1. First, make sure your hands are clean and wear disposable gloves to avoid infection.
2. Examine the outer packaging of the cat hemostatic clip and look for instructions on how to open it. Some hemostatic clips may have visible opening signs or indicator arrows.
3. If you can't find the opening instructions, look closely at the structure of the hemostat. Typically, hemostatic clips consist of two clips connected by a connecting rod in the center.
4. Press down on one end of the lever and gently pull the two clips apart with your other hand. You may need to use some force, but be careful not to push too hard so as not to hurt the cat.
5. Once the clips are open, you can place them over your cat's injury to pinch the bleeding blood vessel or blood vessel endings.
6. Make sure the hemostatic clamp is clamped tightly, but not so tightly that it blocks blood flow.
7. After applying the hemostatic clip, take your cat to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible for further treatment of the wound and to stop the bleeding.