The impact of home appliances on the human body

With the development of the civilization process, human beings enter the information society, a large number of television towers, broadcasting stations, radar, satellite communications, microwave and other equipment and activities accompanied by electromagnetic radiation is also increasing. These devices play an important role in human life and development. As most of the electromagnetic radiation, are useful emissions, so the environment of electromagnetic wave energy density, spectrum densification, will be the inevitable trend of development. But electromagnetic radiation itself, is an important element of environmental pollution, the public's health has a potential, long-term impact; on household appliances, medical equipment, military facilities, etc., there is a very strong interference, and even cause disastrous consequences, the scientists of the Karolinska University in Stockholm, Sweden, more than 430,000 long-time residents living in the vicinity of high-voltage lines after the investigation and research, it is clearly pointed out that Electromagnetic waves are directly linked to cancer, especially brain tumors and childhood leukemia. Most hospitals in Japan have designated exclusion zones where the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited to avoid interference with sensitive medical equipment, such as malfunctioning blood transfusion pumps. The use of laser jukeboxes or laptop computers on airplanes is strictly prohibited to avoid interference with the aircraft's control system. Electromagnetic radiation pollution is energy flow pollution, invisible, touch, but filled with the entire space, and penetration is very strong. Any creature or equipment, are in its surroundings, by its role, unless for certain shielding protection. And the more progress in social development, electromagnetic radiation pollution of the environment, the more serious the situation. Therefore, electromagnetic wave is beneficial to social development of information carriers and energy flow carriers, but also harmful to human life pollution elements, its harmful effects have been the international environmental protection field of great importance.

I. Electromagnetic waves from home appliances

Whether electromagnetic waves produced by various household appliances can cause brain cancer, leukemia, deformed babies, miscarriages, etc., although there are many objections to this, some experts believe that this is true. Dr. Carpenter of New York University believes that 10-15% of all childhood cancers are caused by 100V household power and electrical products. At the same time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also expressed concern about this, and warned people to avoid exposure to electromagnetic waves.

1. Electric mattress

The electric mattress is a typical product of electrical appliances that are in close contact with the body for a long time. Epidemiological investigations have shown that electric mattresses are in direct contact with the skin and cause health disorders by exposing resting cells to electromagnetic waves for long periods of time. A few centimeters away from the electric mattress magnetic field strength of up to 20-50MG, and its electric field field degree also reached nearly 2KV / m of the strong, and 50V high voltage power lines under the electric field strength of 3KV / m. Strong electric field so that some people sleeping discomfort, especially pregnant women is best to prohibit the use of electric mattress.

2. Computer

Computers are rapidly entering millions of households. Computer monitors have high voltage generators, which can produce thousands of volts of high voltage and thus accelerate the electrons, scanning the electrons in the screen processed with fluorescent substances to produce light. Thus the computer user is in an electric field, which is perpendicular to the electric conductor people and the surface of the ground. Magnetic lines of force, unlike power lines, are generated by the current inside the computer monitor and pass through the human body in a circular pattern, unaffected by the human body or the surface of the earth. It can be seen that the electric field can easily be screened by the conductor, while the magnetic field are more likely to pass through all objects. Therefore, magnetic fields have a greater effect on living organisms than electric fields. 42 out of 7 pregnant women who used terminal monitors at the Ottawa Company in Canada between 1979 and 1982 had miscarriages, 1 had a premature birth, and the remaining 2 had babies with respiratory diseases. One of the pregnant women who did not use terminal monitors in the company gave birth to a normal baby.In 1978, four pregnant women in an international company gave birth to newborn babies with cardiac anomalies. They were between 20 and 35 years old and had not taken any medication during pregnancy. During the same period, three pregnant women in the company who did not use terminal monitors had normal babies. In the next two years, seven incidents related to terminal monitors occurred in the United States and Canada, such as 7 out of 13 pregnant women working at the Air Canada check-in desk had miscarriages, and 12 pregnant women had miscarriages or stillbirths working at a Sears branch store in 1980, which had 25 terminal monitors.

In 1982, a neurophysiologist in Spain with 12MG strong magnetic field (equivalent to 30Cm from the side of the terminal monitor at the magnetic field strength) irradiation of chicken fetuses, the results found that 80% of the chicken fetuses stopped development, especially caused by a significant brain nervous system abnormalities, thus indirectly proving that the terminal monitor is harmful to the human body. A recent study reported that pregnant women using computers for more than 20 hours when their miscarriage rate increased by 80%, but also increase the birth rate of deformed children.

