SolIDworks product line and features introduced to learn the software essential knowledge, a comprehensive understanding!

SolidWorks abbreviation (SW) is a new generation of Dassault introduced for the electrical industry design of mechanical 3D design tools. SolidWorks Chinese version of the use of a new parallel and serial product development environment and *** enjoy 3DCAD model, and is widely used in the design of parts, design of machinery and equipment, medical equipment, automotive, aerospace and other industries; SolidWorks can meet the user directly add a variety of auxiliary plug-ins, connect a variety of NC programming software and print the model directly to use the needs of the software. Industry; SolidWorks can meet the user directly in the software to add a variety of auxiliary plug-ins, connect a variety of NC programming software and directly print the model of the use of demand. About the power of solidworks, in fact, I believe that many partners also have a certain understanding, but for the mastery of the software as well as the use of the software, may be a lot of partners are still scratching their heads! It doesn't matter, if you want to learn how to use solidworks, you've come to the right place. A wealth of solidworks boutique video courses, take you one by one to break through the software basic to advanced operation

solidworks popular video tutorials recommended:

Introduction to the software: Solidworks Mechanical Design introductory to master course

Interior Design: Solidworks engineering design to explain the chapter tutorials

Interior Design: Solidworks engineering design to explain the chapter tutorials

Introduction to software: Solidworks measurement tool use

Solidworks product line and functionality of the introduction to learn the essential knowledge of the software, a comprehensive understanding of the

A. CAD system, so relative to other 3D software hardware requirements to be higher. Powerful, easy to learn and use, and technological innovation are the three main features that make SolidWorks the leading, mainstream 3D CAD solution. solidWorks is able to provide different design options, reduce errors in the design process, and improve the quality of the product. solidWorks not only provides such powerful features, but is also easy to use for every engineer and designer. SolidWorks not only provides such powerful features, but is also easy to use and easy to learn for every engineer and designer.

If you're familiar with Microsoft Windows, you can basically design with SolidWorks, whose unique drag-and-drop functionality allows you to complete large-scale assembly designs in a relatively short period of time. SolidWorks Explorer is the same CAD file manager as Windows Explorer. With SolidWorks, you can get more done in less time and get high-quality products to market faster.

Of all the 3D CAD solutions we've seen on the market today, the design process is easier and more convenient than with SolidWorks. As Daratech, a leading U.S. consulting firm, commented, "SolidWorks is the best-known brand and a fast-growing market leader among Windows-based 3D CAD software."

With unrivaled design capabilities and easy-to-learn operations (including Windows-style drag/drop, point/click, and cut/paste), the entire product design is 100 percent editable with SolidWorks, and there is full correlation between the part design, assembly design, and engineering drawings.

Only SolidWorks offers a complete set of dynamic interfaces and mouse drag controls. The "fully dynamic" user interface reduces the number of design steps, eliminates redundant dialog boxes, and avoids interface clutter.

The new Property Manager is used to efficiently manage the entire design process and steps. The Property Manager contains all design data and parameters and is easy to use and intuitive.

CAD files can be easily managed with SolidWorks Explorer, the only CAD file manager similar to Windows Explorer.

The Solidworks product line

3D Mechanical Design, Analysis and Simulation, Product Data Management, Dynamic Content Publishing, 2.13D Mechanical Design

Software Versions

Each of these packaged modes can be divided into stand-alone and networked versions. The SolidWorks networked version supports a multi-user environment over a LAN and can be connected to a myriad of endpoints, with control of the real-time network only. users, truly realizing multi-user real-time collaborative design to maximize the power of the design.

