can see in it of yourself, I believe, therefore, I am not tired and passionate to express it. It is also my gratitude for life. The more I express, the more grateful I am.

The first night, I slept on the grass outside my room. That was a massive surprise, so I'll say it again. I had not liked the idea of staying on the first floor, but the waiter insisted that it was the only room available, and my belief was born from then on that it must be a gift with obvious signals. Soon after entering I discovered the gift and made my decision.

As the receptionist said, the view from the first floor was great, with Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in front of me (it was literally so close that it was right in front of my eyes, and felt like it would be mortar and pestle in my face if I went any farther), and as I tumbled out from the large balcony outside the room directly into the open, I immediately followed my instincts and picked out a place to camp for the night. The idea was made even more certain when I realized that I didn't have to use the front door to walk in and out to see the view, that meant infinitely easier access, life is witty in the way it's organized, camping is never grueling, and life loves fun, joy, and possibilities.

I enjoyed myself in my room, sharing the scenery with a soak in the bath, and went to bed after 7:30pm for a rough night's sleep, probably because I was so excited I was more in an empty, meditative state, and fell asleep close to 9:00 p.m. When I woke up at 9:30 p.m., with the sky dotted with stars and the surroundings silent, I crept in successively and swooped my crampon pad and sleeping bag down onto a flat grassy area. After drilling in I did not have to be polite with the sky, directly indicate the intention, "I just came to see the beast."

There are soul fragments in my world (this is not an adjective), I think I have countless me, from the psychological category, that is, the integration process of this person, if this integration process is materialized, you can see countless personalities cobbled together, and countless personalities into their own independent system, personalities contain countless personalities, the main body --- that is, I --- recycled. -The more the subject - that is, me - recovers, the more integrated I am as a person, or in other words, the more diverse and flexible I am, not limited by the patterns of my early childhood upbringing. The "self-contained personalities" I mentioned are not invisible, they are beings like me who, at higher vibrational frequencies, manifest into various shapes, some in the form of beasts, some in the form of flowers, some in the form of rocks and elves, and some in the form of human beings, which is the Divine Beast. This concept is simple and simple, complex and complex, I can say a lot about this, have been recycling, practice makes perfect, in short, integration is a very interesting thing.

By "fun" I mean joy, high spirits, extreme softness, being loved, hard work, and tasting the results of surprises beyond one's wildest dreams.

Back to the lawn at night. I'm not screaming for no reason, and I need to keep my motives straight - is it out of curiosity, vanity, or just pure joy? Luckily, I fall into the latter category. I'm happy talking to the stars, and I'm even happier when I get a response, which I do because I did it when I was unsealed in the field, asking the stars to manifest the HF, which they did.

My mind is progressing. There is a part of me that is equal to the stars in this feeling, i.e., I want to see more of the world through the night sky because this is my world, and what I see is my normal world. This sense of equal match is more powerful than childish trickery than sugar, more heart chakra expansion (there's a story about why it's heart chakra expansion in my as-yet-unpublished novel, and I'm always willing to give insights into concepts that aren't penetrating, and talk about them in a way that is as bright and generous as the starry sky is at this time, stripped of its mysterious veneer), and allows me to feel more of myself.

Starting from the first dazzling point of light that crossed overhead, I recorded a few of the most distinctive ones, uplifting and cheerful, and still too excited for words when I think about it.

I began to wonder, in the grass, what was the point of seeing this? I now think that more than a kind of trusting addition to the presence of truth, the significance was how I got through the night. I went back to the house to get my raincoat at times, tried to use the restroom at times, and went back to add a pair of leggings because my legs were cold. It takes determination to get out of a warm sleeping bag, and once you do, you don't feel cold, you're just looking at the stars for a change. The night temperature was below zero, and the sleeping bag soon froze with a layer of frost, and every time I came back to my room, the warmth and quietness of the room touched my heart. My computer lies quietly on the wooden table in the living room, the chandelier at the bar is lit for me, both indoors and outdoors are spaces that are exclusively mine, and only I know how they serve me just right.

