The definition of overmedication, although clear, is very difficult to define in reality. Because, clinical medicine is very complex, each patient's situation is different, even if the same disease has a different performance, the same kind of disease in different periods of time treatment methods are different. Take a cold, do CT that is overmedication, but if you do routine blood tests that is not necessarily, many diseases are similar, the doctor needs data to confirm the diagnosis, sometimes the doctor to take a comprehensive means of examination, which examination is necessary for the correct diagnosis, which is superfluous, are determined by the doctor according to their own experience and level, therefore, the judgment of overmedication is also not a concrete quantitative indicator. In addition, in different economic and cultural contexts, people have different perceptions of overmedication.
Determination Guidelines Editor
Generally speaking, the basic guideline for determining overmedication is whether the treatment of the patient in general tends to do good or harm. In the case of treatment, it depends on what the doctor's purpose is, whether the treatment has a preventive effect, whether it relieves the patient's suffering, and whether it prolongs the patient's life. Two additional qualifications are: whether the patient can afford it, whether the patient can afford it psychologically, and whether the patient's rights are reflected in the treatment.
Basic Characteristics Editorial
(1) The use of treatment methods that go beyond the fundamental needs of disease diagnosis and treatment and do not conform to the laws and characteristics of the disease;
(2) The use of non-golden-standard methods of diagnosis and treatment;
(3) Excessive consumption that is unrelated to the basic needs of the disease;
(4) The use of medical treatment methods that do not conform to the fundamental needs of the disease;
(5) The use of medical treatment methods that are not in accordance with the laws and characteristics of the disease.
(4) Costs that are beyond the affordability of the individual, society and the level of social development at the time.
Cause Editor
1, economic reasons is the main reason, such as: medical too market-oriented development, medicine to feed doctors, medical staff income and economic benefits linked, drug rebates, billing commission;
2, the complexity of medicine itself and the doctor's diagnosis and treatment level of the reason;
3, laws and regulations of the system of the reason, such as: medical errors Appraisal law provides for doctors in the appraisal process of the citation inversion system, may lead to excessive examination of the patient's doctor [1]; According to a survey in the United States, a survey showed that, in 300 general practitioners, 98% of them admitted that their own in the process of medical care has increased a variety of laboratory tests, hospitals and hospitals outside of the consultation, and more for the patient's medication, such as self-defense or call it "defensive" project. "Defensive" items. The purpose of self-defense medical treatment is very clear, is "to avoid a lawsuit" [2].
4. The ethical level of the doctor is the more common reason.
5, other reasons, such as: doctor-patient tension; individual patients' unreasonable demands.
First of all, the regulatory authorities of excessive medical treatment of punishment can not stop at the person in charge of warning and punishment, but to the violation of hospitals and related responsible persons strict accountability, and guide the public to participate in monitoring, so that hospitals and doctors to form excessive medical treatment of their own adverse concept;
Secondly, the government should increase the investment in the hospitals and compensation to reduce the dependence on excessive medical treatment of the mentality;
Finally, hospitals should be urged to reform their internal distribution systems, and to guide doctors from excessive medical profit-making to a change in remuneration based on medical technology and medical services.