Do you need to be credentialed to sell veterinary thermometers?

Selling veterinary thermometers does not require accreditation. The State Food and Drug Administration announced the first batch of medical devices do not need to apply for a "medical device business enterprise license" of the second class of medical equipment products list, the provisions of the general diagnostic instruments in the thermometer and sphygmomanometer, physical therapy equipment in the magnetic therapy apparatus, medical hygiene materials and dressings in the medical cotton wool, medical degreasing gauze, medical sanitary masks, clinical testing and analysis of the instrument in the home glucose meter, blood glucose test strips Pregnancy diagnostic test strips, molecular materials and products in the condom and contraceptive caps, ward care equipment and appliances in the wheelchair, dressings in the medical sterile gauze and other 7 categories of 13 products, without the "Medical Device Operator License" can operate.