-- Beyond the madness of chasing the stars, there is this peace that is meaning. Meaning is not in the future, it comes in this moment and dissipates in this moment. This security is fine particles of energy, and I even ate two small pumpkin pies before returning to my sleeping bag without panicking.

Sleeping and waking, each time I opened my eyes it was as if I saw what this life is - the expression is not exaggerated - the stars reflected in my eyes, and again and again I was confirmed in my identity by the curtain of the painting that transcends life... ...At that time, I thought, the happiest thing in life is to open your eyes to the sky - this is the feeling of the honeymoon, there are many other "happiest" things in life.

Of course I wanted to see more, like a greedy child asking for candy - well, greedy, that's what it was - so I asked the space how I could see more, and was answered, "Let go of yourself! ". I loved that answer so much and was so grateful and uplifted by it that you'll probably see me use those two words over and over again, which is how my life often feels when it comes flooding over me like water.

The answer is "let go of yourself". Both this post and what I'm going to do later are products of letting go of myself, and if I had a strong notion of "I", I would be doing something else right now, instead of taking the time to quietly write the words under my fingers, summarizing and revising the entire Field Unsealed series.

I'll be doing something else now.

Camping on a cold night, I rolled over and had frost fall into my mouth, felt the temperature gradually rise after 3:00, my back was still sweating slightly, the starry night sky was rotating with the Earth's rotation, and I giggled for a while, and then woke up at 4:10 and packed up and went back to my room.

Not being an idealist, I saw myself utilizing the space in a pristine, down-to-earth manner, washing socks and other personal items, and making the place a home, even if only for one night. I've adopted a very clean beast - myself, who loves to be clean, who can't forget to wash and wash and wash and wash, no matter if I go home (after the burn) or stay in a hotel, and who likes the suitcase and the luggage in it to be neat and tidy (which is different from the previous me), but at the same time, if I have to "dirty" something, I'm not so sure about that, I'm not so sure. But at the same time, if I have to get something "dirty", I feel that the dust and paint are also clean.

I was at a loss as to what to do the next day, I was so eager to be close to the stars again that another night in a hotel and sleeping on the same lawn was boring, but if I didn't stay in a hotel I'd have to hang out at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain viewpoint until the night to find a place to camp. And I probably got less than three hours of sleep last night and early morning combined, and the disjointed sleep made me sleepy.

For a while I was irritated because I didn't know where to go, I was extremely sleepy, I hated resting in the car, I was confused, I didn't find a campsite where I felt safe, and I didn't want to go back to the hotel and repeat the time and place ......

I didn't have any time to kill, and killing time was the same as lying to myself. only do what I wanted to do next - and as I shared somewhere, it's usually only one thing. I purchased tickets to Glacier Park. Because I had heated up an egg before checking out and grabbed two boxes of instant noodles from the B&B I had been staying at, I was fragrant and warm and full from a hot egg, orange and bowl of instant noodles before heading into the mountains. It's very important for me to act in warmth and fullness, I just don't know who I am when I'm hungry.

It was fun to be a regular tourist in the crowd, and I gained a sense of intimacy from being around different people for a short time.

At 3:33 on the first night, I was given the message that I was surrounded and guided by love. I believed it, and prayed in my heart - but prayer also requires self-awareness, even if it's just praying, "Please let me know where to go next," it requires "letting go of myself".

I am not a person who is not aware of where I am going next.

I prayed to know where to go next, I prayed to find a safe campsite, I prayed to have somewhere to sleep when I was too sleepy to keep my eyes open (no exaggeration). All the while clearly taking on the fact that I don't want a repeat of last night's experience.

What fun it was to be sleepy from making a wrong turn and returning to the base of the mountain outside the hotel gates, to see a couple of cars pulling into the wilderness next to me, and to once again exercise the unrelenting knack of driving along to check it out; it was windy but I was immediately sure that I was going to be spending the night here, as if the starry skies above this wilderness had been booked for me.

I called the front desk of the hotel for help and said I was camping for the night and desperately needed a place to get a good night's rest, and they offered me the spa room for free. I go around announcing that I'm camping for the night so that the people I attract will be able to give me more personalized help, such as a massage technician who will be mindful of the time to wake me up before it gets dark - one of the ways I'm using oneness, to spread the word and make it easy for the space to match resources.

I went back to the hotel, a space that had come to feel mundane and familiar to me, and purchased a head massage and pedicure in a quiet, gentle environment, doubled down on comfort, and pretended to be asleep for a while after I was conscious, to see what else the massage therapist was going to do when she was done with her work, and she changed the warming equipment for me and woke me up.

As some would expect, everything was just right. It gets dark at 6:30 over here, and I confirmed the exact location of my campsite by 6:30, parked the car about ten minutes before nightfall.

For some reason, I felt very safe. Of course, a woman camping in the countryside has to do everything she can to keep herself safe. I was very careful not to make any noise, not to drive with my lights on, and to try not to draw attention to myself. Only the hotel doorman was at a distance at night, but a cab with its headlights on for an extended period of time pointed at my car from a distance, which really made it difficult for a while.

I finally decided to spend the night in my car. In the dead of night, I skipped around the hay field in my slippers and watched the river of stars fall, which on this night was magnificent compared to the night before. I was at the foot of a snow-capped mountain, a similar wilderness surrounded by mountains on all sides, the mountains were not very high, the occasional car passed by the highway a hundred meters away, and the whole sky opened up before my eyes, and I could see the stars that I had greeted last night rising in order from the hills to the east, and I said hello to them again tonight.

Everything was more thorough and open than last night. I spread my vapor barrier in the car, wrapped myself in my sleeping bag, still feeling safer than ever, and peeked out of the roof, turning to look up at the stars. Like a child at first, my posture changed when I got up from my nap, and I noticed myself sitting on the center armrest with my legs crossed, like the oldest man who sits on a low stool drinking tea and swinging a dragon's tongue (yes, I'm crossing my legs in my sleeping bag), chattering away with the stars.

When I lay down in the car ready to sleep, in addition to the side of the head shining, but also through the front glass to see the big and small constellation of stars jeweled in the darkness, several times for the tremor, spellbound. In the middle of the night, poking my head out of the top window, the most luxuriant piece of starry sky has come to the top of my head, the Big Dipper turned behind me, and I feel like I am surrounded by love.

Unparalleled happiness.

A mess of joy.

Those were my words when I woke up early the next morning. I woke up only once in the middle of the night, sleeping arrogantly and dreaming, in good spirits. Quietly, I waited for the sun to roam over the mountains and woods from the snowy side of the mountain and shine on my car and me. The windows of the car inside and outside the frost, I reached out to touch, thinking that God has always been romantic love of beauty, just as I have now become more and more romantic, and know how to gift their own distant starry sky.

I finished my morning walk on the hay field, dismissed the idea of going to the hotel for breakfast, and drove off to the old town under the mountain in a fit of euphoria.

Lijiang is beautiful. The streets are clean. And clear driving directions, unlike Dali. The colors of the wutong trees (whatever they are) bring out the beauty of autumn.

Okay. That's all there is to write about. I can never share enough that I want to, and inspiration keeps coming, so here it is. On the way back, I realized that my patience has increased, I'm more gentle with myself and my surroundings, and more willing to wait, to PATIENCE, not to BE A GOOD GUY, and so I gained the experience that a child surrounded by love will be gentle with the world.

About me:

Graduated from a 211 finance school, worked in the finance department for six years and then left. After graduating from college due to emotional problems to receive psychological counseling, personal growth a do is ten years, in 2015 began a small number of undertaking cases, 2017 to 2018 reached a peak, 2019 referral of all cases, when the hobo, went to some places, see a little bit of the world found that the outside world is not as good as the inside, so the whole body to put into the stream of the creation of the current so far.

Being penniless over, splendidly survived. I'm still walking, and I've recently fallen in love with wandering.

There are some healing cases in the past, and some healing paths have been publicized, but now all of them are zero.

I don't have the concept of a "counseling circle" or a "spiritual circle", but from the very beginning of my spiritual quest, I thought I was spiritual. I have benefited greatly from counseling, I like the language, and in me, spirituality is integrated with counseling theories that favor the material dimension. The so-called healing modalities that I use to talk to and with individual cases are also integrative faculties that are personal to me.