Version Features

2.1.1SolidWorks Mechanical Design Feature List

Version Comparison

2.1.2Standard Edition Details

Support FROMTOPTODWON; FROMDWONTOTOP two kinds of design methods; support for parametric and variable technology; product configuration design, series design; support for relative size of engineering drawings to meet the user's needs. Relative size of the engineering drawings to meet the needs of users directly out of the processing and production of drawings; full relevance of the design technology, three-dimensional can be driven two-dimensional, two-dimensional design can also be driven by three-dimensional; assemblies and parts of the mutual drive, etc.; to provide feature management technology; through the feature tree can be easy to manage the design process and query the editing of the design of the parts of the various steps, etc.. Provide feature experts and fillet experts, can easily realize the overall movement of the feature rotation, chamfering a variety of programs; directly out to meet the production and processing needs of the two-dimensional engineering drawings; to provide a convenient 3D sketching design function; SolidWorkseDrawings e-mail-based design communication tools PartDesign (part design: a variety of ways to parts) Design, automatic material table generation, bi-directional data-driven technology) AssemblyDesign (complex all-related assembly design, intelligent assembly, dynamic interference check) AdvancedSurface (complex surface modeling) Drawing (2D drawing design) SheetmetalDesign (advanced sheet metal design, bi-directional data-driven technology) MoldDesign (advanced mold design, support for a variety of complex molding methods) WeldmentsDESIGN (complex steel design, design of welded parts) Physicalsimulation (physical simulation, with motor simulation mechanism movement, etc.) COSMOSXpress (structural analysis of parts) SolidWorksAnimator (advanced animation simulation) SolidWorksExplorer (built-in file browser) DWGeditor (DWG file editor, a simplified AUTOCAD design software) DWGgateway (AutoCAD data conversion plug-ins to support a variety of AUTOCAD version of the software) DWGviewer (DWG editor, a simplified AUTOCAD design software) ) DWGviewer (AutoCAD embedded browser) 2Dto3DTransition (2D to 3D conversion tool) 3DContentCentral (parts and components of the online catalog, providing many users of the product for selection, mainly outsourcing parts) Data Interface: IGES, STEP, SAT, STL, DWG, DXF, VRML, Parasolid, IPT, Pro/E, UG, etc.COSMOSFloXpress hydrodynamics application Based on the calculated velocity field, you can find problematic areas in the design, as well as improve the part before manufacturing any parts.DriveWorksXpress automates your design process: Using the DriveWorksXpress to automate your design process, generating an unlimited number of variants of a model from rule-based projects you set up and running them over and over again.DFMXpress Manufacturability Analysis: DFMXpress is used to identify areas of a design that could lead to machining problems or increased production costs.2.1.3 Solidworks Platinum Plug-ins by Feature

eDrawings Professional ---- E-mail-based design communication tool eDrawings (Professional) is an ideal tool for anyone who needs to **** share data and collaborate with other members of their design team. eDrawings (Professional) provides you and your design team with the tools you need to display, interpret, and collaborate on 2D and 3D product design data. eDrawings (Professional Edition) gives you and your design team the tools you need to display, interpret, and collaborate on 2D and 3D product design.

Toolbox---- Intelligent Standard Parts Library SolidWorks' Toolbox toolbox provides tools to create enterprise library files for calculating a number of general-purpose standard parts such as bearings. It provides a library of standard parts for ISO, ANSI, and other standards, and can be automatically inserted with the assembly environment.

PhotoWorks Advanced Rendering ---- Advanced Rendering Tools PhotoWorks provides you with easy-to-use, top-quality rendering capabilities. In the Windows environment, PhotoWorks helps you to easily create images with realistic textures and visual effects and distribute them to your customers.

Routing---- piping design tool Routing is powerful piping design software that automates piping design tasks and efficiently performs piping design and assembly.

3DInstantWebsite----3D real-time Web site instantly creates Web-visible pages to show your 3D designs to the world,

FeatureWorks----Feature Recognition***3D models designed with different CAD systems, make full use of 3D historical data, and apply intelligence to static conversion files.

SolidWorksUtilities---- utilities a set of tools for users to improve productivity and design efficiency, part comparison, feature comparison, feature coloring

SolidWorksDesignChecker---- design checking verifies that the design has met company standards, including completeness, fonts/fonts, custom attributes, error/warning, error/warnings, and other features. , custom attributes, errors/warnings, layers, and more.

