Guangdian Metrology has electromagnetic, radio, optical communications, length, mechanics, thermodynamics, acoustics, optics, physical and chemical, electric power testing, medical / ionizing radiation, instrument maintenance and other laboratories, the establishment of the highest measurement standards of the 103 enterprises, with more than 8,000 sets of international and domestic advanced precision standard devices and instruments. It can carry out metrological calibration services for ten major parameters of electromagnetism, radio, time-frequency, length, mechanics, thermology, chemistry, optics, acoustics and ionizing radiation. At present, it has obtained 1001 recognized measurement items, which greatly meets the needs of enterprises and institutions for instrument measurement and calibration.
Guangdian metrology by the local quality and technical supervision through the assessment of the establishment of measurement standards, is the Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Suzhou City, Nanjing and other metrological calibration record recognized institutions. Obtained the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment Laboratory Accreditation Certificate (CNAS), access to many internationally renowned institutions and organizations of the ability to accreditation and authorization, metrological testing and certification results are internationally recognized.
Guangdian Metrology's metrological standard equipment traceable to the country's highest metrological standard units, such as the China Institute of Metrology (NIM), etc., in line with the ISO 9000 series of standards for the measurement and calibration of test and measurement equipment requirements, can issue certificates and reports in line with the national calibration protocols, calibration specifications and ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirements.