How are the jobs categorized?

01 Electronics and Electrical Appliances

Refrigeration Equipment Repairer

Domestic Electric Heater and Electric Appliance Repairer


Office Equipment Repairer

Radio Mechanical Fitter

Radio Fitter

Radio Debugger

Household Electronic Products Repairer

Audio tuner

Measurement and calibration worker for weights and measures

Repairer of mobile phones

Measurement and calibration worker for length gauges

Measurement and calibration worker for length gauges

Measurement repairer for electromagnetic measurement

Repairer of subscriber telecommunication terminals

02 Management

Vocational counselor


Corporate Human Resource Manager

Project Manager

Property Manager



Enterprise Information Manager

Marketer (Salesman)

Enterprise Administration

Logistic Manager

Financial Planner

Labor Security Associate

03 Automobile

Motorcycle Repairer

Automobile Air Conditioner Fitter

Automobile Sheet Metal Worker

Automobile Driver

Automobile Maintenance Worker

Automobile Appraisal Appraiser for Used Motor Vehicles

Automobile Injector Pump Commissioning Worker

Automotive Repair Sheet Metal Worker

Automotive Repair Electrician

Automotive Repair Painter

04 Mechanical

Casting Worker

Forging Worker

Heat Treatment Worker

Model Worker

Pincer Worker

Tool Clamper Worker

Borer Worker

Turner Worker


Thermal Instrumentation Overhauler


Maintenance Electrician

Machine Clampers


Machining Center Operator

Numerically Controlled (CNC) Lathe Operator

Numerically Controlled (CNC) Miller


Engineering Machinery Repairer


05 Computer

Computer-aided Design Drafter

(Mechanical, Architecture, Electronics, Clothing)

E-commerce Person

Computer Office Software Application

Computer Word Processor

Computer System Operator

Computer Phototypesetter

06 Services Class

Room Attendant


Cashier Auditor

Front Office Attendant

Chinese Cook

Western Cook

Chinese Pastry Chef

Western Pastry Chef

Dining Room Attendant



Massage Therapist

Foot Massage Therapist

Nutritional Dishwasher

Housekeeping Attendant

Elderly Caregiver

Chinese Barbecue Chef

Nursery Nurse


Warehouse Custodian

Flower Arrangement Artist

Call Attendant

Tea Ceremony Tea Artist

Ironing Artist

Chinese Cook (Chiu Chow)

07 High-tech Category

Office Software Application Operator

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Programmer

General Management Competency

Professional English Competency

Internet Operator

Professional Typesetting Clerk

Computer Aided Design and Graphic Designer

Graphic Image Application Processing Producer

Computer Multimedia Software Production Operator

Web Page Production Operator

Local Area Network Administrator

Applied Programming Techniques Operator

Database Application Operator

PC Unit Setting, Commissioning and Repairing

08 Other Classes

Customized Garment Designer

Eyeglasses Ordering Worker

Eyeglasses Optometrist

Decorating and Decorating Worker

Food Inspector

Analytical Worker

Precious Jade and Stone Inspector

Diamond Inspector

Surveying and Discharging Worker

Gate Runner Publication Distributor

Textile Fiber Physical

Property Inspector

Feed Processing Equipment Maintenance Worker

Dairy Products Inspector


Livestock Raiser

Textile Fiber Inspector

Color Expansion Printing Worker

Engineering Surveyor

Engineering Ship Mechanic

Engineering Ship Seaman

Engineering Electrical Equipment Installer

Highway Greeter

Highway Maintenance Worker

Buoy Charger

Buoy Lamp Repairer

Highway Surveyor

Flower Horticulturist

Chemical Checker

Prosthetics Fabricator & Assembler

Lithographic Printer

Lithographic Plate Maker

Commercial Artisan

Water Treatment Worker

Water Inspection Worker

Dental Molding Fabricator