3. Daylight

Compared with incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps have a higher energy conversion efficiency, and their lighting effect is 4-5 times higher than that of incandescent lamps under the same energy consumption. Different fluorescent lamps produced by the magnetic field strength is not the same, but studies have shown that two 20W fluorescent lamps side by side, 10Cm outside the magnetic field strength of 100MG, and 25Cm outside the magnetic field strength of 6.5MG. and the most harmful to the body is very close to the user's head of the desk lamp. In addition, fluorescent lamps not only produce electromagnetic waves also release ultraviolet radiation, and ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts and so on. Cell phone signaling using 800 ~ 900MHZ and 1800 ~ 2000MHZ microwave. The microwave produces a thermal effect equivalent to that of a microwave oven and also produces a non-thermal effect. In addition, when using a cell phone, the cell phone is very close to the head, and electromagnetic waves irradiate the eyes and brain for a long time when used repeatedly. In the 1990s, cell phone workshops and communications companies in the United States received huge amounts of compensation lawsuits. Most of the plaintiffs believed that they had suffered various brain diseases such as brain tumors after using cellular phones. There were also many cases of victims. It has been recognized that electromagnetic waves from cellular phones have caused aircraft accidents by disrupting avionics. Last March, Japan banned the use of cell phones in hospitals because it was found that electromagnetic waves from cell phones were affecting the work of medical equipment.

5. Other

In addition, we use many electrical appliances such as air conditioners, hair dryers, ovens, vacuum cleaners, deep fryers, coffee makers, electronic watches, and lighting appliances. The use of electric flow of large products are: the use of electric motors such as vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, hair dryers, and ovens, deep fryers and other heat generating heaters. The strength of the magnetic field generated by these products is directly proportional to their power. One of the strongest magnetic field strength is the hair dryer, its strength of 70MG, hundreds of times the incandescent magnetic field strength, and IRPA (International Radiation Protection Association) 24 hours of permissible exposure to the intensity of 0.1MG. Although the difference of up to 700 times, but its use of a shorter period of time does not give rise to a greater harm. However, the prolonged use of hair dryers by cosmetologists and barbers may cause greater harm. In addition, vacuum cleaners (90MG) and air cleaners (2000MG, 30Cm underneath and 80MG outside) generate strong magnetic fields.

Second, the impact of electromagnetic waves on the human body

The human body is in the electric field, the conductivity of the human body so that the current flows through the skin into the earth, and the magnetic field through the human body may have an impact on the iron molecules in the blood. The passage of electric fields through the skin can cause skin diseases such as eczema. It has been said that women who use computers regularly tend to have aging skin. It has also been recognized that electromagnetic waves are more harmful to blood cells and tissues such as genitals and lymph, which have a higher rate of cellular growth, as well as to children.

We take the effect of magnetic fields on the human body as an example to see the harm of electromagnetic waves. When the human body is in a strong magnetic field, the body of a variety of magnetic substances will be subject to magnetic attraction. At the same time, due to magnetic triggering effect (the formation of magnetic field objects, magnetization of other objects) to produce the phenomenon of magnetization, that is, attraction or magnetization of red blood cells in the body of iron (Fe) and other magnetic objects, thereby affecting the rest of the magnetic material. Obviously, this would be detrimental to health. If magnetic substances are present in the blood or cells, the magnetically induced action will prevent the normal activities of the blood and cells. The accumulation of heavy metals in the body, and susceptibility to magnetic triggering effect to the body fatal blow.

But the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body are difficult to scientifically and meticulously explore. Because a variety of different environmental factors in the human body, and it is difficult to do long-term tracking survey. The effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body have been verified through epidemiological surveys and animal experiments.

In 1979, Prof. N. Wertheimer and Prof. E. Leeper of Colorado University made an epidemiological investigation between high-voltage power lines and children's cancer. The result shows that the incidence of leukemia in children in the strong electromagnetic field is more than 3 times higher than the incidence of other children. The so-called epidemiological study is a research method that compares the factors that are considered to be the cause of cancer with the rate of increase in the number of cancer patients. A famous epidemiologic study is "Smoke and Lung Cancer," which compares the number of lung cancer patients among heavy smokers with the number of lung cancer patients among non-smokers, and the relationship between smoke and lung cancer is studied here. The study of the relationship between electromagnetic waves and cancer in children utilized this very methodology. The report had a great impact not only on the whole United States but also on European countries, making people actively study the effects of ELF electromagnetic waves on the human body. At present, through a variety of animal experiments, the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries, experts and scholars believe that strong electromagnetic waves on the human body has a great harm. 1995 November Sweden and Denmark **** with the research organization in the European Journal of Cancer published the results of the study, the study report that is in the more than 5MG magnetic field of the children's leukemia incidence rate is higher than the incidence rate of normal children 5 times.

A variety of animal experiments show that electromagnetic waves (1) to make changes in nerve conduction substances (2) to make chickens, pigs, rats, intracellular and surface calcium content changes, leading to malformed fetuses, triggering malignant lymphoma (3) to reduce the rat's ability to respond, reduce testicular weight, change brain chemistry, reduce the body's growth rate. The third point in particular will affect the birth of pregnant women and the growth of children. The effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body can be broadly categorized into thermal effects, stimulation and non-thermal effects.

Long-time low-frequency microelectromagnetic waves, whether or not to affect the health of the current electromagnetic wave theory of the focus of the debate on the harmful effects. The harmful effects of strong electromagnetic waves on the human body have been scientifically verified, so the world's countries to protect the health of the human exposure to electromagnetic fields for the longest time limit.

