Review summary for compulsory 2 high school geography

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Chapter 1: Population Change

1. The amount of natural population growth in a given area is affected by the natural rate of population growth and the size of the population base***same as that of the population base, and a decrease in the natural rate of growth doesn't mean that there is a decrease in the natural growth of the population.

2. What were the reasons for the rapid population growth in many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America after World War II?

1) due to political independence, ② the development of national economy, ③ the progress of medical and health care → the death rate of the population decreased.

3. The population policy that should be adopted by developing countries is: practicing family planning, controlling the number of people and improving the quality of population.

4. At present, in developed countries such as Japan, due to the sound social security system and the change in the concept of childbearing, etc., the population problem that has emerged is the phenomenon of "advanced age and fewer children", which increases the burden on the society and the family, and may cause the future economic development to fall flat on its face. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously promote the policy of encouraging childbirth and to accept immigrants appropriately.

5. The world's population growth pattern can be divided into three types: primitive, traditional and modern, of which:

Europe and North America: modern type

Global: the transitional stage from traditional type to modern type (the essence of which is still traditional)

My country: the basic modern type

6. Changes in the number of people in a region include the natural increase and decrease of population and the mechanical increase and decrease (population increase and decrease). The changes in the size of a population in a region include natural increase or decrease in population and mechanical increase or decrease in population (migration).

7. International Migration

Time Characteristics Examples

International Migration Before the 19th century ① Group and mass migration

② Old World to New World In the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans and black Africans migrated to the Americas and Oceania.

After World War II ① From developing countries to developed countries;

② Decrease in settled migrants, the increase in short-term mobility of the population ① Europe from the region of population emigration to the region of population migration;

② Latin America from the region of population emigration to the region of emigration, a large number of people flow to the United States, Canada and Western Europe.

3 Since the 1970s, oil-exporting countries in West Asia and North Africa have also recruited large numbers of foreign workers from outside their borders.

8. Population Migration in China

Time Causes Characteristics Meaning

Ancient times Deeply bound by the rulers and their administrative power ①Small scale of population movement

①Regulation of the spatial distribution of population and the surplus and shortage of talents;

②Strengthening of ethnic integration and cultural exchanges;

③Promotion of economic development and narrowing of regional disparities, etc.

fragile agricultural economy

frequent wars

natural disasters ② uprooted from their hometowns and migrated in large numbers

since the founding of New China New China was founded to the mid-1980s The planned economic system and the strict household registration system were planned and organized

since the mid-1980s The national reform and opening-up policy The flow has increased, the Frequency accelerated

Spontaneous flows dominate

Migration from the west to eastern coastal cities and industrial and mining areas.

9. Population migration in the United States:

Late 1960s to early 1970s: large numbers of people from the old industrial areas of the Northeast moved to the South and West to the "Sunbelt" where there were new resources and new industries.

From the 1970s onwards: as the urban environment improved and the economies of the old industrial areas were rebuilt, there was also a return of population to the old industrial areas and cities.

10. The main factors affecting population migration:

① Changes in the natural and socio-economic environments; ② Changes in the individual's needs for life or occupation.

Natural environment: climate, water, soil, minerals, etc.

Socio-economic environment: economy, transportation, culture, family marriage, etc.

Among the factors affecting migration, economic factors often play an important role;

any one of these factors can be a determining factor in prompting population migration.

13. Impact of Population Migration

To the place of migration Favorable impact: reduce the density of the population in the place of migration, ease the pressure of the population on the environment

Negative impact: the loss of talent, labor force

To the place of migration Favorable impact: the inflow of talent and the provision of cheap labor, which is conducive to the development of the economy

Beneficial impact: the increase in the density of the population. Population pressure on the environment increased

14. Environmental constraints on population capacity: ① resources (proportional) ② level of scientific and technological development (proportional) ③ population living and cultural consumption level (inversely proportional), and the most important factor is the state of resources.

15. Measures to maintain a reasonable population capacity?

①The international community advocates controlling the population within a reasonable size as far as possible

②Establishing a fair order to ensure that the majority of people have an equal right to continuously pursue a high level of quality of life.

16. What do you think of the phenomenon of migrant workers?

Positive ① Relieve the contradiction of labor shortage in big cities and coastal areas, and promote the urban construction and economic development of the place of relocation.

② It opens up a new source of income growth for farmers in the sending place and eases the pressure of population on the environment.

Negative ① Pressure on the urban environment, problems such as traffic congestion, housing tension and social disorder.