ScanTo3D---- reverse engineering tool combines with a scanner to bring existing products and concepts into SolidWorks.

Taskscheduler---- task scheduler performs batch tasks at defined times, such as generating 2D drawings, printing files, publishing eDrawings, importing/exporting files. Run customized tasks, print PDMWorks files

PDMWorksWorkgroup---- workgroup-level product data management enables fast querying, version tracking, secure eRepository, managing all document types, and parallel design.

TolAnalyst---- automatically analyzes cumulative tolerance calculations for worst-case scenarios, as well as root-mean-square (RSS) maximum/minimum, outputs a list of elements that contribute to the design goals, understands which dimensions are critical and which are not, and makes it easy to change the tolerances and see their impact.

CosmosWorksDesigner makes it easy to quickly compare design alternatives and select the best design for final production

Study the interactions between different assembly components

Simulate real-world operating conditions to see how the model handles stress, strain, and displacement

Use automation tools to simplify the verification process and save money on details. Save time on details with automated tools that simplify the validation process

Interpret results with powerful and intuitive visualization tools

Collaborate with everyone involved in the product development process and enjoy the results

COSMOSMotion simulates real-world operation of mechanical assemblies

Collects the forces generated by motion

Transfer the forces to COSMOSWorksDesigner for analysis

Higher quality and fewer prototypes required

2.2 Analytical Simulation


Using Analytical Simulation Pro, you can: Determine the behavior of moving and contacting parts within an assembly

Perform drop test analysis

Optimize the models to meet pre-specified design criteria

Determine whether your design will fail due to distortion or vibration

Reduce the cost and time delays associated with building physical prototypes

Identify potential design flaws and correct them early in the design process

Resolve a wide range of thermal simulation problems

Perform baneful thermal and Structural Analysis

Identify design failures due to fatigue from cyclic loading

With Analytical Simulation Platinum, you can: Investigate the performance of your design in terms of over-deflection and stress under dynamic loading

Perform non-linear analyses, which include the effects on plastics, rubbers, polymers, and foams

Conduct analyses of non-linear material-to-material contact Performs analysis

Understands the properties of composite materials

The functions of each type of analysis are as follows:-Static analysis---- stress analysis, deflection/deformation studies and helps in obtaining the factor of safety

-Frequency analysis---- helps in finding out the natural frequencies and modal forms of the object

- Instability analysis---- slender parts, which are subjected to lower than critical load will be destabilize. This type of analysis is called buckling analysis.CW can help in buckling analysis

-Thermal analysis ----Thermal analysis can help in getting the temperature distribution, how heat is dissipated throughout the assembly. The propagation of heat through parts and assemblies is studied in three ways: radiation, convection, and conduction

-Nonlinear analysis ---- is used to analyze the behavior of rubbery or plastic parts or assemblies, and it is also used to analyze the mechanical behavior of a metal structure after it has reached its yield limit. It can also be used to consider large torsions and deformations, e.g., sudden instability.

-Optimization ---- automatically defines a minimum volume design while maintaining the satisfaction of other performance criteria such as stress failure.

-Fatigue Analysis---- predicts the effects of fatigue over the entire product life cycle and identifies areas where fatigue damage is likely to occur

-Pressure Vessel---- combines the results of multiple static calculations to calculate stresses from static, dynamic, thermal, and vibration loads

-Linear Dynamics Analysis---- analyzes the effects of forces over time. track the flow of gases and liquids inside a conduit or on a surface such as a propeller. Examples include air circulation and cooling inside the CPU, and propeller lift.

2.3 Data Management

2.4 Dynamic Content Publishing

Technical Documentation

So, today's "Solidworks product line and functionality of the introduction to learn the software essential knowledge, a comprehensive understanding of the" will be shared to the end of the end of here! We must learn to see more, practice more, think more, learn more, I hope we can all learn solidworks as soon as possible! Here, but also for you to provide more courses to learn, click the link: