President Nauru praised China's medical equipment.

Nauru is an independent coral reef island. A large number of seabirds inhabit Nauru, leaving a lot of bird droppings on the island. After thousands of years, the whole island has formed 10 meter thick phosphate rock. With the exploitation and export of phosphate, it became rich, and its per capita income was nearly twice that of China. When Nauru's annual income is good, it is as high as $6543.8 +0.2 billion, reaching the level of moderately developed countries.

Nauru is small in size, and there is no fresh water resources on the island, so it is impossible to grow and carry out industrial production. So this phosphate rock is the hope of the Nauru government. Phosphate has a wide range of uses, not only an important component of food ingredients and fertilizers, but also a very good refractory.

Nauru has been occupied by other countries before, and its resources are of course being plundered by other countries. After years of struggle, Nauru finally gained its independence and joined the United Nations and the Commonwealth. After independence, through protest and redemption, the control of phosphate was finally recovered. Since then, phosphate rock has been fully exploited, and the output has increased to more than 1 10,000 tons per year, mainly exported to Australia and New Zealand.

After becoming rich, the Nauru government began to repay its citizens and enhance residents' happiness. During Drobout's presidency, free education and free medical care were implemented, and the cost of buying a house, a car, furniture and home appliances was very low.

Phosphate rock is not a renewable resource. The exploitation of phosphate rock has been declining year by year, and the resource will be exhausted one day. When the country was rich, the Nauru government also spent a lot of money to buy Boeing aircraft and invest in real estate, but the income was not ideal. The good times didn't last long. Slowly, the Nauru government experienced a financial crisis, and its citizens' welfare policies could no longer be maintained. This also warns people that they must have a long-term vision, not only look at immediate interests, but also treat non-renewable resources without over-exploitation, so as to benefit themselves and future generations.