② Migrant workers generally face problems such as low income, insecure housing, and difficulties in enrolling their children in school.

Chapter 2: Cities and Urbanization

1. Generally speaking, urban land in the plains is more regular, forming a centralized urban form. The opposite is true in mountainous areas.

2. Types of urban form:

Type Blocky Stripy Groupy

Distribution area Plain area Forced extension along railroads or rivers, valleys, etc. Rugged hilly mountainous terrain

Examples Chengdu and Hefei in China, and Washington, D.C. in the U.S.A. Lanzhou, Luoyang, Xining, and Yichang Chongqing

3. Agglomeration of urban land use Effect - the same land use tends to have the same spatial and locational demand for land, which can lead to spatial agglomeration of the same activity in the city → functional area.

4. Comparison of the three major functional zones:

5. Patterns of urban territorial structure: concentric circle pattern, sector pattern, multi-core pattern

Patterns Concentric Circle Pattern Sector Pattern Multi-core Pattern

The Formation The functional zones of the city are formed in the form of concentric circles expanding outward from the core through continuous intrusion and migration. Under the influence of cars, the functional areas of the city tend to fan out or expand outward along the transportation lines. As the city continues to expand outward, new cores appear in the suburbs far away from the city center.

Features ①The central part of the city is the central business district.

②The second ring is a transition zone, initially residential, then environmentally degraded due to commercial and light industrial activities, and finally becoming a residential area for newly arrived immigrants.

③The third ring is the workers' housing zone, where residents mostly moved from the transition zone and gathered because they did not want to be too far away from their workplaces.

④ The middle-class residential belt is located between the workers' residential belt and the commuter belt, where housing conditions are better.

5 The fifth ring is the commuter belt, a residential area for upper and upper-middle class people, which have developed along high-speed transportation routes. ① High-rent residential areas develop outward along convenient transportation lines and are connected to each other to form a fan shape. The terrain is higher and the environment is better.

②As the city grows, medium-rent residential neighborhoods develop next to the areas already occupied by high rents.

③With the outward movement of medium-class residential areas, the parts near the city center gradually evolve into low-class residential areas. ① The central business district is the focal point of urban transportation.

②Wholesale businesses are mainly located near the city center, which has both convenient transportation conditions and proximity to markets.

③ Low-level residential areas are mostly arranged near the central business district and intermediate residential areas, while intermediate and high-level residential areas, on the other side of the city.

The three models of **** the same point: ① are to the central business district as the core; ② high-level residential areas tend to be distributed far from the city center of the city edge, while the low-level residential areas are clustered in the vicinity of the city center, the two separated by the intermediate residential areas.

6. Economic factors are the main factors affecting the spatial structure within the city, reflected in the ability to pay rent for various activities.

7. The main factors affecting the level of rent-paying ability are: (1) the convenience of transportation, (2) the distance from the city center.

8. Diagram of the decreasing rent-paying capacity of various types of land use with distance

9. China's urban hierarchy is based on the size of the city's population. Megacities (more than 1 million), large cities (500,000 to 1 million), medium-sized cities (200,000 to 500,000), small cities (less than 200,000).

10. The relationship between city class and service scope: low city class, fewer kinds of services, low class, service scope is relatively small; high city class, more kinds of services, high class, service scope is relatively large.

11. Factors affecting the change of Shanghai's city class and service scope:

①Shanghai is located at the midpoint of China's north-south coastline and at the mouth of the Yangtze River

②Shanghai has a well-developed railroad network, which makes Shanghai have sufficient raw materials, labor, agricultural products and a huge market

③Shanghai is located in the delta of the Yangtze River, with a flat and open terrain.

12. The relationship between city class and the number of cities and their distance from each other: the number of cities with higher class is less and farther apart; the number of cities with lower class is more and closer together. (Southern Germany, for example)

13. Urbanization: the process of population concentration in towns and cities and the process of expanding city boundaries and transforming villages into towns.

14. Drivers of Population Migration to Cities

Factors that push people to leave the countryside: pressure on land from rapid population growth, natural disasters, low incomes, lack of social services.

Factors that drive people to the cities: more job opportunities, high level of social security, cultural facilities, convenient transportation.

15. The most important indicator of the level of urbanization: the proportion of urban population to the total population.

16. The significance of urbanization

1) Cities are the economic centers of regional development, which can drive the regional economic development, and the improvement of regional economic level promotes the development of cities.

