The application of laser processing technology in the advertising industry mainly has a laser cutting and laser engraving two ways of working.
Laser engraving: mainly on the surface of the object, divided into bitmap engraving and vector engraving of two kinds:
Bitmap engraving: we first in PHOTOSHOP we need to carve the graphic network processing and converted to monochrome BMP format, and then in the special laser engraving and cutting software to open the graphics file. According to the material we processed we carry out the appropriate parameter settings on it, and then click on the run, the laser engraving machine will be based on the graphic file generated by the dot matrix effect of the engraving.
Vector engraving: the use of vector software such as Coreldraw, AutoCad, Iluustrator and other layout design, and graphics exported to PLT, DXF, AI format, marking machine, and then use the special laser cutting and engraving software to open the graphic file, transferred to the laser engraving machine for processing.
In the advertising industry is mainly applied to wood, two-color plate, plexiglass, colored paper and other materials processing.
Laser cutting: we can understand that it is the separation of edges. For the purpose of such processing, we should first CORELDRAW, AUTOCAD in the graphics into the form of vector lines, pneumatic marking machine, and then saved as the corresponding PLT, DXF format, with the laser cutting machine operating software to open the file, according to the material we processed energy and speed and other parameters of the setup and then run can be. Laser cutting machine will automatically cut according to the flight path generated by the software after receiving the instructions from the computer. For example, the existing laser cutting machine can automatically cut the graphic according to the template drawn by the computer and then directly input into the computer. Existing laser cutting machines generally have their own hard disk, which can be entered into a massive data source.