Hospital Equipment of Dongguan Temei Dental Hospital

French Anesthesia System The French SleeperOne painless anesthesia system replaces all hand-controlled syringes. Its unique P.A.R permanent resistance analysis system makes the injection suitable for all muscle tissues and offers the possibility of setting two speeds to ensure that the chosen speed is adapted to each clinical procedure. Perfect injections without any pain or trauma to the patient.The SleeperOne painless anesthesia system allows injections without any high-pressure or muscular force (no muscle or hand pain whatsoever), and the safety fit that avoids syringe breakage greatly protects the patient's safety. Moreover, its suction mode makes low-bubble alveolar block anesthesia easy and comfortable.

New high-frequency scalpel

The new Satelec high-frequency scalpel uses fully rectified and filtered alternating current, which provides high quality and ensures rounded cutting wounds with minimal adverse effects and good tissue healing. The low current in the operative area and the controlled heat dissipation system ensure good coagulation and protection of the surrounding tissues.The Satelec HF scalpel is mainly used in oral surgery, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontal surgery.

Sandblast Scaler Sandblast Scaler, is the use of special sandblast dental powder (with sodium bicarbonate powder as the main ingredient), through the sandblast handpiece head to the tooth surface to remove plaque and pigmentation. This method is especially suitable for cleaning plaque and pigmented spots in the intervals that are not easily reached by ultrasonic scalers, and the cleaning efficiency of tooth surface pigmentation is much higher than that of ultrasonic scalers.

Oral Root Canal Instrument The Oral Root Canal Instrument utilizes today's most advanced therapeutic methods to complete the root canal treatment of all kinds of posterior teeth with curved roots, multiple roots and C-shaped root canals. It is composed of two parts: the flushing device and the suction device. The flushing device is through the pump, storage tank, flow control valve, so that the pressure air into the flushing head. The suction device is through the filter, vacuum, shut-off valve, exhaust valve, flow regulating valve, suction head to extract the necrotic tissue in the root canal. The suction head is the key component of this instrument, which is composed of elastic contact, stainless steel syringe and handle, and the elastic contact can be made into wedge shape. The instrument combines rinsing and suction together, which can safely and quickly extract the necrotic material from the root canal of the tooth, so that the tooth can be treated smoothly.

LED LIGHT CURING MACHINE LED light curing machine (dental photosensitive resin curing machine) is a machine used to cure photosensitive resin material when the dentist helps the patient to repair the teeth.LED light curing machine consists of light source part and control circuit. Scope of application: Curing of resin materials for dental restorations in the dental department. Light curing machine used LED, compared with halogen lamps, its heat is much smaller, and almost all the light for the blue light, so it is said to be cold light.

NewTom Cone Beam CT The NewTom Cone Beam CT is one of the most advanced dental and cranial imaging devices in the world today. Its use has revolutionized diagnosis and treatment in the oral and cranial clinical fields. Cone beam CT, as the name suggests, is a conical X-ray beam projection computerized tomography imaging device. The biggest difference between NewTom Cone Beam CT and traditional spiral CT is that it can provide more accurate three-dimensional image data, which greatly improves the accuracy of hospitals in the diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial diseases.NewTom Cone Beam CT can be widely used in the fields of oral and maxillofacial, orthodontics, periodontics and so on. Cone beam 3D images are one of the most effective tools for determining the position of implants. Three-dimensional images can identify underlying pathologies and structural abnormalities with unprecedented precision. The high-resolution 3D images can visualize very small portions of the oral structures and accurately observe the mandibular neural tube for safe implant evaluation. The information provided by the CT allows the surgeon to formulate a very precise dental implant plan, enhancing preoperative predictability, increasing the success rate of dental implants, and minimizing the occurrence of surgical complications.