②Contributing to changes in settlement patterns, production methods, lifestyles, values, etc.

17. The process of urbanization in the world:

Stage of urbanization:

Level of urbanization Speed of development Trend of geographical expansion Common problems

In the early stage 25%~30% or less, low Slow Slow Slow Slow Mixed arrangement of urban land use for various functions, and unclear distinction between functions

In the middle stage 30%~30% or less, low Slow Slow Slow

Middle stage 30%~70%, high Fast Fast Traffic congestion, environmental degradation, housing tension, etc.

Suburban urbanization phenomenon

Late stage 70% or more, high Slow, or even stagnation Continuing to grow The center of big cities is hollowing out, and the phenomenon of counter-urbanization occurs

18. Comparison of urbanization between developing and developed countries:

[Developing countries] late start, rapid development; low level; irrational development (incompatible with economic development); in early and middle stages.

[Developed countries] Early start; high level; phenomenon of reverse urbanization; in the late stage.

19. The impact of urbanization on the geographical environment

Sources Hazards

Air pollution Smoke and dust emitted by urban residents living in the city; smoke and fumes emitted by industrial and mining enterprises [and] exhaust gases emitted by various types of transportation vehicles Pollutants such as soot, dust, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and other hazardous substances that pollute the air and are harmful to health (London smog incident, photochemical pollution, acid rain)

Water Pollution Industrial wastewater, sewage, rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater quality deterioration, endangering human health and animal and plant reproduction (bone pain disease, etc.)

Solid Waste Pollution Industrial production, urban construction, residential consumption, endangering human health and the environment (white pollution, waste batteries, etc.)

Noise Pollution Traffic and transportation, industrial production, construction, and social activities. Noise Pollution Transportation, industrial production, construction, social activities, preventing people from resting and working, and jeopardizing human health


1) In urban construction, we should develop low-pollution, energy-saving buildings and green transportation to reduce environmental pollution from various activities.

②Make the urban landscape as much as possible with the mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, vegetation and other natural landscape to maintain harmony, to establish a virtuous cycle ("heaven and man in harmony")

Chapter 3: Formation and Development of Agricultural Territory

1. The Main Locational Factors of Agriculture

Natural Factors Climate, terrain, soil, water

Socio-economic factors market, labor, transportation, policy, machinery, science and technology

The factor that determines the type and scale of agricultural activity is the market factor.

2. The essence of agricultural location selection is the rational utilization of agricultural land.

3. Examples of dominant agricultural location factors:

① rice is mainly distributed in the monsoon zone, "orange is born in Huainan is orange, born in Huabei is Hovenia" - climatic factors

② Chiyangzhou three-dimensional agricultural -Topographical factors

③Since the reform and opening up, China's subtropical coastal agricultural landscape changes -Markets and policies

④Tea is suitable for planting in the South acidic red soil -Soil factors

3 -Soil factor

⑤Dairy and horticulture along the highways of big cities -Transportation factor

4. Changes in Agricultural Location Factors

①Natural factors are relatively stable, and socio-economic factors develop and change more rapidly.

②The use of science and technology to transform the natural factors: the cultivation of good seeds to promote the development of agriculture (Yuan Longping hybrid rice, the expansion of rubber tree planting); to improve the local natural conditions for the development of agriculture (greenhouse agriculture to produce anti-seasonal vegetables)

③The development of transportation and the progress of refrigeration technology has led to the emergence of the world's agriculture, specialization and territoriality

5. Formation of the agricultural territories: is the result of the development of agriculture according to local conditions and rational utilization of agricultural land.

6. The location conditions of mixed agriculture in Australia:

Natural location conditions Mild climate, moderate precipitation; fertile soil; flat topography; insufficient water (but there has been the East-West Water Transfer Project)

Socio-economic conditions Wide market, abundant labor force, advanced production methods and technology, and convenient transportation.

7. The main features of Australia's mixed agriculture:

Production structure Mixed agriculture combining planting and animal husbandry (wheat-sheep grazing)

Method of operation Large family farms

Technological application Rotational grazing in zoned areas, planting of high-quality pasture, crop rotation

Higher level of agricultural specialization and territorialization

Development measures

Development Measures East-West Water Transfer

8. Location Conditions of Monsoon Paddy Farming

Natural Location Conditions ① Monsoon Climate, High Temperature and Rainy in Summer, Suitable for Rice Growing ② Flat Terrain, Suitable for Paddy Management.

