What is the difference between ultrasound ultrasound and microwave

Ultrasonic We know that when an object vibrates it makes sound. Scientists refer to the number of vibrations per second as the frequency of sound, which is measured in hertz. Our human ears can hear the frequency of sound waves for 20 to 20,000 Hz. We cannot hear sound waves when they vibrate at a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz or less than 20 Hz. Therefore, we call sound waves with a frequency higher than 20,000 Hz "ultrasound". /view/32371.html?wtp=tt

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 300MHz-300GHz, which is the abbreviation for a limited band of radio waves, i.e., electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 1 meter (excluding 1 meter) to 1 millimeter, and is the collective name for sub-meter waves, centimeter waves, and millimeter waves. Microwave frequency is higher than the general frequency of radio waves, usually also known as "ultra-high frequency electromagnetic waves". Microwave as a kind of electromagnetic wave also has wave-particle duality. Microwave quantum energy of 1 99 × l0 -25 ~ 1.99 × 10-22j./view/5863.html?wtp=tt