1. Thermal effects

The thermal effects of electromagnetic waves can trigger the rise of the temperature of the tissues and cells of living organisms. Studies have shown that microwaves with wavelengths below 3Cm can pass through the skin by 1Cm, while microwaves of 0.25-1m can pass through the skin to reach various organs of the human body. Microwaves absorbed by the skin are converted into heat, causing the temperature of body tissues to rise. The results of animal experiments show that the temperature of living organisms rises, causing changes in actions and producing abnormal actions. Moreover, the uterine temperature above 39℃ affects the immune function of the organism. It has been analyzed that the most vulnerable places in the organism to this thermal effect are the eye crystals and testes, which are almost devoid of blood vessels. The most serious danger to the eyes from electromagnetic waves is crystal cataracts. At this time, the convex lens in the eyeball due to the temperature rise to produce opaque parts, so that people can not see the object. 1-10GHZ microwave easily make people produce such cataracts. Some people have done this kind of animal experiments, will be 2450MHZ electromagnetic wave (belong to the microwave oven frequency range) irradiation rabbit eyes for 10 minutes, the results began to appear the cataract phenomenon. The temperature of the testes, the collection of male germ cells, is low relative to body temperature (about 36°C) and is very sensitive to heat. An increase in temperature has a decisive effect on the germ cells undergoing meiosis.

2. Stimulating effect

The stimulating effect of electromagnetic waves has a galvanic effect. Electrical signals regulate all the functions of the body. Observation of nerve cells, muscle cells and other cells that can be excited by the smallest unit of all the functions of the body shows that the potential difference between the two ends of such cells reaches a certain level, then to the nervous system to convey signals of excitement or contraction of muscles. However, an external electric current flowing into the body produces an abnormality in the circuit system of the organism in the nerve excitation conduction system and the muscle movement system, which causes a certain change in the body. This external current stimulates nerve cells to produce an electric shock sensation, while stimulation of muscles produces muscle contraction or involuntary muscle movement. Stimulation of the heart muscle causes the ventricles to soften and the heart to stop beating, while stimulation of the respiratory muscles stop breathing.

3. Non-thermal effects

Most of the epidemiological findings such as pediatric leukemia triggered by electromagnetic fields from high-voltage power lines cited above fall into this category. The effects of non-thermal effects are difficult to recognize at present and therefore cannot be clearly explained. Calcium ion efflux was found in the cerebral cortex of chicks and cats placed in UHF and VHF with low frequency modulation. Calcium ions are indispensable for information transmission, immune system function, and cell growth. Experimental results show that calcium ions also flow out of the low frequency wave of 50-60HZ. It can be seen that general home appliances (60HZ) are also harmful to the human body.

Another research report shows that the pineal gland secretion (melatonin) of animal bodies has an inhibitory effect on tumor cells, and low-frequency waves change the secretion of the pineal gland.

ELF,VLF electromagnetic waves not only on the distribution of calcium in the cell membrane of the human body, but also on the distribution of potassium, sodium, chlorine and other ions, thus affecting the human hormone secretion.

As mentioned above, human cells utilize weak electrical signals to conduct heat, pain, vision and other sensations through nerves, but when such communication between cells is impeded, cell proliferation occurs, resulting in the formation of cancer. The external energy that can trigger a communication barrier is much weaker than expected. In fact, when electromagnetic waves were applied to experimental cultured cells, it was found that the movement of chemicals between cells was altered, the production of genetic factors was impeded, the production of hormones and chemicals was altered, and the activity of cancer cells was increased. Experiments on rats found that electromagnetic waves on their appetite, breathing, sleep and other obstacles, while human experiments found that electromagnetic waves make the pulse weakened, so that the brain waves produce abnormal phenomena.

Three, strengthen the protection

Electromagnetic waves harmful theory by a variety of questions, because at present mankind has not been able to explain the cause of many diseases such as leukemia, even if modern medicine and science is quite developed, but the study of the human body is still far from enough, the beginning of the twentieth century, a certain scholar put forward when smoking leads to lung cancer has also encountered many scholars, including doctors, including the question. It was not until 30 years later that the medical profession recognized that smoking causes lung cancer.

Research on electromagnetic waves has only been going on for more than 20 years, and at the same time, unlike smoking, electromagnetic waves are more complex in terms of intensity, frequency, exposure time, and waveforms, so it is difficult to prove a relationship between them and cancer. As with smoking, people should raise their awareness of the dangers of electromagnetic waves. Comprehensive current epidemiological investigations, people can not deny that electromagnetic waves have an impact on the human body. Therefore, we should avoid exposure to strong electromagnetic fields on our own; we should take appropriate measures when we have to do so.

Note: The strength of the electric field is expressed in V/M,

The strength of the magnetic field is expressed in G (Gauss) or T (Tesla).

(1G=1000MG, 1T=104G, 1μT=10MG.)