Socio-economic conditions ③ Densely populated, abundant labor force ④ Large population, small land area, and dietary habits leading to a high demand for rice

⑤ Long history of rice production.

9. Characteristics of Monsoon Paddy Farming

①Small farm operation (small scale of production) ②High yields, low commodity rate ③Lower mechanization ④Lower level of science and technology ⑤Large amount of water conservancy works.

10. The main features of commodity grain agriculture:

①mainly growing wheat and corn; ②market-oriented, high commodity rate; ③large scale of production; ④high level of mechanization and science and technology.

11. Commodity grain agriculture location conditions:

natural location conditions ① superior natural conditions (mild climate, abundant precipitation, flat terrain, fertile soil)

socio-economic conditions ② convenient transportation ③ broad market ④ sparsely populated ⑤ high degree of mechanization ⑥ advanced agricultural science and technology

12. Ranch ranching features: ① market-oriented, ② production scale is large; ④ high level of mechanization and technology

12. market-oriented, ② large-scale production, ③ high degree of specialization (cattle, sheep) ④ a large area of arid, semi-arid climate zone ⑤ sparse vegetation, not suitable for the operation of planting, can only be used for grazing livestock.

13. Pampas grasslands ranching ranching location conditions:

① warm climate, lush grass

② extensive and sparsely populated, and the land rent is very low, for the possibility of large-scale operation of the ranch;

③ near the seaport of the location advantages, promote the ranch of the commercial operation.

14. Measures for the development of Argentina's ranching industry:

①improvement of transportation (railroads) ②invention of the sea freezer ship ③fence grazing and rotational grazing in the area

④cultivation of fodder ⑤opening up the water source (drilling of wells) ⑥breeding of good cattle, and strengthening of the research on cattle diseases

15. The main characteristics of the dairy industry:

1) oriented to the urban market, high commodity rate; ②mechanization of the dairy industry. High rate of commodities; ② high degree of mechanization; ③ high degree of intensification; ④ production objects are mainly dairy cows; ⑤ mostly distributed around large cities (close to consumer markets).

16. Western Europe dairy livestock industry location conditions:

Natural location conditions ① cool climate, humid, rainy and foggy, less sunshine, conducive to the growth of succulent pasture.

②Topography is flat, favorable for growing pasture and fodder.

Socio-economic conditions ③ high level of urbanization, ④ people have the habit of drinking milk, and there is a high demand for dairy livestock products.

Chapter 4 The Formation and Development of Industrial Territories

1. According to the differences in the main locational factors of industries, they are divided into five types:

Types of Industries Main Sectors Reasons for Formation

Raw Material-Oriented Sugar Industry, Aquatic Product Processing Plants, Fruit

Canneries Raw materials are not easy to be transported for long distances or the transportation

Raw Materials Higher cost

Market-oriented Breweries, furniture factories, printing factories

Petrochemical factories The products are not easy to be transported or shipped over long distances

Higher cost of products

Power-oriented Non-ferrous metal smelting factories Require a large amount of energy consumption

Cheap labor oriented Ordinary garments, electronic assemblies, belts, and

Umbrella making, Shoemaking requires a large amount of labor force

Technology-oriented Integrated circuits, aerospace, lasers, precision instrumentation, and other industries with high technological requirements

2. Changes in the development of major location factors for industry

1) Raw material sites are gradually weakening their influence on the location of factories

2) The quality of the labor force is gradually increasing its influence on the location of industries

3) The accessibility of information and communication networks as a factor of industrial location is becoming more and more important. The importance of the accessibility of the network as a factor of industrial location is becoming more and more prominent

3. Write down the types of pollution and the layout requirements of the following factories

1) Iron and steel mills - air pollution, solid waste pollution - ① should be built in the local The wind direction of the perennial prevailing wind downwind or minimum wind frequency wind direction

upwind or perpendicular to the dominant wind direction of the countryside; ② away from residential areas and farmland

② brewery, cement factory - air pollution - should be built in the local perennial prevailing wind direction downwind or minimum wind frequency wind direction

3. wind direction downwind or minimum wind frequency wind direction upwind or

built in the suburbs perpendicular to the dominant wind direction

③ paper mills - water pollution - sewage discharge outlets away from water sources and upstream of the river

④ water plants --No pollution - upstream of the river, where the water quality is good

⑤ Ordinary garment factories - no pollution - where there is a lot of cheap labor. -where there is a large amount of cheap labor

⑥Chemical factory - air pollution, water pollution - ①Should be built downwind of the local perennial prevailing wind direction or upwind of the wind direction of the smallest wind frequency

or and perpendicular to the dominant wind direction of the suburbs ② sewage outfall away from water sources and upstream of the river

4. Anshan Iron and Steel's location advantages: ① close to raw materials, fuel origin (dominant), ② close to the market, ③ transportation and land, water conditions are better.

