.... Relays generally reflect certain input variables (such as current, voltage, power, impedance, frequency, temperature, pressure, speed, light, etc.) of the sensing mechanism (input part); there can be controlled circuits to realize the "on", "off" control of the actuator (output part); in the relay of the circuit to achieve "on", "off" control (output part); in the relay of the control of the circuit to achieve "on", "off" control (output part). Output section); between the input and output sections of the relay, there is coupling and isolation of the input, functional processing and drive the output section of the intermediate institutions (drive section).
.... As a control element, in summary, the relay has the following roles:
.... .1) Expanding the control range. For example, the multi-contact relay control signal reaches a certain value, you can according to the different forms of contact groups, at the same time switching, open and close multiple circuits.
.... .2) Amplification. For example, sensitive relays, intermediate relays, etc., with a very small amount of control, you can control a very high power circuit.
.... .3) Composite signals. For example, when multiple control signals are fed into a multi-winding relay in a specified form, they are compared and synthesized to achieve a predetermined control effect.
.... 4) Automatic, remote control, monitoring. For example, the relay on the automatic device, together with other electrical appliances, can form a program control line, thus realizing automatic operation.
The factory specializes in producing all kinds of Time Relay Electromagnetic Relay Electronic Relay High Power Relay Liquid Level Relay Solid State Relay High Power Relay Small Relay Timer Counter Relay and so on.