Do applicants need to sit in immigration detention after immigrating to Malta?

Applicants do not need to sit in immigration supervision after arriving in Malta.

The advantages of Malta investment immigration

1, the development of the economy, and actively into the European Union

Malta's government hopes that Malta can become Europe's "Singapore" - a high-tech, industrially advanced island country. The current ruling Maltese National Party government came to power, embarked on the economic structure of Malta to adjust. Since January 1, 1999, the Maltese government formally abolished the previous government's customs and excise tax system, the resumption of value-added tax, the establishment of the minimum tax rebate standards for various industries, the privatization of state-owned enterprises; expanding the investment in infrastructure; to strengthen the development of industry, tourism, finance, finance and other sectors; to increase the attraction of foreign investment, and to strengthen the cooperation with foreign enterprises.

Since 1990, Malta has applied to become a full member of the European Union, with which the country already has a reciprocal agreement on trade. 2002 Malta has been approved, and on May 1, 2004, Malta has become a full member of the European Union, with other member states set to invest heavily in Malta. The ruling National Party is moving in this direction to develop Malta's economy.

2. Encourage foreign investment in Malta and provide a variety of incentives

(1) Ten-year corporate income tax exemption for investments where more than 95% of the product is exported;

(2) Exemption from import duty and value added tax (VAT) on imported machinery, equipment, and raw materials;

(3) Low-interest loans of 3% (ten-year repayment of not more than (3) 3% low-interest loan (10-year repayment amount not exceeding GBP 900,000);

(4) Exemption from import duties and quotas for exports to EU member states, as well as Generalized System of Preferential Tariffs (GSP) for exports to the United States.

3. Since July 1990, the Maltese government has been applying to become a full member of the European Union, and the citizenship of the country is the same as that of an EU member. Fast-track visas are available for entry into Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Sweden and Finland.

4. The government encourages childbirth, and Maltese people enjoy good social welfare, free education, medical care and retirement insurance system.

5. Malta is a simple country with good law and order and no racial discrimination or political problems.

6. The standard of living in Malta is up to the level of Western Europe, but the price level is relatively low, with advanced medical equipment and low fees.

7. Education in Malta is widely available and free of charge at secondary and tertiary levels, all taught in English.

5. Customs Duty Exemption:

1) During the 6 months of your arrival in Malta, you will be exempted from the payment of customs duty on the importation of your daily and personal belongings, furniture and other items used in your home country (excluding all firearms and weapons). In this case, no import license is required.

2) The importation of a motor vehicle for private use is exempted from customs duties if the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) you have owned the item at least 6 months prior to the date of issue of the Permanent Residence Permit;

b) all taxes have been paid before the motor vehicle arrives in Malta;

c) the motor vehicle arrives in Malta within 6 months of your arrival in Malta or the signing of the Permanent Residence Permit (one month later). within 6 months of your arrival in Malta or the signing of your Permanent Residence Permit (whichever is later)

3), the repatriation of funds and income transfers, this applies to:

a) the unused portion of the funds that you have brought to Malta;

b) the income that you have accrued during your stay;

c) the income from the sale of your property and income from your sales and/or other investments in Malta

4), No Inheritance Tax in Malta: Although no inheritance tax is payable in Malta, transfer tax is still payable, which includes:

a) immovable property in Malta;

b) shares in locally registered companies in Malta (other than those that are quoted)