5. Baosteel's location advantages: ① close to the consumer market (dominant) ② convenient transportation ③ strong scientific and technological strength ④ high quality of labor ⑤ strong capital.

6. Three changes in the selection of the location of the steel industry: big coal field (Ruhr area) → big iron ore mine (Angang) → consumption area (Baosteel).

7. The influence of social factors on industrial location: national policies; native emotions; the philosophy and psychological factors of corporate decision-makers, etc.

8. Industrial linkage: linkage on production process; industrial linkage on space utilization

9. Advantages of industrial agglomeration: ① can strengthen the information exchange and technical collaboration among enterprises, ② reduce the transportation cost and energy consumption of intermediate products, ③ can *** with the use of infrastructure, saving investment in production and construction, ④ and thus reduce the cost of production, improve the efficiency of production and profit, and Achievement of economies of scale.

10. Shortcomings of industrial agglomeration: easy to cause environmental pollution.

11. Location conditions for the development of the Ruhr area:

①rich coal resources ②close to iron ore mines ③abundant water ④convenient transportation ⑤expansive market

12. The main reasons for the decline of the Ruhr area:

12. ①single production structure ②decrease in the status of coal as a source of energy ③worldwide iron and steel surplus ④impact of the new technological revolution ⑤tight land use, congested transportation, and serious environmental pollution. ⑤ land tension, traffic congestion, and serious environmental pollution.

13. Measures for the comprehensive improvement of the Ruhr area: ① adjusting the industrial structure ② adjusting the industrial layout ③ developing the tertiary industry ④ optimizing the environment

14. Specific measures for the elimination of pollution and optimization of the environment in the Ruhr area: ① strictly controlling the emission of exhaust gases and wastewater from the factories, ② setting up a perfect recycling device for the wastes and a system for the treatment of the pollutants, and ③ carrying out large-scale planting of trees and forests.

15. Comparison between emerging and traditional industries:

Comparison Items Traditional Industries Italy Emerging Industries

Scale of production Large enterprises are dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (<250 persons)

Major industrial sectors Heavy industry is dominated by light industry

Production process Geographically well-connected, production is centralized Production process is decentralized

Industrial distribution Mostly concentrated in large and medium-sized cities, with a high degree of concentration Mostly dispersed in small towns

Capital concentration High and low

16. Italian industrial districts

(1) Characteristics: Small and medium-sized enterprises in a region, centered on a business activity, according to the needs of modern business, gradually establish a mutually trustworthy and relatively stable cooperative relations and production, supply and marketing system. Production, supply and marketing system.

(2) Role: to help strengthen specialization, improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and enhance competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

17. High-tech industry is characterized by: ① a high proportion of scientific and technological personnel ② rapid growth, product replacement cycle is short ③ input in the research and development costs ④ products for the world market

18. Transportation conditions.

19. The rapid rise of "Silicon Valley" favorable conditions are: ① geographical location, beautiful environment ② pleasant climate ③ convenient transportation ④ the world's talent plateau (knowledge and technology-intensive) ⑤ market stability ⑥ superior innovation environment and innovation culture.

20. In the late 1970s, the U.S. electronics industry was built in Texas, Southeast Asia, Mexico and other places because: ① "Silicon Valley" land has been taken up, ② Texas and other states, Southeast Asia, Mexico and other places where labor, land and housing are cheap.

Chapter 5: Transportation Layout and Its Impact

1. Main Modes of Transportation and Their Characteristics:

Modes of Transportation Advantages Disadvantages

Railway Transportation One of the most important modes of transportation of contemporary times. Large capacity, high speed, low freight, less affected by natural factors, good continuity High cost of building railroads, consumption of metal materials, covers a wide area, high cost of short-distance transport

Road transport The fastest growing, most widely used and increasingly important mode of transport. Flexible, fast turnover speed, convenient loading and unloading, strong adaptability to various natural conditions, small capacity, high energy consumption, high cost, expensive freight

Waterway transport The oldest mode of transport, large capacity, low investment, low cost slow, poor flexibility and continuity, by the waterway hydrological conditions and meteorological and other natural influences

Air transport Fast speed, high transport efficiency, is the most rapid and modern mode of transport

Air transport is the fastest and most modern mode of transport

Air transport is the fastest and most modern mode of transport

Air transport is the fastest and most modern mode of transport. It is the fastest and most modern transportation mode

Small capacity, high energy consumption, high freight cost, large investment in equipment and strict technical requirements.

