What is the difference between a capital verification report and an audit report?
Capital verification report mainly includes the following elements: (a) title; (b) recipient; (c) scope paragraph; (d) opinion paragraph; (e) description of the paragraph; (f) annexes; (g) the signature and seal of the certified public accountant; (h) the name and address of the accounting firm, and seal; (ix) the date of the report. The title of the capital verification report should be standardized as "capital verification report". The addressee of the capital verification report refers to the certified public accountant in accordance with the requirements of the engagement letter to send the object of the capital verification report, generally refers to the principal of the capital verification business. The full name of the addressee shall be stated in the capital test report. The scope paragraph of the capital verification report shall state the scope of the verification, the responsibility of the contributor and the unit to be verified, the responsibility of the certified public accountant, the basis of the verification and the main verification procedures that have been implemented. The opinion paragraph of the capital verification report shall state that has been audited by the audited unit of the registered capital of the paid-in situation or the registered capital and paid-in capital of the change situation. For the change of capital verification, the certified public accountant only expresses the auditing opinion on the change of registered capital and paid-in capital. The explanatory paragraph of the capital verification report shall state the purpose of the capital verification report, the responsibility for its use and other important matters that the CPA believes should be stated. For the change of capital verification, the CPA shall also state in the description paragraph of the capital verification report the name of the CPA firm that verified the previous registered capital and its verification status, and state the cumulative amount of registered capital received after the change. If there is any disagreement with the audited entity on the confirmation of registered capital and paid-in capital and no consensus can be reached, the CPA shall clearly reflect the relevant matters and the differences and reasons thereof in the explanatory paragraph of the capital verification report. The annexes of the capital verification report shall include the details of the audited registered capital and paid-in capital or the details of the changes of the registered capital and paid-in capital and the description of the capital verification matters, etc. The CPA shall also provide the details of the changes of the registered capital and paid-in capital. The capital verification report shall be signed and sealed by the certified public accountant. The capital verification report shall contain the name and address of the accounting firm, and stamped with the official seal of the accounting firm. The date of the capital verification report is the date on which the certified public accountant completes the validation work. Certified public accountants in the process of validation, in the event of one of the following circumstances, shall refuse to issue a capital verification report and terminate the business agreement: (a) the audited unit or the contributor does not provide true, legal and complete information on capital verification; (b) the audited unit or the contributor of the certified public accountants should be carried out in the validation process does not cooperate, and even obstruct the validation; (c) the audited unit or the contributor insisted on requiring the certified public accountants to make false certifications. Certified public accountants to make false proof. The capital verification report has the legal certification effect, for the audited unit to apply for the establishment of registration or change of registration and based on the issuance of proof of capital contribution to the contributors to use. The capital verification report shall not be regarded as a guarantee of capital preservation, solvency and going concern ability of the audited unit after the date of the capital verification report. The client, the audited entity and other third parties have nothing to do with the certified public accountant and his accounting firm for the consequences caused by the improper use of the capital verification report. Audit Report Audit report is a written document used to express an audit opinion on the annual accounting statements of the audited entity, issued by a wangzhu accountant in accordance with the requirements of the independent auditing standards and after the implementation of the necessary auditing procedures. The audit report generally includes the title, addressee, scope paragraph, opinion paragraph, signature, address of the accounting firm and the date of the report and other basic content. CPA according to the audit results and the audited entity to deal with the relevant issues, the formation of different audit opinion, issued four basic types of audit opinion of the audit report (1) yuan qualified opinion of the audit report. An unqualified opinion means that the certified public accountant, after reviewing the accounting statements of the audited entity in accordance with the requirements of the Independent Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, confirms that: the accounting treatment adopted by the audited entity follows the accounting standards and relevant regulations; the contents reflected in the accounting statements are in line with the actual situation of the audited entity; the contents of the accounting statements are complete and clearly stated, with important omissions; the classification and preparation of the statement items meet the requirements of the regulations, and therefore the audited entity is not entitled to a qualified audit opinion. The categorization and preparation of the statement items are in accordance with the requirements of the regulations, and therefore, the CPA expresses satisfaction with the audited entity's accounting statements with a qualified opinion. A qualified opinion means that the CPA believes that the accounting statements are legally, fairly and consistently reflected in a manner that meets the needs of a non-specific majority of interested parties***. (2) Qualified audit report. Qualified opinion refers to the CPA's audit opinion on the reflection of the accounting statements with reservations. After the audit, the certified public accountant believes that the audited entity's accounting statements reflect the overall appropriateness, but there is also one of the following circumstances, the audit report shall be issued with a qualified opinion: the treatment of individual important financial accounting matters or the preparation of individual important accounting statement items do not comply with the "accounting standards for enterprises" and the provisions of the country's other relevant financial accounting laws and regulations, and the audited entity refuses to make adjustments The scope of the audit is partially limited, and the audit evidence cannot be obtained in accordance with the requirements of the independent auditing standards: the selection of individual accounting treatments does not comply with the principle of consistency. (3) Audit report with an adverse opinion. Negative opinion is the opposite of an unqualified opinion.