Is the war good for pharmaceuticals?

War beneficiary stocks will be pharmaceuticals, military industry, gold, food, energy stocks, etc..

One is the military industry, although China is not involved in the war, but the war will certainly stimulate the military stocks strong!

The second is medicine, modern warfare, although it does not require people to fight, but as a fund of hedge varieties, pharmaceutical stocks will be concerned!

Three is coal and other alternative energy, the Middle East is a major oil producer, once the war, oil supply will be affected, then as an alternative energy coal will benefit!

Four is gold, colored. Gold as a value-added varieties, the past overseas wars have stimulated the gold stocks significantly stronger.

Shares are certificates of ownership issued by joint-stock companies. It is a joint-stock company to raise funds issued to the shareholders as a certificate of ownership and to obtain dividends and bonuses a marketable security.

Shares are the main long-term credit instrument in the capital market, which can be transferred, bought and sold, and by virtue of which the shareholders can share the profits of the company, but also have to bear the risk of errors in the operation of the company.

The concept of stock

Stock is a kind of securities, is a joint-stock company in the raising of capital issued to the investors of the share certificates, on behalf of its holders (i.e., shareholders) of the joint-stock company's ownership, the purchase of shares is to buy a part of the business of the enterprise, that is, and the enterprise *** with the growth and development.

This ownership is a combination of rights, such as attending shareholders' meetings, voting, participating in major decisions of the company, receiving dividends or sharing the difference in dividend prices, etc., but also *** with the company to bear the risks associated with operational errors. Obtaining recurring income is one of the most important reasons for investors to buy stocks, and dividend payout is the main source of recurring income for stock investors.

Trading hours

Trading hours for most stocks are:

Trading hours are four hours, divided into two periods, for: Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m.

Starting from 9:15 a.m., investors are able to place an order, with the commissioned price limited to the closing price of the previous business day plus or minus

If your order cannot be filled on the same trading day, it will have to be re-opened on the next trading day.

Rest days: no trading on Saturdays, Sundays and closed days announced by the SSE. (Generally May Day International Labor Day, 11 National Day, Spring Festival, New Year's Day, Ching Ming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other national holidays)

Transaction costs

Shares to buy and sell are charged commissions (fees), the commission for the purchase and sale of the securities dealers to set their own (up to a maximum of three-thousandths of the amount of the transaction, there is no limit to the minimum, the lower the better.) The commission is generally 0.05% of the transaction amount, and the commission is less than 5 yuan charged at 5 yuan. Sell stocks when the stamp duty: one thousandth of the transaction amount (previously 3 ‰, 2008 stamp duty downward, unilateral collection of one thousandth).