Pipeline transportation is a new type of transportation that combines carrier and line into one. Cargo is mainly crude oil, refined oil, natural gas, coal slurry and other mineral slurry. The gas does not volatilize, the liquid does not flow out, the loss is small, the continuity is strong, smooth and safe, the management is convenient, and can be non-stop day and night, the volume is very large. Pipeline transportation to lay special pipelines, equipment investment, poor flexibility.

2. The development trend of transportation: increasingly networked, international, high-speed, large-scale and specialized

3. Advantages of container transport: saving packaging costs, easy to realize the mechanization of loading and unloading operations, and the safety of goods transport.

4. Briefly explain the great significance of the construction of the South Kunming Railway on the development of the southwest region.

Economic significance: ① Southwest China and South China into one, so that the combination of resource advantages and location advantages (conducive to the development of resources and materials export, and promote resource advantages into economic advantages);

② favorable play the role of the railroad on the economic radiation, drive the economic development of Southwest China (to promote the development of export-oriented economic development; conducive to the development of tourism resources, and promote the tertiary industry).

Political significance: ① conducive to the consolidation of national unity, promote the economic development of ethnic minority areas, ② accelerate the pace of poverty alleviation in the southwest region,

③ conducive to social stability.

Strategic significance: ① It is conducive to accelerating the opening up of the southwestern region to the outside world and promoting the development of export-oriented economy; ② Consolidation of national defense and defense of the borders.

Chapter 6: Harmonious Development of Humanity and the Geographic Environment

1. The development of the idea of human-earth relations has gone through four stages: ① worship of nature, ② transformation of nature, ③ conquest of nature, and ④ seeking coordination between human beings and the earth.

2. The ability of the environment to contain and remove the excreta of human production and life is called the self-purifying ability of the environment.

3.Environmental problems occur when the rate at which human beings demand resources from the environment exceeds the rate of regeneration of the resources themselves and their substitutes, or when the amount of waste discharged into the environment exceeds the environment's self-purifying capacity.

4. Environmental problems are mainly manifested in three major categories: shortage of resources, environmental pollution and ecological damage.

5. In the vast rural areas, because of the improper way of utilizing the resources or the excessive intensity, the environmental problems are mainly manifested in ecological destruction, such as soil erosion, desertification, soil salinization, reduction of forests, depletion of water sources, and reduction of species.

6. Environmental problems in developing countries are more serious than in developed countries. This is because developing countries:

1) the environment is under the double pressure of development and population; 2) do not have enough capacity to protect the environment; 3) developed countries have transferred heavily polluting industries to developing countries.

7. The main causes of environmental problems: ① population pressure; ② irrational use of resources; ③ one-sided pursuit of economic growth.

8. The large population base and high population growth rate have created greater population pressure on the world, especially on some developing countries.

9. The traditional development model focuses only on activities in the economic sphere and adopts a development model that favors economic growth at the expense of the environment, with the result that serious environmental problems have been created globally one after another.

10. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

11. To realize sustainable development, three basic principles need to be followed: the principle of equity, the principle of continuity, and the principle of ****similarity.

12. In the compound system of sustainable development, sustainable ecological development is the foundation, sustainable economic development is the condition, and sustainable social development is the purpose.

13. Each country has the right to exploit its own natural resources as it sees fit and to ensure that it does not cause damage to the environment of other countries

14. The principle of sustainability requires that human economic activities and social development must be kept within the carrying capacity of resources and the environment.

15. The principle of ****similarity requires that local decisions and actions should contribute to the achievement of overall global harmonization.

16. China's inevitability of taking the path of sustainable development: huge population pressure, worrying shortage of resources, and profound environmental crisis.

17. The main measures taken by the village of Liuminying to build an ecological agriculture include the following: ① adjusting the industrial structure ② carrying out comprehensive utilization ③ opening up a wide range of sources and developing and utilizing new energy sources .

18. Circular economy takes environmentally sound technology as a means to improve ecological efficiency as the core, using economic and environmental resources in an environmentally friendly way to realize the ecological nature of economic activities.